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Remove Krutoy Cap Spawn Point

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This spawn point is nothing if not infuriating. As if it's not bad enough that the nearest coast town/village is something like 15-20 min sprint away, those towns are also the first point where you can make progress inland!

Now Rocket, I know you love the taste of the player's tears, but if anything about this game is just a flat out "fuck you" it's spawning at this point after getting gang raped but the endless, untiring horde of undead that aggro to you and never de-aggro after you have to shoot that one ninja zombie that pops out from behind a bush way too far town than he has any right to be.

In conclusion, please get rid of this spawn point, there's really no reason for it's existence than to grief the players.

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And what about giving everybody NVG when they spawn?

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-The above.

Edit: just matching the same levels of hyperbole.

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-The above.

Edit: just matching the same levels of hyperbole.

+ Rep for using a big word and accurately summarising those posts.

Spawning miles away isn't difficulty, it's inconvenience. If you spawned out at sea and had to swim for 30 minutes to get to shore the game wouldn't be any harder, just a pain in the ass.

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In fact' date=' if you didn't, you'd live longer.


People over exaggerate the danger of the coastal towns so much I kind of wonder if it's just to scare people away while they loot beans in peace. PVP does happen there, but the likelihood of you being involved in it is pretty minimal if you aren't blundering around.

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Is that the one that spawns you in the water?

That place is a cunt.

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You don't HAVE to run to elektro every time you spawn you know...

Who said anything about elektro? the only time I've even been in there since I learned how to survive was when I spawned right next to it...

As for the rest, how does spawning in the middle of nowhere, in a several mile long corridor between the coast and an impassable mountain side where there is 1: no zombies 2: no loot 3: no players, other than the other unlucky bastards that spawned there as well make this mod more difficult or enjoyable?

I'll tell you:


go rage on reddit you self righteous twats, you clearly haven't spawned there very often if you think this point adds anything positive to the game play

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I don't see what's wrong with that spawn point. It's actually a very good one. It's the closest spawn point to Berezino. Go to Berezino, it's only a 15 minute run. Once you get there, grab all medium tier loot (hunting rifle, backpack, map, compass, revolver, medical gear, etc), and then make your way west to the more interesting areas.

The real horrible spawn point is on the islands, south west of Krutoy Cap. You have to swim to get off, which means you lose all your gear. This sucks especially when you've been teleported there due to a database reset and you lose all your high end gear...

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The real horrible spawn point is on the islands' date=' south west of Krutoy Cap. You have to swim to get off, which means you lose all your gear. This sucks especially when you've been teleported there due to a database reset and you lose all your high end gear...


agree with that, but berenzino is definitely more than a 15 min run from krutoy

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I have to say that i agree with removing this spawnpoint. In fact, imo, all spawnpoints on the east side of Chernarus should be removed. My normal meetup spots(when respawned) with my friends are Chernogorsk and komarovo which makes it a reeally long and painful walk.

Even more painful now with the temperature stats.

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You don't HAVE to run to elektro every time you spawn you know...

Why didn't anyone tell me?

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The area close by just is not interesting. Mysta, Kamy, and the Three Valleys area have one or two small points of interest. Also they are far from that fun airfield everyone loves so much. Instead of removing this how about adding more interesting things.

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No don't remove this. It is sometimes relaxing to spawn somewhere in middle of nowhere. Get a small time away all the hassle.

And about removing every spawnpoint east of Chero just because your group or teamm8s are normally on west side.. That is just simply stupid. Why should those points be removed because YOU want it so!?

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