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About theruss0n

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. theruss0n

    DayZ not registering new RAM

    I have seen that too, and i envy them, but i don't know how they do it. It must just be a fresh server after restart or something
  2. theruss0n

    Client Not Responding

    Yeah, they usually lag a bit more, but the anti-cheat never kicks me
  3. theruss0n

    Client Not Responding

    lol indeed.
  4. I've got a question about battleye. Sometimes i proxy my internet connection, and i sometimes leave my proxy on when i join a dayz server, but no matter what i will ALWAYS get kicked for Client Not Responding. While this doesn't bother me, and it rather reminds me to turn off my proxy, i'm wondering if BE doesn't allow you to connect with a proxy or if its just the quality of my proxy that does it. Just something that i have been wondering, thanks for someone who responds
  5. theruss0n

    DayZ not registering new RAM

    Nothing. ArmA is not the best base for something like DayZ, lag is common place in anywhere zombies are present (i've found zombies to be the SOLE CAUSE OF FPS LAG) Even if your computer was a supercomputer, you'd still get low frame rates as it is also dependent on the server, if the server is under high load you will frame lag Maybe someone can comment on this for me, but zombies cause a lot of frame issues, and i do not know why, maybe too many polygons who knows.
  6. My game likes to freeze a lot in cities where zombies / players are, these freezes last from 15 seconds up to around 1.5-2 minutes System Specs AMD FX-8150 Stock Clock 16 GB DDR3 Ram AMD Radeon 7950 Game is also installed on a SSD in steam.
  7. theruss0n

    Global Bann #66aa

    Lol @ everyone treating the guy like shit. I've seen punkbuster (which has to be at least 20x better then battle eye) issue a lot of accidental permanent bans, thats why punkbuster has an easy appeal system. battle eye with never unban you, because the rules they put up on their website to dispute a ban makes disputing a ban almost impossible So everyone being a dick to OP, if you ever get banned on accident which can happen, this is how you will be treated. Grow up
  8. theruss0n

    Mini Freeze only near Zombies...

    I know this thread is kinda old, but im having this. Someone please help me! it freezes for at least 10-15 seconds and comes back
  9. theruss0n

    Player Cheating?

    Me and my friends were driving from NE airfield, and someone blew up a car in our convoy, so, we stopped (instead of getting out of the kill zone) and returned fire. he blew up our cars and killed most of our team, I returned fire with an AS50, i shot him as he stood still 20 times with the AS50, the bullets just hit him and did nothing like he was a rock, he turned to me as i kept shooting at him, and he just shot me. was he using god mode hacks? His name was Xavier, on US 1054, thats all i can really provide
  10. theruss0n

    Flickering Forest shadows

    Try disabling shadows, but other then that i really don't know, the newest update really screwed with the game.
  11. Mines been happening before the patch
  12. Bump for great justice!
  13. theruss0n

    Home Server Bank and DayZ BS

    at 1TB A day, you probably can't host it anyway, Verizon would shut your internet down in an instant, so yeah, Google Fiber or some other super-high end business class fiber connection or you wouldn't have the network to host it
  14. My game freezes a lot, the times im noticing it freeze up the most are when im doing a few set of activities, usually when large amounts of zombies begin to spawn (IE at a helicopter crash or entering a large town) it is very annoying, but i cannot be killed during my freeze, on my friends screen i continue doing any activities that i was doing before i froze, so i will begin to just run through buildings on their screen, but once my game unfreezes i get brought back, with no damage done to me. Can anyone help? If this may help anyone here is my system specs AMD FX-8150 at stock 3.6Ghz AMD 7950 3 GB VRAM and stock clocks 16 GB of g.skills ram again, stock clock the game is also installed through Steam on an SSD
  15. I never intended on the feature to be instant, so that way you can't just revive your team mate instantly, it wouldn't be like BF's defib