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I almost made it!!!!!! Running Ducks, i need a clan

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I've been playing dayZ for about a week, I have been doing well surviving for 2 days heading up north. Found 4 miscreants trying to hunt me down in Zelen, but they could not see me, as none of them had night vision. But I witnessed various shenanigans so I fled, got to the edge of the airfield and looted the first barracks. Than I crossed over and as soon as my big toe touched the tarmac, GUNSHOT. Oh Lordy, that is a gunshot says I, so I drop my chemlight, try to make a move than BOOM. Headshot. My balls fell off and I broke my legs. I was very much upset. Took me a span to get there sneaking and I die from a camping gentleman mother lover, but I am over it now. I'm not sure whether it was a sniper because it was a silenced weapon, but he wasn't around me. So I would like to request to join a clan to travel to the airfield, loot the place, and kill any campers we see.


Think I'll hire your for any translations for Street to English, Ill pay with coke/pepsi and beans, and maybe spare tools ;)

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this is fuckin hilarious...

my balls fell off n i broke my legs

is actually epic. too bad you cant play the game now, since:


  • ArmA II: Combined Operations
  • DayZ Mod Files (Available on the downloads page)
  • Balls

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*...and now we observe the small brained humans attack another human for being different.*

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idk. i laughed at this story pretty good. but i think the op has a great attitude. just get back in the ring and try again.

only thing is, if you do get a clan OP, if you speak in Vent the same way you write, nobody is gonna know wtf you are saying. lol.

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Haha.. I've been laughing the entire time, reading through all of these posts.

I especially like the street to english translation.

And of course, his balls fell off. Hahah.. Lordy..

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