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dannyboy92 (DayZ)

Tents and Vehicles dissapear

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Hello, just wondering if it is possible for tents and vehicles to dissapear all at once? The tents where made from different characters and where all saved today, aswell as my atv. The only difference today is that it came a new beta patch.

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I have read threads recently of there possibly being some issue with tents saving their inventories or location. I do not know if this is actually the case or not. I do know that sometimes when a server resets, for a period of time, tents and vehicles seem to not spawn, but show up eventually. Maybe the server reset for the beta patch, and things went missing. Check back later maybe. Otherwise, maybe there is something related in the bug report board.

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they have vanished everytime also i found it the first time my car vanished i found it later along the trail i took near the save location.with all its gear back...tent was wiped clean though so ya restarts even screw with the locations...

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The tents is probably the most unstable thing in the game at the moment. So they cannot be trusted. But havent had problems with vehicles before now. Hope they respawn, as it is all i have left after a major raid :P

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