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I started playing DayZ a few days ago; here is some notes on it; I might elaborate later.

So far:

  • too hard with extremely sewere consequences. One small mistake and you loose hours of accumulate rewards

Well, I got this far.

You need to realize that there are no rewards in the game. You find stuff, you use it.. eventually you die and lose all of it.

The goal of this game is: How long can you survive?

The goal is NOT: How much shit can you accumulate before you get bored and quit?

If you want to accumulate items, gear and other stuff... well, there's a whole internet full of MMO's and other games that pursue that goal, or you can just play minecraft and start filling your chests with cobblestone.

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it can be less inctuitive than more commercial games but practice makes perfect..every game you get better, and you have to learn a couple of tricks to afford that environment, zeds, players and bugs..

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You want someone to see a game the way you want them to? Go make a film! A Game should provide a platform and a set of tools to do what they want and play the way they want!! - Yorkie

Just to further emphasize my point. Rocket recognizes this, and is fan-fucking-tastic to see him breaking the trend and swimming upstream!!

Edited by Yorkie065

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Im only 21, but I do miss the days of sitting down in a single player game, retrying 1 level over and over and over again to beat it. The market is saturated with games that are designed to force the player to play the game the way the designers envisioned it. Cutscene here, cutscene there, QTE here to make sure the player does what the designer imagined them doing, rather than having the freedom of choice and going about completing and objective in unique ways to improve their own experience, and enjoy it the way they want to. And as a level designer, currently working on a game that has these things about, it infuriates me to no end that people think that this is the right way to design games.

The success of DayZ has come largely from the fact that it's sat on the opposite end of the scale. It's different. It's harsh. It makes you work for the best gear in the game. You want the best shit? You gotta run around high populated loot spots for 30mins, to then run another 20mins across open fields with nothing to get to a place that is even more dangerous than the first. You get that done, your in for a fucking treat!! I love it! It's what makes me play this every night of the week. Sure you get bored after a while as theres no real end game. What should you do? Go looking for a firefight, try and get yourself killed and start all over again.

DayZ throws you in the deep end of the pull with no rubber bands. If you can't learn to swim quickly, you'll drown and struggle. If you pick yourself up and float, boy are you in for a wicked roller coaster ride. If you drown over and over again, try something new and different to previously. Expand your mind, try new things. Don't be focused around what the designers supposedly WANT you to do. It's your game, do what the fuck you want with it!!!! ..........other than hack! don't do that :P

Love your enthusiasm and the way in which you describe the game, it echoes my sentiments exactly and really encompasses how people who enjoy the game really feel about it.

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I started playing DayZ a few days ago; here is some notes on it; I might elaborate later.

So far:

  • too hard with extremely sewere consequences. One small mistake and you loose hours of accumulate rewards.
  • Very rarely any feeling of triumph (at all)
  • Really unprecise controls
  • ....with extremely severe consequences - which is fine if the in-game possiblities match the challenges. They don't:
  • unrealistic in a bad way - why can't I use a hunting knife or my bare fists to fight zombies? have they grown fangs when they became zombie?
  • lack of melee-weapons: I'm sitting at a laptop now: used right I can kill people with it. Why can't I beat the zombies with 2x4? branches? the big hatchets in the chopping blocks? every household has a kitchen; what about the butchers knife in there?
  • Bad affordance: you can't see which houses you can loot and which you can.
  • Controls are very different from other shooters (Counterstrike, Team Fortress, Battlefield) and way to complicated for this game. Shave them down.
  • How come a whole colonne of dead soldier doesn't have any weapons on them? did the zombies take them? seriously?
  • Extremely little chance of escaping zombies once you are detected - essentially: detected = dead.
  • Really really annoying with the grey screen when you are hurt.

In conclusion so far: this is a buggy game for masochists - although it has a lot of promise.

(...and people with a full life besides games won't have the time to play this to the level where it becomes rewarding. This is as hardcore as they come).

BTW: I'm a gamejournalist and gamedesigner with a master's degree in digital design. I'm writing this to figure out what should be changed for DayZ to be better.


From the information given you don't sound very professional and lacks basic knowledge.

For example if you aggravate infected all you need to do is to go through buildings, they are forced to walk while you still can sprint. The grey screen is what you suppose to see when you're hurt badly; blurred visions, also no different from most other shooter games(CoD, BF). As for loosing all your equipment upon death forces you to think more carefully and creating a tense atmosphere.

Edited by Verril1

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I started playing DayZ a few days ago; here is some notes on it; I might elaborate later.

So far:

  • too hard with extremely sewere consequences. One small mistake and you loose hours of accumulate rewards.
  • Very rarely any feeling of triumph (at all)
  • Really unprecise controls
  • ....with extremely severe consequences - which is fine if the in-game possiblities match the challenges. They don't:
  • unrealistic in a bad way - why can't I use a hunting knife or my bare fists to fight zombies? have they grown fangs when they became zombie?
  • lack of melee-weapons: I'm sitting at a laptop now: used right I can kill people with it. Why can't I beat the zombies with 2x4? branches? the big hatchets in the chopping blocks? every household has a kitchen; what about the butchers knife in there?
  • Bad affordance: you can't see which houses you can loot and which you can.
  • Controls are very different from other shooters (Counterstrike, Team Fortress, Battlefield) and way to complicated for this game. Shave them down.
  • How come a whole colonne of dead soldier doesn't have any weapons on them? did the zombies take them? seriously?
  • Extremely little chance of escaping zombies once you are detected - essentially: detected = dead.
  • Really really annoying with the grey screen when you are hurt.

In conclusion so far: this is a buggy game for masochists - although it has a lot of promise.

(...and people with a full life besides games won't have the time to play this to the level where it becomes rewarding. This is as hardcore as they come).

BTW: I'm a gamejournalist and gamedesigner with a master's degree in digital design. I'm writing this to figure out what should be changed for DayZ to be better.


I think you have studied the wrong subject.

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