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Maxxgold (DayZ)

Home Server Bank and DayZ BS

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I have a gaming community and all my servers are located in my home. They are 24/7 dedicated servers. I have unlimited Bandwidth and I have Fios Quantum 150 download and 75 upload. All my servers are intel quad core machines. I fill out the form to run a server and they reject me because I'm on a home network. I download anit rockets private server and set it up anyway and it runs great. There is no Lag and I can handle 100 people online no problem. There is no lag and there is no de sync. The only problem with the private setup is that when new updates come out for DayZ then you have to wait until they update it for your private server. So I suck it up and purchase a paid for server from HFB and guess what ???? It's a laggy mess. So let me get this straight. You will not let me run a lag free server from my home but you will make me pay to run a laggy server ??? I don't get it. Also I have noticed that running a private server without the HIVE is much better than the real version because you don't get all the De Sync issues because your database for your personal hive is located on the same server which also allows you to have a better gaming experience because people can't just warp into your world with everything. Anyways does anyone have some thoughts on this??? I'm all for supporting the community but this is a little silly if you ask me.

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Home servers, less control, more abuse, more QQ.

You can thank the fucktards screwing around with their servers for that.


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It woul

If they allowed home servers, alot of those hosting, would mess with it for their own advantage.. :( Not saying you would, it sounds great with your setup, i would like joining a server like that, and if you (or any other host) was reported by too many people for messing with the server, they could ban that host. :)


Thanks for the comments but seriously maybe you should take a look out there. It's already out of control. Anyways if you log on to a server where it's not run correctly then you just move on to another server. I'm not sure why DayZ is trying to re invent the wheel. If you don't like a server then don't play on it. That's why our servers are always full because we run a tight ship and the people in our community respect that and they continue to play. If you piss people off by kicking and banning then they just go play elsewhere, which solves the problem all by itself. Some of the best servers are now private servers, not hive servers. You have admins making forts and structures on the maps which adds a lot more fun. As soon as this game is out of beta all the best servers will be private run servers that don't connect to the Hive. I run one legit and one private and the private one is much better than the legit one. That's just my 2 cents.

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Strange. I got my application for a so called "home server", accepted. And that's only a few weeks ago.

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Strange. I got my application for a so called "home server", accepted. And that's only a few weeks ago.

Well you either got lucky or your full of it. Here is the exact response I got.

Can I host my server at home?

No. A home internet connection is not intended to run servers. There are several problems with this:

  • Most home internet connections have far less upload bandwidth than download bandwidth. You may have 24Mbit download bandwidth, but only 6Mbit upload bandwidth. A DayZ server requires a lot of upload bandwidth, and for peaks (server restarts when lots of people try to log in) requires a lot more.
  • Many ISPs won't allow home internet connections to run servers. You may get disconnected by your ISP for this.
  • Many ISPs won't allow you to accumulate that much bandwidth. A DayZ server will consume multiple terabytes per month. If you do not have unlimited bandwidth, this could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Or, it'll consume your bandwidth quota in a day or two.
  • Many home internet connection use dynamic IPs. A static IP is highly recommended
  • Many home internet connections are less stable and reliable than dedicated connections.

As such, you cannot host your DayZ server on a home internet connection.

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Well you either got lucky or your full of it. Here is the exact response I got.

Can I host my server at home?

No. A home internet connection is not intended to run servers. There are several problems with this:

  • Most home internet connections have far less upload bandwidth than download bandwidth. You may have 24Mbit download bandwidth, but only 6Mbit upload bandwidth. A DayZ server requires a lot of upload bandwidth, and for peaks (server restarts when lots of people try to log in) requires a lot more.
  • Many ISPs won't allow home internet connections to run servers. You may get disconnected by your ISP for this.
  • Many ISPs won't allow you to accumulate that much bandwidth. A DayZ server will consume multiple terabytes per month. If you do not have unlimited bandwidth, this could cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars. Or, it'll consume your bandwidth quota in a day or two.
  • Many home internet connection use dynamic IPs. A static IP is highly recommended
  • Many home internet connections are less stable and reliable than dedicated connections.

As such, you cannot host your DayZ server on a home internet connection.

I'm lucky then. I'm on a 100/50Mbps connection with no bandwidth cap. And by the way, my 40 slot server doesn't use more than 3/3Mbps (average).

And you might wanna rethink before hosting a server (even if you got the application accepted). It's like a full-time job at the moment.

Edited by fluks

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I'm lucky then. I'm on a 100/50Mbps connection with no bandwidth cap. And by the way, my 40 slot server doesn't use more than 3/3Mbps (average).

And you might wanna rethink before hosting a server (even if you got the application accepted). It's like a full-time job at the moment.

lol. Grats on getting your server approved on a home network. I already run servers and yes it can be a full time job. You need to have a website setup and some admins to handle problems that arise. Although the DayZ server is pretty simple because they don't really let you do anything. I have a DayZ server it's just the fact that I had to buy one instead of running it for free on my more than capable home network.

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at 1TB A day, you probably can't host it anyway, Verizon would shut your internet down in an instant, so yeah, Google Fiber or some other super-high end business class fiber connection or you wouldn't have the network to host it

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at 1TB A day, you probably can't host it anyway, Verizon would shut your internet down in an instant, so yeah, Google Fiber or some other super-high end business class fiber connection or you wouldn't have the network to host it

What part of I have unlimited bandwidth didn't you get ???

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at 1TB A day, you probably can't host it anyway, Verizon would shut your internet down in an instant, so yeah, Google Fiber or some other super-high end business class fiber connection or you wouldn't have the network to host it

Not everybody lives in USA with crappy ISPs. I have used over 30TB a month on my fiber optics connection without any issues at all. And I totally agree with the OP. It sucks to pay for something crappy when you could have hosted it your self and it would have been lag-free. I'm in the same seat.

Game server providers should be banned from every game as they keep overselling their laggy crap servers.

Edited by Kraegan
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