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Banned from DE 300

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Today we were banned from DE 300 because of our ping (78).Admin set maxping to 60. I add screenshots with my ping and their message. They said that I must go on Russian server but if I don't want to do that.To my mind we were banned not rightfully.



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You were banned for reconnecting the whole time. As you know reconnecting isnt good for Server Performance. You got kicked several times from Battleeye cause of too high Ping, but tried reconnecting the whole time. That is the cause of the ban. And with the Ban you tried reconnecting the whole time too.

It is a Server located in Germany and no one wants Players that are lagging around.

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You were banned for reconnecting the whole time. As you know reconnecting isnt good for Server Performance. You got kicked several times from Battleeye cause of too high Ping, but tried reconnecting the whole time. That is the cause of the ban. And with the Ban you tried reconnecting the whole time too.

It is a Server located in Germany and no one wants Players that are lagging around.

lol...I know admins can kick for high ping but I don't think the devs thought an admin would actually have the gall to set the ping limit to 60.

Also..."reconnecting the whole time" is not a bannable offense.

Just because you are in Germany does not mean other players from other countries shouldn't be able to join. I have played games with people over 150 ping and it worked just fine.

I hope a dev looks at this and sets you straight with your server moderation.

Edited by Vertisce

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I dont see a Problem. The Server Name shows the MPing:60

When you have dealt with Ping 150 then congrats. When we can provide a better Ping for the whole Server we do that. Actually i havent seen a Rule for that. When that Rule will come, ok then we have to change that. But i am fair enough to state it in the Server Name that everyone who reads the Server Name can decide to pick that Server or not. Other Players will also decide if they want to play with others when they have high Ping ot not.

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Lemme,I understand your point of view, but did you read the rules which admin should observe? You can ban players with a cause of extremely high ping. IMHO I don't think that 78 is very high ping.

Edited by skautlegend

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I dont see a Problem. The Server Name shows the MPing:60

When you have dealt with Ping 150 then congrats. When we can provide a better Ping for the whole Server we do that. Actually i havent seen a Rule for that. When that Rule will come, ok then we have to change that. But i am fair enough to state it in the Server Name that everyone who reads the Server Name can decide to pick that Server or not. Other Players will also decide if they want to play with others when they have high Ping ot not.

I think you know damned well that a ping of 60 is a ridiculous requirement as most if not all players will reach above that number frequently on ANY server. I also call bullshit on you since the ping of one player does not adversly effect server performance or the connection of any other player. Try learning a few things about networking before you talk. The only reason to kick someone for high ping is if that high ping causes that player to skip around the map or makes them act funny on the server. Not even a ping of 150 will do that.

Lemme,I understand your point of view, but did you read the rules which admin should observe? You can ban players with a cause of extremely high ping. IMHO I don't think that 78 is very high ping.

78 isn't a high ping. He has no grounds to ban you.

Edited by Vertisce

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Vertisce, lol the first variant of your message was funny. Thanks for supporting me.

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I think you havent read carefully enough. I set you in the banlist because you were reconnecting the whole time and all of your friends, too.

I can unban you, then you got kicked by high Ping the whole time. To prevent that i have set you in the banlist.

And it isnt "ONE" player. It is a horde of russian players.

A Ping of 60 isnt a high requirement. Most Players on the Server have 10-30 and when there are several other with around 100 you will notice that. His 78 is the Ping in this moment. You will know that this will adjust.

Edited by Lemme

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I think you havent read carefully enough. I set you in the banlist because you were reconnecting the whole time and all of your friends, too.

I can unban you, then you got kicked by high Ping the whole time. To prevent that i have set you in the banlist.

And it isnt "ONE" player. It is a horde of russian players.

A Ping of 60 isnt a high requirement. Most Players on the Server have 10-30 and when there are several other with around 100 you will notice that. His 78 is the Ping in this moment. You will know that this will adjust.

So where under "malicious talk or racism" does reconnecting to the server repeatedly fall under? Those are the only two reasons you are allowed to ban for. Your high ping kick setting is still ridiculous and I doubt anybody will see things your way.

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I usually play on this server, and i like the good Performance without lagging people. good job admin :)

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I think you havent read carefully enough. I set you in the banlist because you were reconnecting the whole time and all of your friends, too.

I can unban you, then you got kicked by high Ping the whole time. To prevent that i have set you in the banlist.

And it isnt "ONE" player. It is a horde of russian players.

A Ping of 60 isnt a high requirement. Most Players on the Server have 10-30 and when there are several other with around 100 you will notice that. His 78 is the Ping in this moment. You will know that this will adjust.

We played on your server for 2 days and all was brilliant, but yesterday you started kicking of people. Anyone of us must observe some rules, and you are not an exception to the rule. You must unban all of us, and set maxping to 150.

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I usually play on this server, and i like the good Performance without lagging people. good job admin :)

We wanted to play on this server too, but this situation threw us in a shock.

Lemme,I remember that you start kicking when we found your cars. And I think you banned us because of it. And cause of ban which you named "reconnecting" is not the main.

Edited by skautlegend

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We played on your server for 2 days and all was brilliant, but yesterday you started kicking of people. Anyone of us must observe some rules, and you are not an exception to the rule. You must unban all of us, and set maxping to 150.

Wher doesn't say that he has to set max ping to 150ms?

Or, are you asking him to set it to that, so a load of high pingers can join, then the server goes to crap..

To be honest though, 60ms is a bit low, anything between 100 & 130 is probably reasonable. I have mine set to 110, which allows all the Europeans and west side of Russia etc to connect no problem..

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Marker, i


him to set max ping to 150, because as you say 60 is a bit low. I know something about networking and can agree with max ping 130 but not less 130.

Edited by skautlegend

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I usually play on this server, and i like the good Performance without lagging people. good job admin :)

Do you really can name us laggers with a ping 68

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you usually have pings like 90-130, so yeah i can call you laggers. my ping is at 15-20 most of the time. so whats this discussion about? just accept this rule and play elsewhere, tnx and bye

its not your server and you dont pay for it, do you? so i dont think you can tell him what ping limit he should choose. so if you just played for 2 days on this server, it wont be too hard to search for another server you can play.

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Anything below 200ms is acceptable in my opinion. I will repeat this again..."One persons ping in NO WAY effects the performance of the server or any other players ping.". Ping is simply a calculation of the amount of time it takes information to travel from the players PC to the server and back. Your ping only effects YOUR connection to the server and how fast you send and receive information.

you usually have pings like 90-130, so yeah i can call you laggers. my ping is at 15-20 most of the time. so whats this discussion about? just accept this rule and play elsewhere, tnx and bye

its not your server and you dont pay for it, do you? so i dont think you can tell him what ping limit he should choose. so if you just played for 2 days on this server, it wont be too hard to search for another server you can play.

This shit pisses me off. I don't give a fuck who pays for the server. You are still required to follow the rules set forth by the devs of DayZ. Period. A 60 ms ping requirement is ridiculous. Above 60 is not a high ping and not only is banning for a high ping or trying to reconnect not allowed but Rocket stated specifically that an admin could kick for something like a high ping and even gave an example of over 200. 60 is NOT high. 78 is NOT high. 130 isn't even high.

Edited by Vertisce
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Ping is simply a calculation of the amount of time it takes information to travel from the players PC to the server and back.

Take a Mountain Dew when you are pissed...from what actually? your thing

You got it with the Ping, i marked the interesting thing.

And i cannot understand why people who dont read carefull and have nothing to do with the actuall situation have to write complaints.

In other Forums they call them Trolls...

Sure i can kick when the Ping is going high, but the System is designed that someone can reconnect in 5 Seconds. Thats really cool.

As i said, i have only set him and his friend in the Ban List because they were connecting and got kicked by battle eye over and over again. They saw that they have a higher Ping but further and further. This was my only possibility to stop that.

The only one with a constructive Post has his own Server running and understands the Problem itself but is not in my mind with the Max60, thats ok.

But nobody who hasnt something to say will change my mind in this. I am waiting for an statement from the DayzMod Team.

For the moment the Server is fluently running with Max Ping 60 and all the Players are in that Range.

There are Players dont like this, but there are also People who like it for a reason.

Ex.: When i will setup Max Ping higher again my Server go to be flooded with russian Players and no one either understand something what they say or write and we will have most Players with high Pings. Now we have all Players with nice condition for everyone.

There are enough Servers to choose i think.

Waiting for a Mod!

Edit. Was my fault, that was an example. I have created a nice condition for everyone on the Server. One Person, or two dont like this. Choose...

Edited by Lemme

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Ex.: When i will setup Max Ping higher again my Server go to be flooded with russian Players and no one either understand something what they say or write and we will have most Players with high Pings. Now we have all Players with nice condition for everyone.

So wait...are you saying that you set the max ping to 60 specifically to keep Russians out of your server because you can't understand them?

I just don't know what to say anymore. It's like talking to a tree...

Let me make this as simple as it gets. From these very forums. http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/

BEWARE - The same restrictions apply to Non-Dev run servers!








- Minimum slot count of 40 (30 for countries where bandwidth is expensive i.e. developing countries)

- Their are only two reasons why you, as a server owner, should ban a player on your server. Those two reasons are: Malicious talk, and racism. You may not ban a user for stealing your loot, killing you, spying on you, etc.

- You may only kick for disruptive behavior (such as continued VOIP over side channel). But you may not kick due to race or language or because the person does something you do not like.

- Kicking for extremely excessive ping or desync is permitted, but if abused is grounds for blacklisting

Failure to adhere to these rules will BAN YOUR SERVER'S IP from DayZ.

"Extremely excessive ping" is NOT above 60 ms. The line above that also clearly states that you cannot kick due to race or language. Setting your ping kick too low based on what you said in your post is clearly to get around this. The line above that states clearly the only two reasons for issuing a ban. Your reason for banning is not one of them.

Rules are not there to be broken.

Edited by Vertisce

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Lemme, Briefly : "your" server is using DayZ mod, that's why you must comply rules. And now you are talking about racism, there is no difference in Germans and Russians.

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As you know when Rules are given, everyone can check if someone is admitting them...

Everyone like a nobody can check you on the street if you have a drivers license...

You find the failure?

The Rules are set by Dayzmod Team and they can complain, blacklist etc. not you.

You are not a Mod are anything. I will talk to a Mod and then we can check the Problem. I can state my Problem and he/she can tell me how we find a workaround.

As you have nothing to do with the hole situation stop trolling around.

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yes now im a racist nice...it was an example. This was the Situation the last Days, that could have happened with anybody else from another country...

For the moment the Server is new and i check it the whole day with Rcon Tool. And as i have given the example, that was the situation.

Situation fixed.

You dont understand. I will unban you no Problem but Mping 60 will stay. It has no effect on you. NOTHING

you can join the whole day as you have done before, but BE kick you

you try again

you try again

you try again



Edited by Lemme

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Yes I understand that you continually break the rules and don't care. Thank you for making that clear.

Skaut, he says he unbanned you...frankly I would take that and just find a better server. This guy isn't worth your time. If the devs want to look into his ridiculous ping kick setting they will do so and handle it on their own.

Edited by Vertisce

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He hasn't broken any rules that say it must have a maximum minimum ping!

The ping limit is a server admins preference...

I can also understand why he banned you if you were continually rejoining, even knowing it was a ping limit kick..

The constant rejoining costs the server 0.2 of a second on every join that it has to talk to the hive, it also creates another listing in the hive..

Also, if the server was getting full, then you are taking spaces away from other players.

Now, before I get any sort of abuse, I can see the point from both sides..

Easiest and best action for both sides, would be to drop it.. Move on to another server if you want, or wait and see if a dev decides 60ms is too low..

Edited by MarKeR
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