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About the Weapon Damages

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First off, I don't intend for this to be a thread to argue over what should be done about the new Arma 2 update that is affecting DayZ. I just want to how you my perspective, obviously.

The change to the Enfield seems somewhat off, but maybe it is for the better. I do not use the gun that often, but if i find tons of ammo for it, then yea i might give it a go for the hell of it. Killing players with 1 bullet makes sense to me, since it is firing a .303 round, which isn't a small round. I understand that realism isn't always sought after, but this mod does base off of the mil sim. The best thing about the Lee was that you can find it nearly anywhere! Most people drop them, so you find em at markets, fire stations, military tents, etc. and with plenty ammo. Also, being the the anti-sniper weapon available at the start of the game, makes it ideal for unarmed characters. For the Enfield, I don't know what the plan on doing, whether buffing it back up or keeping it the same. It doesn't affect my gameplay style in the slightest.

The pistols seem to cause the most commotion from the community. For these, I really don't stand on either side for they are just secondaries. They all fit their individual roles, and do them well. Sniping? Hopefully you find an M9 SD if you want to be quieter, especially if you attract zombies. Clip size? Give the G17 or normal M9 a go, again, if you can find them. Having trouble finding ammo? Maybe try the Makarov since the ammo is literally, EVERYWHERE. It may not be a PVP weapon, but if you have good aim on zombies, then it's not bad at all. The .45's seem to be the biggest concern. Personally, i would like to see them be 2 hit kills on zombies and 1-2 on humans as well. Headshots are still OHK, of course. The reason I think it should 2HK zeds is because they are undead! Sure, they are weaker than survivors, but the reason why they are lethal to people is because the hit those vital body parts that zombies don't need! All kinds of zombies in movies and other games walk around with no arms or legs, and none of their organs have a meaning, so to me, 2 shots seems appropriate. Again, just how i think of it.

I also see people post things like, "Too many weapons with the same damage, not much variety." Well, to me, if they shoot the same caliber, then they very well should do the same damage. Sure, IRL one gun might have faster velocity, but i don't think the Arma engine has all those specifics. And if the engine does, please tell me because I'm not saying I know the engine in and out. I have no clue haha. But the 9mm's should do the same damage. Maybe the SMG's should do like 300-600 more damage because they are stronger guns, but again, they fire the same round.

For the shotguns, pellets and slugs should have different damage values. Pellets should be pretty deadly within their range, And slugs should be above rifles for damage, but slightly IMO. I do not use these guns much either, so I don't have as much to say. Going by my thought of the bullet being shot, I know slugs aren't the smallest rounds, or the biggest. As long as they keep them usable, it's fine by me.

Ak's being nerfed doesn't seem too bad. The only reason i see for this is being able to find them quiet easily, unlike the M4's and M16's. It gives full a reason now if you are close enough. I don't see this affecting gameplay that much, because chances are you will kill the other player if you see them first.

And for the other rifles not being nerfed, i don't see why the sniper rifles should receive one. They all shoot at least a 7.62x51 if I remember correctly. To the leg you should survive, but a body shot would be hard to recover from. And the .50's should not even matter. I mean, c'mon! It's a gun designed to shoot through vehicles. Anywhere on the body should be a kill, because you would most likely die from blood loss anyway. I do not see any of those guns getting a nerf ever.

Please let me know if I am wrong about anything i posted. And again, not trying to start arguments, this i just the way i think about the nerfs. Sorry if I had grammatical errors, or used too many commas because i usually do lol. If I missed anything let me know!

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I think if they take the nerfed values and add 50% it will be perfect... for the LEE to hurt but not be an auto kill and all other weapons be very painful but not auto lethal.

That said I got into a gunfight today and it lasted way too long, like something out of an early John Wu movie.

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The reason I think it should 2HK zeds is because they are undead!

Actually the "zombies" in this game are neither zombies or undead. See zombies are undead, they have died but where brought back to life as zombie, and because they are pretty much corpses they can survive with horibly mutated bodies. Because of this, though, they are only capable of walking at best and can only be killed with headshots. Infected, on the other hand, are what you see in this game. The infected are still alive and have never died in the first place. They are humans who are infected in a way that zombies get infected. Because they are still alive, they can still run and have full motion capabilities, however thay can still be harmed in the same manner that human are. As such it is right for them to be killed in one shot with a Revolver or M1911. They are powerfull guns and would easyly kill a human with a single shot. However this nerf not only makes humans god-like and nearly invincible to pistols, but infected as well.

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