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TOP 10 things that ruin immersion for DayZ

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List of games that aren't perfect and never will be, but are still extremely fun when you don't expect them to be.

1. Day Z

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also I have TWO hands why cant I equip TWO guns???

it's not particularly realistic. plus it begs the question how you aim them and ADS

my issues are with the way the zeds spawn. like a few people have mentioned, I don't like how they spawn around me. sometimes I make it into an area, sneaking by a few zeds, and then all of a sudden there's zeds everywhere. not being able to 'clear out' an area also ruin the immersion for me. I also don't like way the way I can know if there's a player in an area by looking for zeds

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Chernarus Fire Dpt. Shoot'n fires out since 2012.

Well, here in Russia firemen are part of a para-military organization complete with ranks and military style uniforms. No weapons though. I like to think then when

shit hit the fan in Cherno, military moved into the cities and it made sense to use fire stations as temp bases (police stations would make more sense but apparently there

are none in Chernorus).

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you forgot the fact that you can put an entire main helicopter rotor in a fanny pack.

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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I think the game needs some kind of natural night vision adjustment as in reality your eyes can adjust to ambient light levels after twenty minutes or so. Maybe something can be done wth HDR, I dunno but permanent absolute pitch dark at night is not realistic.

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I think the game needs some kind of natural night vision adjustment as in reality your eyes can adjust to ambient light levels after twenty minutes or so. Maybe something can be done wth HDR, I dunno but permanent absolute pitch dark at night is not realistic.

Won't be so dark in next moon phase I heard.

Maybe I got trolled.

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These issues are mostly based on ARMA 2 as a foundation of the DayZ mod. ARMA 2 basically is a combat simulator for the masses, its not meant to be immersive or over-realistic, authenticity and mimicking is what it does best.

Edited by Lukio

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My immersion breakers.

1. You can run forever and not get fatigued.

2. How much you carry has no effect on the speed or distance you can run.

3. Backpacks are boxes with slots that items slot into. (capacity would be better).

4. When its night you can turn up your gamma and its black and white day time again.

5. "Billy was killed" yet I am 12km from Billy how would I know.

6. Apparently everyone is an Aeronautics and Motor vehicle engineer.

7. You can carry and engine block and or a rotor assembly in your back pack.

8. Thermal sights, NVGs, Range Finders, NVG sights, Laser sights, gun mounted flash, flashlights and vehicles ! all use magical batteries that never run out.

9. Players can Use the matrix to spawn in behind you or into the world near loot.

10. I cant get in my tent when its raining.

10a. Ive been in the game world for 3hrs but my Days count says 42 days

10b. My bicycle is faster than my car off road.

10c. Some people have a magic camera that follows them and looks over objects. ( just a whine about 3rd yer yer I know and I don't play on them )

10d. loot magically reappears every so often

10e. When the server restarts Helicopters reappear by magic again :)

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What are the TOP ten things that ruin the dayz experience, if you say hackers that's obvious so don't bother.

PK (player killers) are also not the problem....

Here is my list:

1. Magical items (bullets/flares/chem lights respawn after disconnecting/reconnecting.

2. Items dissapear magically if backpack is full and you try to place an item inside.

3. Vehicles dissapear when moving between servers

4. Zombies can teleport

5. You can swim through a floor and die

6. You cant apply pressure to slow down bleeding, obviously you cant shoot while applying pressure.(balancing)

7. You can't use a knife to attack another player

8. You can't use your hands to fight

9. Guns NEVER jam.(firing too fast jams guns not dirt!)

10. You can't swim with a backpack.

1. Item coding is weird

2. Where else would it go?

3. If all the Vehicles moved then every server would be full of Vehicles around 1000 vehicles which would cause HIVE to fail.

4. Zombies Can't teleport, so you either have bad connection or graphical glitches.

5. Dafuq, how do you swim through a Floor?

6. In what game can you apply pressure to stop bleeding? Get a bandage man.

7. You can use an Axe or Crowbar.

8. Hands vs Zombie = Hands bleed and Zombie virus get in. Bare knuckle fighting makes your hands break or bleed.

9. Blame Arma.

10. You can now, some servers have it enabled others don't.

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What are the TOP ten things that ruin the dayz experience, if you say hackers that's obvious so don't bother.

PK (player killers) are also not the problem....

Here is my list:

1. Magical items (bullets/flares/chem lights respawn after disconnecting/reconnecting.

2. Items dissapear magically if backpack is full and you try to place an item inside.

3. Vehicles dissapear when moving between servers

4. Zombies can teleport

5. You can swim through a floor and die

6. You cant apply pressure to slow down bleeding, obviously you cant shoot while applying pressure.(balancing)

7. You can't use a knife to attack another player

8. You can't use your hands to fight

9. Guns NEVER jam.(firing too fast jams guns not dirt!)

10. You can't swim with a backpack.

9. AK47 will never do that.

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I only need 1 thing to list what spoils the emersion. Everything else you listed are just bugs and limitations of an engine that wasnt designed to accomodate the exceptional and ambitious mod that Rocket and his team have achived, so I can live with those.

No, for me the biggest thing spoiling Day Z is it's community. It's getting far too big and attracting too many console tard type players.

Edited by Box
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1. Barbed Wire

2. Barbed Wire

3. Barbed Wire

4. Barbed Wire

5. Wire that's barbed

6. Barbed Wire

7. Barbed Wire

8. Barbed Wire

9. Barbed Wire


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also I have TWO hands why cant I equip TWO guns???

I think someone needs to go back to their xbox and realize this is a military simulator - in real life military men normally don't run around with "akimbo" weapons all the time.

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ok lets see:

1. bugs, glitches, hackers, lag but it is a alpha and i can deal with it.

2. i cant switch fast between sidearm and flashlight (you know what i mean)

3. i really like the global side chat, on some servers there still on and very useful (just look at it as an radio device)

4. only a headshot should kill a zombie (once the lag is gone), shots in torso and legs just make them slower or cripple them.

5. Barbed Wire

6. anyone wears the same cloth,

well that's about it i guess

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Top ten things wrong with Day Z;

1-10 Stop whining...

P.s. You really think you would have a vehicle if the same vehicles spawned in every server. That would basically be what 10 vehicles to 12k+ players...seems legit.

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