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Post your IRL Survival Gear/Outfit!

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No, I'm not talking about your hard-earned AS50 in-game, I'm talking about your gear and outfit if there would be a REAL zombie-outbreak!

Post your pictures below!


My gear:



Including (in above picture):

- 80 Litres Military Backpack

-Gasmask - For when things turn Pripyat-like. (Get out of here, Stalker!)



-Something to smoke

-Survival Knife - Including a survival kit within it's sheath.

-A Sleeping bag

-A Sleeping mattress

-Climbing-Harness - (We have a sh*t-ton of rope, just not shown on picture)

-The Infamous Hatchet



-Cell-padded clothing (Windbreaker) - Very thin yet warm clothing, light, doesn't let water through.


-Camouflaged Kevlar vest (Underneath the Tactical vest)

-Camouflaged Tactical vest

My (Unfinished) Outfit:


Didn't feel like changing my pants and switching boots.


Usefull sites:

http://imgur.com/ - For uploading your desired picture


+1 for real Baked Beans included in your gear.

(EDIT: Posted my own gear and outfit, fixed some grammatical errors.)

Edited by Renaldoxx
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Im not ludicrous so I dont have real zombie gear. however I do have a bug out bag for myself and my wife with a weeks supplies in for us and our daughter, along with a lightweight toolbag.

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Im not ludicrous so I dont have real zombie gear. however I do have a bug out bag for myself and my wife with a weeks supplies in for us and our daughter, along with a lightweight toolbag.

Does your bug out bag include a gun?

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I don't have a designed outfit for if a situation like Day Z were to occur. I know I'd die.

I can't run 5 feet without losing my fucking breath and needing to sit down.

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Good luck with the gasmask. The current filter is only against tear gas! That will help you when shit goes stalker like for sure!

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delete me

>Implying you're going to have ''sexy-time'' with walking corpses.

EDIT: No I won't delete you. I want your condom back.

Edited by Renaldoxx

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Fuck you guys, i only got a flashlight...



Also, HTC One X? I'm using the same phone in my picture.

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Also, HTC One X? I'm using the same phone in my picture.

Flashlight is SWAG. Nah, but if you are gonna use a flashlight, use a flashlight =) The One X's battery shoots down the use of the phone as a flashlight

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Congrats on all who posted, now your government will be after you for either being

A ) A Terrorist


B ) James Holmes

Edited by DayZ Dan
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Why do do you have earbuds if you don't have something like an Mp3 player (for when you get lonely/bored)?

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Why do do you have earbuds if you don't have something like an Mp3 player (for when you get lonely/bored)?

I use my phone to listen to my music, which I was also using to take the picture at that very moment!

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Does your bug out bag include a gun?

Sorry I didnt reply sooner, lost this thread, no I'm in the UK, so it does not. not a great deal I can do about that.

EDIT: for the OP - you m ay want to invest in a solar micro usb (or whatever your phone takes) charger - keep that music etc ticking over, also your lifeline to the world

Edited by Faithwolf

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Included above

1 can of beans.

1 US Saber knife with sheath

1 Gasmask for when shit get's airborne

1 copy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. Gotta keep the knowledge up somehow.

1 Guitar

And my Remmington 1100 Semi-Auto left handed shot gun. It has a modified loader so it can hold twice as many rounds as normal. It's a 12 gage and has less recoil than a 410. due to Gas recycling.

I just started collecting survival gear so It's not the best.

Edited by ThatGuyCalledReptile

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+1 for the beans. Is that a actual GP-5 gas mask?


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G'day, I thought I'd just post my gear, although it isn't all my stuff, it is all I am willing to show.


Some assorted gear on a table, notice the beans in the Bug-out-bag? ;D The compound bow, will probably be used for hunting, or as a spare. I have a surplus of arrows for it (6 hunting arrows, 18 normal arrows)



My 'too-close-to-person- weapons.

(M1911, .357 Revolver w/ 8" barrel, 2 knifes, dat mask is for dem intimidation)



My Compound Crossbow. The arrow I'm holding, is what I'll use only for hunting, as you can see they are pre deadly. I also have a surplus supply of normal bolts (42 normal bolts, 12 hunting bolts). I'll use my normal bolts for zombies, because if I hit a zombie with the hunting bolt, it'll be a pain removing them, as the blades could snap if not handled with care, also, if I pull the bolt out, and the blades cut me, BAM, zambie blood enters my blood system. (bloody, sharp tips).



An utterly horrible picture of my outfit. I will post a better one later. I have my backpack on, M1911 holstered on my leg, a cap (for character, and to keep the sun off my face. ;D) and my intimidation mask on, my gasmask attached to my belt along with my knife, canteen and flashlight. I also have heavy duty gloves, jacket, and wrist/elbow/knee/sholder protection (protection pads under my clothes)

(The poor image quality is due to the other being corrupted as I dropped my camera. :'D. I didn't realize they were corrupted, and had already taken my outfit off. And I don't feel like putting it back on right now, I'ma lazy)


Edited by #General Hawk

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I plan to survive in a snowy climate.


Please man..no....NO, DONT DO THAT :D

Love that pic, the un-seriousness in this thread is over 9000!11!!!

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