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More realistic backpacks/inventory (volume and weight)

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Inventory atm: 1x2 shells take 1 slot, 4x2 shells take 4 slots, combine them into 1x8 shells and it takes up a single slot... hmm? broken system?

I think this would be a better system:

- every item should have volume and weight

- the backpack should have a volume limit

- you should move slower with more weight

- you should also be able to carry another backpack in your hands (instead of a primary weapon), and if you select the secondary weapon then you'll drop that pack on the ground

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There will be changes to inventory but remember that this is a mod based off of Arma. Lcan the way inventory is structured even be changed?

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There is that ACE mod or what ever its called that implemented a system for volume and weight quite well actually.

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Despite the fact it is very handy i think that fitting a rotor blade, 3 tyres or another large weapon in your backpack is a tad unrealistic.

The inventory system does need a rethink but i think it'll have to wait until standalone before anything is done.

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Despite the fact it is very handy i think that fitting a rotor blade, 3 tyres or another large weapon in your backpack is a tad unrealistic.

The inventory system does need a rethink but i think it'll have to wait until standalone before anything is done.

Totally agree,

I think you should require 5 people to assist lugging a rotor blade assembly around Chernarus. Perfect subtle teamplay element.

Edited by Dez.
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Totally agree,

I think you should require 5 people to assist lugging a rotor blade assembly around Chernarus. Perfect subtle teamplay element.

Very well thought my sir, Im sure that idea will be considered!

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Then it'll be STALKER game :)

Yes, it'll be more hardcore, but too hard to be made

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They could at least change the size of some weapons.

5 or 6 slots for a pistol but just one slot for a hatchet?

10 Slots for an MP5 (around 70cm) and also 10 Slots for an M107 (around 150cm)?

For example: You have the alice pack with 20 slots - so you can put in a maximum of 4 pistols.

If you think about it, in RL you could put 4 pistols even in a coyote patrol pack (the starter backpack).

I don't think they can implement a weight system that fast, but maybe it's possible to

adjust the weapon slot requirement.

Edited by The Cursed Red Baron

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No. Weight would be a hard thing to deal with.

I do not vote this.

Weight would drain the games fun because you stock up on stuff you need. Food, blood etc to then run slow and thirsty quicker? No thanks. I want to stock up and be full and run away nicely. More fun

Not what you've typed

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Its hard and long enough to run everywhere. If they implented the weight thing fixing up a car or bike would be a pain in the ass.

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Despite the fact it is very handy i think that fitting a rotor blade, 3 tyres or another large weapon in your backpack is a tad unrealistic.

Yep. That's some of the problems a weight and volume system would prevent.

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Inventory atm: 1x2 shells take 1 slot, 4x2 shells take 4 slots, combine them into 1x8 shells and it takes up a single slot... hmm? broken system?

I think this would be a better system:

- every item should have volume and weight

- the backpack should have a volume limit

- you should move slower with more weight

- you should also be able to carry another backpack in your hands (instead of a primary weapon), and if you select the secondary weapon then you'll drop that pack on the ground

Good idea will probally be in the full game.

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The shotgun ammo system is just retarded. It should be more like putting 20 shells per slot and then beeing able to reload all sorts of shotguns straight from that. I really like the double barrel shotgun but 2 shells one slot renders it nearly useless.

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Yep, I'm all for this idea

A system similar to the Fallout games would be good, but with a sliding scale of run/walk speed depending on weight instead of getting suddenly encumbered and forced to walk

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