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Mars Sultan

Chewing Noises

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You know that fat kid who sat across from you during lunch, slurping and smacking his lips while inhaling his 3rd snack pack like a fatty mclardass fat tubby fat fat? The one whose face you wanted to slam repeatedly into the table until the fat and wretchedness was beaten out of him? Of course you do.

I'd like to posit the theory that whoever recorded the eating voiceover for DayZ is that very fat kid, ripped straight from our collective subconscious and replayed back to us. The cadence, the rhythm; it's just pitch-perfect enough that maximum cringe levels can be reached when exposed to it. So if you're out there, Mr. Hungry VO Artist, thank you sincerely for not only providing a measured dose of nausea and discomfort into our lives every day, but giving poignant insight into the obesity problem in our culture.

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I think it was a skinny, toothless grandma eating reconstituted prunes.

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You're off to a smashing start!

You could do a series on all of the sound effects!

Like why do the bird wings in the forest sound vaguely like machine guns?

How come in the forest, the wind makes tiny noises like someone's gear when they are running?

How come my van engine sometimes seems to make hardly audible zombie noises and eerie music.

Oh wait... Forgot my meds. Just kidding..all of the above things actually happen all the time to me.

EDIT: wow, I sure am glad spell correction didn't change "van engine" to "vagina"

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Like why do the bird wings in the forest sound vaguely like machine guns?

That sound scared the shit out of me the first few times I heard it...

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How come my van engine sometimes seems to make hardly audible zombie noises and eerie music.

EDIT: wow, I sure am glad spell correction didn't change "van engine" to "vagina"

How come my vagina sometimes seems to make hardly audible zombie noises and eerie music.

I LOL'd hard after re-reading and adding vagina, well done friend.

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yeah i agree wit dis guy cause i feel this voice actin is insenstitve to proud men of color such as myself. he makes it seems as if all black men are fat n stupid (kinda how he makes da zombies have no brain obvious racist connections)... really dis hole game is a metaphor (das greek for somefin like somfin else) for black oppression. rocket is insensitive to thousands of years of SLAVERY and thats why i think he should change the voices and add black voice packs for free..........



yes i agree with the above good thinking this is indeed slavery

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Y'know... Funnily enough, the fat kid would never hesitate to recount his favorite vagina joke either. Gasp!

Sir, it is an honor. May I slam your face in? For old times' sake?

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Y'know... Funnily enough, the fat kid would never hesitate to recount his favorite vagina joke either. Gasp!

Sir, it is an honor. May I slam your face in? For old times' sake?

That's what she..... Nah, too easy.

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That's what she..... Nah, too easy.

u no u can get arrested 4 bein sexist like dat


just sayin my brother was sexist once and he in jail now (BLESS HIS HEART) so id watch ur back if i was u (im not)

i agree you shudnt be sexist because its bad 4 ur complexion

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lmao yallr 2 crazy!!

:beans: :beans: :beans: u no it my fellow african bretherin :beans: :beans: :beans:

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The chewing noises remind me of this guy I know called Jason, he makes the same noises when he eats corn chowder, it's uncanny.

I think Rocket might have hired him.

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