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Awesome being a bandit!

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Okay, so I accidentally log out by Stary Sobor, I admit I was stupid in doing that, so casually I find a low populated server and I chose to go on one with 5 players. As soon as I begin to log in I hear a player screaming down the mic on Direct Chat "Are you friendly", I franticly try and find the channel to communicate with him and reply "YES I AM FRIENDLY". My heart was pumping at this point as 3 hours earlier I had found a pair of NV Goggles outside Stary in a wrecked chopper. So now I have told this guy im friendly I finally spawn in, to see him wearing a pair of NVG's also. At this point I am talking to my friend on skype who has been wanting NVG's for a long time. He tells me to shoot the player, so as any good bandit friend is, I kill the player and ninja his NVG's! I quickly put them in my backpack and disconnect to join my friends server to give them to him. I get in the server t find they had dissapeared out of my inventory as you have to wait before looting and server hopping. So after all this, I shot someone, took their M16 ACOG, NVG's and left them. Even though all I did was in vain as the loot despawned.

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SCUM ! ;p

I hate these type of players....

But I will fight for your right to play this way :)

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you sir, deserve a dogshit, with a robe attached, as a fine medal for your deeds.

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Yea, that's pretty pathetic. Someone that doesn't kill you while you're logging in doesn't deserve to die. I kill on sight 99% of the time and I would have let him live(and I'm an asshole.) Also if you pick something up, don't log off just after finding it, it will go away. Need to wait 5-10min to log off.

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After witnessing events like this I no longer care if someone says they are friendly or not. People lie, especially bandits.

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After witnessing events like this I no longer care if someone says they are friendly or not. People lie, especially bandits.

You might be true but here the fact is that he was not shooting, and he had plenty of time to land a hit.

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You might be true but here the fact is that he was not shooting, and he had plenty of time to land a hit.

Or did that same player have a friend who wanted NVG's as well? And was about to kill him as soon as he turned around...

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I would have been pissed if that had happened to me. There are too many times that I have let someone live and they have turned around and killed me. Just last night I had a guy spawn right by me that I had fought off zombies for as he did not have any weapon and this time he shot me after logging in. No wonder people KOS.

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Jeez you sure are edgy, witty, and generally spectacular. Kill a dude that had every opportunity to blow your ass away after you lied to his face.

KoS ftw!

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