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*Regulator* Insaner

Belgian(flemish) player lfg likeminded people

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Well, hello there fellow DayZ'ers!

Insaner is the name, 24 years old, been playing DayZ for a week or 6 now and I'm looking for a buddy to play with on a casual base.

Meaning primarily survival and looting but also the occasional PK ofcourse.

I'm not really bound to a server atm, I'm still looking to settle in somewhere :P

I have my own TS3 server, wich I share with a few Rl friends, we occasionally gather up to enjoy a private Lan-party, we take a trip to the seaside with our wives and girlfriends, so its all pretty mellow and casual.

We play a whole variety of games, going from Diablo 3 to GW2 to BF3 etc.

The only thing I'm missing is a pal to play DayZ with :D

So if you speak Flemish ( or dutch ) and you're looking for a fun group to game with in general and want to play DayZ with your truly ;) drop me a pm or add me on Steam as Insaner(my avatar is the zombie) ( you might be able to copy paste this: ♠♠♠ Insaneя ⡀⡷⣇⣇)

Cheers :)

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I'm looking for exactly thesame as you do, please add me on skype: vschoet or Steam: vsdagama (Not that much on steam)

Hope to see ya soon ingame!

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Same here!

Add me on Skype (M0n3yBE) and/or Steam (M0n3y93).

Looking forward to meet you all :)

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The same here. Meeting ppl in dayz is soo difficult!! either you get shot or they run away from you.. xD

Skype: mr.gettingkilled

steam: getkilled22

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