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Any Way To Remove Marks On The Map?

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I picked up a map today and it had a GIANT penis drawn onto it via marks (the circle with an X through it). Is there a way to remove said marks from the map or are marks permanent?

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I think that the marks on the map are like that for every player on the server. Those notes on the map are broadcasted to every player, so if you switch servers then they shouldn't be there.

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Hover your mouse over the mark and press the delete key.

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Press "Del" whilst holding mouse over the marks.

People using ingame map for things are silly.

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Wait the marks on the map are global?

The marks are meant to be shared with an entire team in Arma.

Dayz artificially puts us all on the same team, so yes. The marks are server wide.

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The marks are meant to be shared with an entire team in Arma.

Dayz artificially puts us all on the same team, so yes. The marks are server wide.


Time to move my tent

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Time to move my tent

Lol, big mistake. :P

Also, to the OP: What server was this on? I think I know which one you're talking about...

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