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Do people kill for supplies anymore?

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I have been ambushed about twice on my current character, and have survived each one. I killed two attackers the first time and upon checking their loot I find that they were fully stocked on ammo, food and medical supplies. During the second ambush I killed one of the attackers before the others disconnected. Again, the person I looted was fully stocked with ammo, food and medical supplies.

What did these people expect to gain from killing me? They were already stocked and had better weapons, so attacking me would have just wasted their ammo and resources. Do people just shoot others on sight now?

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They possibly didn't want the risk of another player who could kill them which would in turn make them lose all of that stuff you mentioned.

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Yes and no... as you know there is a whole class of bandits who just hunt for sport. Also, due to human nature, once you have a group you get tribal and mistrusting of others. For example when I play solo, I'm super friendly... but with my usual team of 3 we have a member who will always push hard to eliminate all threats. I kind of have to beg to not gun down the guys who are obviously unarmed (hatchet or less).

So In order...

Supplies (desperate)

Safetey (paranoid)

Sport (douchebaggy... although these guys keep us normal players on our toes and are a game "feature").

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They possibly didn't want the risk of another player who could kill them which would in turn make them lose all of that stuff you mentioned.

lol, we both know how well that went.

But sometimes they might.

I was at Kamenka. No food. Hungry. Blood dropping. I have a M16. I see a fresh spawn getting chased by a Zombie. I figured he most likely has no food. But after a while just there with him. We weren't communicating. I decided to take his life. Truth be told he was empty. :/

I starve to death on that character :/ lol

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They possibly didn't want the risk of another player who could kill them which would in turn make them lose all of that stuff you mentioned.

Generally the most common reason I kill these days.

But I also just like killing other players.

So much fun.

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Usually people with that much loot are HIGHLY aggressive, since they want to keep said loot.

It's preventive kills, kill those who could pose a threat. Everyone ofcourse is a threat....

but that said many just kill anything that moves..... bunnies and carebears.

If it moves shoot it, if it doesn't loot it.

Edited by vukster

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Yes and no... as you know there is a whole class of bandits who just hunt for sport. Also, due to human nature, once you have a group you get tribal and mistrusting of others. For example when I play solo, I'm super friendly... but with my usual team of 3 we have a member who will always push hard to eliminate all threats. I kind of have to beg to not gun down the guys who are obviously unarmed (hatchet or less).

So In order...

Supplies (desperate)

Safetey (paranoid)

Sport (douchebaggy... although these guys keep us normal players on our toes and are a game "feature").

I agree, playing in groups makes you a bit more apt to attacking other players and taking more risks.

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Killed a guy today for pure safety reasons. Not taking any chances in Cherno.

Sorry Ian on PCGamer server.

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I find two types of non-deathmatching bandits. One set is driven by paranoia, and the other by desperation. I've fallen into both camps recently, as I'm sure most bandits do.

Hunted a man old-school style (following the occasional dead zombie, a dying chemlight, and so forth) for over 7km last night after spotting him in the distance. The four of us had lost our legs to a glitchy door south of Vybor, and only had enough morphine for three of us. We left the last man in a safe spot while we went out hunting for morphine in the town, and ended up seeing a man in the distance. We decided to hunt him down in hopes of gaining morphine (we never really kill people who aren't a direct threat like this), and when we finally caught up with him in the dead of night he stood no chance against silenced assault rifles and night vision. He ended up not having the meds we desperately needed, so we set out for a hospital at Berezino, leading to the next two kills.

We hadn't planned on killing these two blokes, but they stumbled into us about a kilometer southwest of the north-east airfield. Looked over my shoulder and saw two guys watching us from 300m away, so we hit the dirt and gunned them down. They didn't have much, just a few AKMs and basic supplies, but we killed them out of paranoia. I have no doubt that they would have opened fire if they thought they had the advantage. Few people could pass up on Coyote backpacks, silenced weapons, NVG, GPS, Rangefinders, the works. Especially when we were down a man and hunting for supplies they might be carrying. We never did get that morphine, but our buddy managed to crawl around enough to find some in the south barracks at the airfield (of all the places to crawl towards...).

Just thought I'd share a few anecdotes exemplifying situations where I've had to kill for supplies.

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