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Fake or idiots or both?

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totally awesome. why would it have to be fake or them be idiots? this kind of stuff is why i play this game.

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don't understand how this could be fake

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Not at all, it doesn't matter how you look at this. These actions will get ths mod and any chance of a stand alone banned in loads of country's!

Edited by bosco72

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Not at all, it doesn't matter how you look at this. These actions will get ths mod and any chance of a stand alone banned in loads of country's!

How so?

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Not at all, it doesn't matter how you look at this. These actions will get ths mod and any chance of a stand alone banned in loads of country's!

what!?! cuz someone killed someone with a hatchet? are you kidding me? lots of worse blood and gore and violence out there in games than this. and plus this was a player created event. not a script or cutscene like some games with worse gore and killing. get real dude.

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Apparently no one watched the video.

When he kills the guy he screams Are you not entertained?!?!

Its from a movie tight wads.

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lol, ban that zombie mod. Its teaching my kids to kill zombies!

And make an elaborate contest, where two people stand off against each other and fight to the death

and keep stealing the beans outta my backpack!

Edited by Twosheds

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Not at all, it doesn't matter how you look at this. These actions will get ths mod and any chance of a stand alone banned in loads of country's!


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Lol seriously what's wrong with you guys.

Bunch of Jokers? Will bring the mod down? Sorry, are u dumb? This was fuckin awesome.

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Idiots? Damn no. This is the most amazing DayZ video I've seen so far. Those people surely spent a hell of a time to prepare this whole arena thing and getting the bus etc.

THIS is the so called "endgame" what so many people claim to miss in the forum lately. Just be creative like these guys. Of course you can just grab a sniper rifle and kill unarmed players in Cherno/Elektro, but this would be something you could do in every other first person shooter aswell and so it's not quite special or entertaining. What these guys did was jsut really creative and unique.

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I don't understand what the problem with this video is ? Are you just incredibly dull ? Do you not like fun ? Man i wish the party bus would find me.

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Since when has it been bad publicity when people make a video about how great the sandbox experience in this game can be? :/

Seen this vid a while back and I still think it's the best Day Z video out there.

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Those people who complain about the video are probably KoS kiddies who don't even know that you can actually communicate with each other in this game.

Please google the word "roleplaying" and then watch the video again.

Not at all, it doesn't matter how you look at this. These actions will get ths mod and any chance of a stand alone banned in loads of country's!

Can you explain that, please? Why should these actions cause the game to get banned? Cause I see it exactly the other way round. These actions will get the game some good critics cause it shows what kind of opportunities you actually have in this game, this video proves that there are nearly no borders to your creativity.

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I see nothing wrong with this. In fact I think it's awesome! This is exactly the sort of player driven content Rocket wants us to do in game.

Stop bitching about it.

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i liked this vid too. But i can understand the people,who are "scared" that actions like this will cause this mod to be banned in some countrys!

Human players are foced to fight for death in an arena with the people forcing them are watching! This is the stuff that make games banned!

Dont get me wrong..., i like exactly those things in DayZ(only thing i like more is the thrill when something odd happens)! But there will be several politicans and parents who will go against it!

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As long as no rape/sex feature is added, it'll be fine. Governments/rating agencies tend to get more upset by sexual acts rather than violence. Apart from Australia, I have no idea what's going on there.

Edited by TheDee

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Human players are foced to fight for death in an arena with the people forcing them are watching! This is the stuff that make games banned!

but that's the whole point, players aren't forced to do anything. this lot decided to kidnap people and present a situation to get them to fight for their enjoyment. pretty ridiculous to say that this is the stuff that gets games banned when it was players (not the developers) that made this "content".

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Lol seriously what's wrong with you guys.

Bunch of Jokers? Will bring the mod down? Sorry, are u dumb? This was fuckin awesome.

Im with you, fucking awesome.

It just shows what people can do with this mod, its great.

The guys voice is really annoying but doesnt take away from the vid :)

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Lol seriously what's wrong with you guys.

Bunch of Jokers? Will bring the mod down? Sorry, are u dumb? This was fuckin awesome.

Lol you make your point so efforlessly, you must have a high iq

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