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Bandits..You're wrong to think that all survivors are stupid

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I trust nobody in this game unless I know them as friends outside of DayZ. As such, I love luring bandits into ambushes. There are some who are dodgy as all hell, claiming to be friendlies. I tell them I'm looking for someone to team up with because I've got good gear and don't want to be shot. In one case, a bandit asked me to meet him south-east of the castle - You know, the one east of the airfield. His proposed meeting place was a clearing at the bottom of a valley, surrounded by trees. Naturally, I knew it was a trap. So I snuck up the hill, climbed the castle, unslung my CZ 550 (surprised that he wasn't up at the castle himself for his planned ambush) and after some searching, saw him lying prone in the trees at the far edge of the clearing. One shot, nine hundred meters. You should've seen him rage.

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I trust nobody in this game unless I know them as friends outside of DayZ. As such' date=' I love luring bandits into ambushes. There are some who are dodgy as all hell, claiming to be friendlies. I tell them I'm looking for someone to team up with because I've got good gear and don't want to be shot. In one case, a bandit asked me to meet him south-east of the castle - You know, the one east of the airfield. His proposed meeting place was a clearing at the bottom of a valley, surrounded by trees. Naturally, I knew it was a trap. So I snuck up the hill, climbed the castle, unslung my CZ 550 (surprised that he wasn't up at the castle himself for his planned ambush) and after some searching, saw him lying prone in the trees at the far edge of the clearing. One shot, nine hundred meters. You should've seen him rage.


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I love these survivors who think they can survive in an ''big group''

An group can never be to big for 2 bandits with an DMR and CZ550, thats the case got me into an fierce duckshooting game.

There was an group of 7-8 survivors coming into Stary Sobor while Me and my other bandit buddy were looting it, we found lots off DMR mags ( 12 total ) and stored it in our tent near it, while one stores the other one kept watching the military camp.

At that moment from North Direction we saw an tremendous big group coming our way, we were immediately pumped up and started inspecting their troops, we saw people with AK's, Winchester and Lee enfields, so pretty easy target for us.

My friend an me had loads off ammo and immediately started shooting at the people with the biggest guns, we took them all out in less then 5 minutes.

Some survivors aren't smarter then bandits, they move in the open without any caution and group size doesn't matter, only skill and element off surprise.

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The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us' date=' we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.[/quote']

How are you any better than us if you rob people minding their own business?

We robbed a bandit. Not a survivor.

Bandits are bandits because they kill people. He's lucky that we didn't just shoot him right there.

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There are a lot of different stories as to why people have the bandit skin.

You're no better if you shoot anyone simply because they have a different skin. There is a HUGE difference between shooting a bandit because he's spotted you and he's hostile, and shooting a bandit simply because he's right there and your humanity doesn't drop when you shoot him.

The moment you started shooting/robbing people even though they haven't wronged you in any way, you became just like us, except for the skin.

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I'm a bandit because I shot like 3 people in self defense.

That said I have hunted before, and it is quite thrilling being the watching death in the shadows.

Right now I just want to spawn with some blood and out of the debug forest.

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I've only played a couple of times on my roommate's account (my pc's graphics card can't handle it yet). I've hunted a good number of people. It's a great way to play. I've also helped a few people. Also nice.

I've seen some VERY smart bandits and survivors, and I've seen some who will probably be in assisted living for the rest of their lives because they just keep doing things only mentally challenged people would. If I ever see OP, whenever I actually get the game myself, well, let the hunt begin my friend.

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If you're just in transit' date=' make your intentions 100% clear, or haven't even detected my presence, you may go along with no harm done. I'm not out to ruin the game for you, but I'm sure as shit not going to let you ruin my good time without some serious down-range love from my Mk 48.


This, plain and simple. I have only been a bandit very briefly and through self-defense. I haven't even shot bandits, as a rule, if they were not heavily armed and stupid. I have been screwed over a couple of times when I was too friendly, but by now, since I have verry good gear and have been alive for six days, I will not hesitate to kill survivor or bandit if I am not 99,99% certain of their intentions. I rarely -- not once, yet -- fire first unless there are clear signs of aggression or I am certain that someone is a malicious bandit (i. e. I've seen him kill, read it in chat, etc.).

If I know someone is a malicious bandit, I drop them, usually without them ever knowing from where. No questions asked.

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I'd say I really don't have a reason, I find sniping to be the most enjoyable thing in this game. To sit in the city and watch over the players go from building to building and waiting for them to walk out in the right angle, and then *click* the bullet hits their body and blood pours out and they fall over. I don't think of anyone else outside my group as people just these things walking around under me, looting buildings. I love coming across a group of players moving through the city. One of them begins to fall behind and I shoot, the others rush to help its odd how many people would rather run to a body out in the open then run for cover ^.^.

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I'm a survivor by choice.

I will walk up to a fella and do the Q+E and we will hop along together happily long after.

Now I've seen that bandits seem to think that they are somehow smarter than survivors' date=' just short of throwing racial slurs to describe them (bean-ers, anyone?).

However, it seems that these same good bandits fail to trick, kill or even disrupt me and my brothers when I play.

Today I've slain myself about 4 bandits. My group has took out more but 4 by my own hand. Now don't think that it was simply because we were a huge group killing off bandits.

P.S. We never lost a man, even when ambushed by bandits with half our group on a bio break.

The first kill was in the SE airstrip. I was in the control tower and got clipped through the glass and quickly got down. I suffered injuries, fractures and what not and the bandit was on his way up the ladder to collect his fresh loot. All he collected was an Enfield round to his pretty face, earning me some goodies.

The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us, we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.

Now this bandit was just as bright as the first bandit. He decided to stalk a group of survivors with several ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second. He lost a firefight with his KZ against Makarovs and pumpguns. It was beautiful to see him leg it down an open field though. Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command.

Long story short. A small (later large) group of survivors went from being malnourished, nearly unarmed and cold to having more than enough beans for everybody..All due to nearly systematical slaying of bandits (you guys seem to hang around the same places a lot.. So prone to ambushes).

Thanks for the beans, guys!


P.S. We never lost a man. Even when bandits ambushed us with half our group on a bio break.

> ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers our surrounds

>our surrounds

really eh.

Hate to break it to you there buddy but that mil training you got, doesn't mean fuck all in a video game. So please stop referencing it as if it does.

That and most of these "elite" ambush/killing stories are coming from people playing on servers where you still have your hip fire crosshairs ffs.

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I'm a survivor by choice.

I will walk up to a fella and do the Q+E and we will hop along together happily long after.

Now I've seen that bandits seem to think that they are somehow smarter than survivors' date=' just short of throwing racial slurs to describe them (bean-ers, anyone?).

However, it seems that these same good bandits fail to trick, kill or even disrupt me and my brothers when I play.

Today I've slain myself about 4 bandits. My group has took out more but 4 by my own hand. Now don't think that it was simply because we were a huge group killing off bandits.

P.S. We never lost a man, even when ambushed by bandits with half our group on a bio break.

The first kill was in the SE airstrip. I was in the control tower and got clipped through the glass and quickly got down. I suffered injuries, fractures and what not and the bandit was on his way up the ladder to collect his fresh loot. All he collected was an Enfield round to his pretty face, earning me some goodies.

The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us, we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.

Now this bandit was just as bright as the first bandit. He decided to stalk a group of survivors with several ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second. He lost a firefight with his KZ against Makarovs and pumpguns. It was beautiful to see him leg it down an open field though. Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command.

Long story short. A small (later large) group of survivors went from being malnourished, nearly unarmed and cold to having more than enough beans for everybody..All due to nearly systematical slaying of bandits (you guys seem to hang around the same places a lot.. So prone to ambushes).

Thanks for the beans, guys!


P.S. We never lost a man. Even when bandits ambushed us with half our group on a bio break.

> ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers our surrounds

>our surrounds

really eh.

Hate to break it to you there buddy but that mil training you got, doesn't mean fuck all in a video game. So please stop referencing it as if it does.

That and most of these "elite" ambush/killing stories are coming from people playing on servers where you still have your hip fire crosshairs ffs.

please take your CoD bs somewhere else thanks

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I admit I haven't read pages 2-4 but I've read some very valid points.

Bandits are not stupid, some of us are more intelligent than the creator of this thread and his big ol' group of veterans. Myself and 3-5 others are a group of bandits/survivors, we use tactics just like you, we raid, we fortify, we plan. We've stalked people through the night and murdered them when they least expect us to move in with grenades and military-grade weaponry.

We might hunt just for the fun of it sometimes, but we can also be friendly and trade with survivors. Though it's difficult to intiate any kind of trade so it isn't uncommon for us to shoot and ask questions later when we see survivors away from the coastline. People living inland are often more ruthless and considering since we haven't died for a good 2-3 weeks now, we will kill anyone alive to keep our gear and our lives.

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"Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command."

You have pretty weird power fantasies don't you?

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Oh really? Im a bandit cause I have suffered enough from makarov-wielding morons who think that they can pretend to friendly and then shoot 2 mags in my back for my loot. Thankfully, most of that times they ended up dead for such actions, and now all others are also ending up dead if I happen to see them before they know I'm near.

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I am a bandit. I do it because I like to get kills. I kill anyone mind you... not just survivors. I love that feeling of power you get when you see someone through your scope. They have no idea you are there and then.... BOOM!!! another notch in my stock. :)

BTW, in my experience, most survivors are stupid. They run around towns with flares up and crawl around during the day. Most of the time it's too easy really. Some ppl will call this sociopathic behavior. I call it fun. I can't and wouldn't kill ppl in real life. That's why we play games isn't it??? To get the experience of doing something you can't IRL?

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Just got 4 survivors killed on Norway1 with zombiehorde. I started from Kamenka and ran all the way to Elektro gathering all the runners i could get. I had almost 30 runners on my tail when i got to Elek.

First guy i saw was sitting in the bushes outside of elektro. He just had to start shooting me with hes winchester. Too bad my friends got him first. Then other players came in and died the same way. One bastard allmost got me with hes makarov but i managed to survive while my zombieminions finally grounded him.

Got all what a man needs to head norht - bigger back pack and all the gizmos and beans i could need. Thanks guys! I never shot a round 8)

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saw a few posts bashing the "Bandit Hunters"

Let me make myself clear, I hunt bandits because I have always enjoyed the base concept of Karmic Retribution, if you mouth off in global chat after killing someone I will hunt you. If you kill me I will hunt you, if you are playing like the bandits in this thread claim to play (kill by necessity/ self defense etc) and you keep quiet about it I probably wont hunt you. I hunt those with hubris. Because "I enjoy all the killing" but I like to restrain myself to people who are asses about it.

(A bit like Dexter the HBO show)

Should Probably mention I work in two man teams, so if I die by a bandit he usually follows suit immediately after, and the only support I offer new players is helping with controls, server clock, etc. If I see a survivor running from gunfire I will kill the shooter, not to protect the survivor, but because I enjoy killing people who mindlessly attack others.

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I know there is no Bandit skin anymore and i like that.

Gives more immersion(hope that is the right word, not native english) and paranoia to the game.

That said, there are no bandits, only people who wish to survive and keep surviving.

If that means killing another player to stock up on ammo, meds, food and drink so be it.

I both scavange towns, kill people(from time to time) and help them.

All depends on my mood.

Just my 2 cents.

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I'm a survivor by choice.

I will walk up to a fella and do the Q+E and we will hop along together happily long after.

Now I've seen that bandits seem to think that they are somehow smarter than survivors' date=' just short of throwing racial slurs to describe them (bean-ers, anyone?).

However, it seems that these same good bandits fail to trick, kill or even disrupt me and my brothers when I play.

Today I've slain myself about 4 bandits. My group has took out more but 4 by my own hand. Now don't think that it was simply because we were a huge group killing off bandits.

P.S. We never lost a man, even when ambushed by bandits with half our group on a bio break.

The first kill was in the SE airstrip. I was in the control tower and got clipped through the glass and quickly got down. I suffered injuries, fractures and what not and the bandit was on his way up the ladder to collect his fresh loot. All he collected was an Enfield round to his pretty face, earning me some goodies.

The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us, we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.

Now this bandit was just as bright as the first bandit. He decided to stalk a group of survivors with several ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second. He lost a firefight with his KZ against Makarovs and pumpguns. It was beautiful to see him leg it down an open field though. Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command.

Long story short. A small (later large) group of survivors went from being malnourished, nearly unarmed and cold to having more than enough beans for everybody..All due to nearly systematical slaying of bandits (you guys seem to hang around the same places a lot.. So prone to ambushes).

Thanks for the beans, guys!


P.S. We never lost a man. Even when bandits ambushed us with half our group on a bio break.

> ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers tactically conveying our surrounds every second

>ex soldiers our surrounds

>our surrounds

really eh.

Hate to break it to you there buddy but that mil training you got, doesn't mean fuck all in a video game. So please stop referencing it as if it does.

That and most of these "elite" ambush/killing stories are coming from people playing on servers where you still have your hip fire crosshairs ffs.

You must be new here. This is a simulator, not CoD.

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