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Better PC gets worse performance. (FPS)

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swapping the PSU didnt change the FPS, so at this point im simply at a loss. heres an update on everything i have tried, and the results:

Overclocking the GPU: no change

Adding every boot parameter known to man: no change

Turning off a single core on my CPU: fewer FPS

Swapping graphics cards: no change

Swapping power supply: no change

Booting DayZ off a virtual harddrive using RAMdisk: no change

Modifying the config files to change the max frames ahead etc: no change

Turning up the fans in my case: no change

Changing every setting ingame to low: looks like shit, no fps change

Changing every setting ingame to high: looks pretty normal, minor FPS drop

Reformatting harddrive: no change

No matter what i have tried, nothing has given me higher FPS, and i simply cant figure out why. Ive ruled out the GPU, the PSU, the HDD, the parameters, the drivers, the game version, the mod version, and now the only things i have left are maybe the coding, and my CPU, which doesn't make a lick of sense as to why it would cause these problems. If you notice anything i might have missed, please post any ideas, i might just have to give up on the game until it becomes a standalone unit.

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What are your and your gfs video settings and are they exactly the same ?

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What hard drives are you using? Arma is cpu and hard drive dependent.

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our settings are all the exact same, down to the visibility. ill post the specs shortly.

Mine: Western Digital AV WD3200AVJS 320GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5"Internal AV Hard Drive

Hers: Western Digital Caviar Blue RFHWD3200AAJS 320GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive

Visibility: 3054

Interface Resolution: 1920x1080

3D Resolution: 1920x1080

Texture Detail: High

Video Memory: Default

Anisotropic Filtering: Normal

Antialiasing: Disabled

ATOC: Disabled

Terrain Detail: High

Objects Detail: High

Shadow Detail: Very High

HDR Quality: High

PPAA: Disabled

Postprocess Effects: Disabled

Interface Size: Small

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 - Wide

Vsync: Disabled

Edited by Evictus

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Evictus I feel bad for you bro....I have read every post on this thread and I wish I had some secret I could tell you to help you out bro but I dont. I really hope you find a solution and get to playing man. Good luck :thumbsup:

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I'm sort of watching this thread, too. I don't know whether its down to the server you use since that is a massive part in FPS.

I've tried everything in this thread apart from changing cards/GPUs, which I really shouldn't have to since this is a gaming laptop. I run crossfire so I understand there are problems with that but not in terms of FPS.

The strange thing is, no matter what settings I use the FPS seems to stay the same, maybe with a 10 or so drop if I'm using totally maxed on everything. I can run high all and still get the same rate as I do with everything turned off or on very low. Video usage is on default.

Really seem to be out of options. Its kind of sad that I have to put up with 20-30FPS when I should be getting at least double, if not triple that. The new update seemed to make it worse.


Don't know if that link will help you out. It didn't help my FPS but it was nice to get more of a view in 3rd person.

Edited by Anton17

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make sure your

render_w =

render_h =

in your config file are the same as your resolution... video memory set to default

did you try those?

Edited by Sibexus

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I'm sort of watching this thread, too. I don't know whether its down to the server you use since that is a massive part in FPS.

I've tried everything in this thread apart from changing cards/GPUs, which I really shouldn't have to since this is a gaming laptop. I run crossfire so I understand there are problems with that but not in terms of FPS.

The strange thing is, no matter what settings I use the FPS seems to stay the same, maybe with a 10 or so drop if I'm using totally maxed on everything. I can run high all and still get the same rate as I do with everything turned off or on very low. Video usage is on default.

Really seem to be out of options. Its kind of sad that I have to put up with 20-30FPS when I should be getting at least double, if not triple that. The new update seemed to make it worse.


Don't know if that link will help you out. It didn't help my FPS but it was nice to get more of a view in 3rd person.

I feel you man. I also have this. I get 20-30fps outside of cities but inside cities like cherno, I get 10fps, and it's very hard to do anything.

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Same problem. Have a very good machine, can run Arma 2 regular fine, DayZ Shits the bed randomly.

Tried Ramdisk, tried EVERYTHING, all the optimization guides, everything. Runs the same fully cranked as on very low.

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I've been playing DayZ fine on shitty settings ever since I bought it a couple of weeks ago. All of a sudden after the new "update" for Arma, it has been shit. Dunno what happened, or if my computer got worse, or what but it was running perfect (at least for my settings) but not anymore.

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Horrible GPU.

That is true.

But he's saying his girlfriend gets alot better frames, which is weird.. They should BOTH be struggling with 10-20 FPS even on low, weiiiiird.

@OP - the 4670 is extremely underpowered, I'm amazed you're trying anything above low and 1280x720 :o

No hard feelings, just saying :)

:edit: the reason I say this, is, my friend has an I5-2500k at 5 GHz and a 6850 which is by far the winner compared to a 4670, and he can barely run this game at 1680x1050 (shitty monitor, so he's forced to use this resolution) and all his settings are tweaked to no-end.

Edited by Fapguy

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Well, I joined another server after updating to, updating to latest BETA and updating BattleEye and I can now see the changes I've been making. A good test is to run Arma2 OA (without DayZ loaded) and go into SinglePlayer mode and select Editor (this is also a great way to get in some safe practice). Start yourself up a new mission in Chernarus and try it out. My FPS was perfect there, and after trying it out in DayZ, it carried over. I'm now running 60-120 FPS, as I should be. Now... to get rid of this crossfire flickering!

Make sure you have a look at that guide I posted. Other than that, keep your Video memory on default, change those config lines in your profile folder to =1 (as you did) and try other servers.

Hope you manage to get the experience I'm getting now!

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while i agree that my GPU is a POS, it is worth at least twice its cost, this thing runs every game on ultra with 30+ FPS, and on my GFs PC with the same GPU it runs Dayz Perfectly smooth. Ive tried over 20 servers with no effects on my FPS. i'll try the render height and width next.

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gotta admit, im skunked. i cant think of anything that i could possibly have missed. if anyone finds anything mind blowing please feel free to refresh this thread. im sure a lot of people would appreciate answers for this.

I myself found a solution, dont play on my computer XD. my GF has started playing a lot more skyrim lately, and since my computer can run it much better than hers, when she plays skyrim on my computer i play DayZ on hers. problems solved. Although we cant play together, we both find it is worth it and its the only viable solution at the moment. thanks for all the help guys, enjoy your beans and good hunting.

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only thing I can think of could be wonky drivers/firmware... make sure you have the latest firmware and motherboard drivers, newest drivers for processor. Use control alt delete to shut off any unnecessary programs and services before running dayz and use it to set priority of arma 2 to high. Add this string to startup parameters "-nosplash -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=2047 -skipIntro -world=empty -maxVRAM=2047" without quotes. If you have NVIDIA drivers, add Arma 2 to your NVIDIA control panel and adjust those settings. I firmly believe it's just something simple for you, but not obvious. My system ran dayz at 10 fps, after some investigation and tweaking i'm getting 30 fps and my specs are.

2 year old Acer Aspire X1420G bought at Wal-Mart

AMD Athlon II X4 645 3.1 Ghz

4GB generic RAM

64 bit Windows 7

Single generic 1TB hard drive

NVIDIA Geforce GT 430 (only upgrade from original equipment)

Edited by Sibexus

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good news and bad guys.

Good news! I found out my problem!

Bad news! I highly doubt this is what others are having problems with!

I was looking into overclocking my CPU to try to get it to take up additional slack, and in that process i installed two programs to moniter and stress test my computer. Those being SpeedFan, and other other being Prime95. To get a base reading, i booted up Speedfan, i noticed that my CPU was oddly pretty hot at idle, being at 58*C. I noted that down, the launched prime95 to start stressing my computer to its limits. I almost instantly shut it down, can you guess why? I saw my CPU spike almost instantly up to 110*C. At this point i was freaked, i was thinking to myself that this could not possibly be a good thing seeing as previously my peaks at max load had been in the high 50s, while idling at around 42*C, that was about a year ago when i built the box. I then figured that something was messing up my CPUs heat sink, so i took it apart, sure enough, i saw my problem right there, glaring me in the face. The thermal paste that came with the stock heatsink was full of air pockets and looked like something that had been sitting on the surface of the sun for too long. Since then, ive ordered some new Arctic Thermal paste off newegg, and im not touching my machine until i get that all neat and tidied up. I only hope that this hasnt already messed up my CPU to the point of no return. And go figure that i was about to order a GTX 570 to fix my problems (still doing that once i have the funds) when all i had to do was buy a $10 bottle of thermal paste to fix everything. Just goes to show that the answer is right in front of you, all you have to do is broaden your search.

Thanks for all the support guys, i hope i didnt have you scratching your heads as hard as i was.

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verified, my FPS is now bouncing around in the 40s while not inside a main city, and drop to around 20 in the middle of cherno

using prime95 and speedfan, my CPU heat went from 110*C under max load, to 68-70*C under max load

Edited by Evictus

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...so im fairly sure its not some sort of overheating problem...

im still shaking my head about this, ever since i applied the new thermal paste, my FPS has jumped at least 20 frames, and the game is soooo much more fun. Another thing i found out about my specific graphics card, is that this model has problems with shadows. Previously i couldnt see a difference between shadows being on high and shadows being off, due to my CPUs problems, after disabling that, i gained another 10fps, and now the game is smooth as glass. All the settings are maxed out now, (besides shadows) and the games looks and feels amazing, sniping is very fun now, and i no longer have a handicap sdet by my low FPS.

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Ya peeps wanna help me out??? I get 5 Fps outside in the wild... and 10 fps at night.... I dont think my comp is overheating or anyhting.. Anyone wanna try to solve one of the world wondesr??

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in order to help you out, post all of your computer specs, just saying you get low fps doesnt really help XD

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Ya peeps wanna help me out??? I get 5 Fps outside in the wild... and 10 fps at night.... I dont think my comp is overheating or anyhting.. Anyone wanna try to solve one of the world wondesr??

LIke Evictus said, post your full computer specs; but please also post all the things you have tried already including all the other threads you've read. There are 50 suggestions already posted multiple times and nobody wants to post them again, but as long as you've tried everything already we'll be glad to help :)

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