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No Cars?

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I was playing on a server, which has cars activated. Im sure it has, because friends of me saw some there driving around. My question is, why i dont find one? I was in stary sobor, guglovo, mogilevka, chernagorsk, balota and some other citys. I FOUND NONE, now im depressed. I got everything, a ghillie, NVG, GPS, my DMR and a rangfinder, with the best backpack ingame. But i got no car, why i dont find one? Is it a grudge? Because i killed 10 innocent players in that life? =(

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It's called the lucky guys who find the cars in the server first fixed them up and then hid them in the wilderness at their camps. My friends and I have only come across 1 fixable car in Stary Sober which resulted in their deaths from a sniper in the woods near by picking them off before they could drive it anywhere.

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Everyone in a group will try to hoard vehicles. It's just what people do. Once they have them, everyone else on the server is screwed. Pretend vehicles don't exist in the game because even finding one is just asking to get shot out of it.

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I asked the same question earlier today, I'll share my knowledge. Most commonly, clans or server admins (and company) will collect vehicles and drive them to a remote location to stockpile items. You can regularly find videos of people stumbling on these "bases". A friend and I spent 3 days scanning spawn points and gave up in frustration only to discover this fact today. Really a bummer... I know.

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cars are limited spawns, the older a server is the less likley it is that you will find cars at their spawn points. while you MAY find a car in a city in a server thats been running for a while it will have either been abandoned there or there's someone nearby that will be seriously pissed off you're messing with their ride. try looking places players would put them rather than random high foot traffic area that no retard will leave a car in unless they dont want it anymore or are nearby

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Everyone in a group will try to hoard vehicles. It's just what people do. Once they have them, everyone else on the server is screwed. Pretend vehicles don't exist in the game because even finding one is just asking to get shot out of it.

Yep, me and my clan horde vehicles.

We usually place them and set them up in towns which usually have traffic and use it as bait.

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You just need to search the empty west and north for camps. Finding them isn'T that hard since they are mostly in predictable locations.

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