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Hello DayZ Community!

DrofPwnology here - I was sad witnessing the constant barrage of posts regarding hackers and dc'ers, so I decided to throw up a quick video. I am faced with MULTIPLE chances tonight to dc, but the game is far more entertaining once I realized that death is actually very fun since it lets you play the amazing early game :)

Long story short - I hear somebody rapidly approaching me after he spots me at the Elektro firehall. So I decided that today was the day I become a man. Armed with only a crowbar, I kill somebody as he comes up the stairs and we enter a VERY close combat duel. Taking almost no damage because I was savaging him like an ape with my crowbar, I grab his stuff and enter the town for medical supplies. The video is what happens after.

P.S. Yes I know I make retarded decisions. lol. Just enjoy the video of an idiot running through the fields.

P.P.S. Dear snipers... WHY YOU DO?!! :(


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Damn, those must have been some bad snipers, probably got them selfs some DMR and tought it would be pro to kill newbs in Elecktro.

Took some guts to not DC like a pussie, kudos.

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Those are some terrible snipers. Like, wow. Once you were out in the hay fields it's a rough shot, but before that was cake. MAJOR kudos for not dcing though. I can't even find myself in a firefight situation like that anymore. As soon as a shot rings out everyone disconnects. It's lame.

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