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Bandits..You're wrong to think that all survivors are stupid

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I'm a survivor by choice.

I will walk up to a fella and do the Q+E and we will hop along together happily long after.

Now I've seen that bandits seem to think that they are somehow smarter than survivors, just short of throwing racial slurs to describe them (bean-ers, anyone?).

However, it seems that these same good bandits fail to trick, kill or even disrupt me and my brothers when I play.

Today I've slain myself about 4 bandits. My group has took out more but 4 by my own hand. Now don't think that it was simply because we were a huge group killing off bandits.

P.S. We never lost a man, even when ambushed by bandits with half our group on a bio break.

The first kill was in the SE airstrip. I was in the control tower and got clipped through the glass and quickly got down. I suffered injuries, fractures and what not and the bandit was on his way up the ladder to collect his fresh loot. All he collected was an Enfield round to his pretty face, earning me some goodies.

The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us, we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.

Now this bandit was just as bright as the first bandit. He decided to stalk a group of survivors with several ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second. He lost a firefight with his KZ against Makarovs and pumpguns. It was beautiful to see him leg it down an open field though. Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command.

Long story short. A small (later large) group of survivors went from being malnourished, nearly unarmed and cold to having more than enough beans for everybody..All due to nearly systematical slaying of bandits (you guys seem to hang around the same places a lot.. So prone to ambushes).

Thanks for the beans, guys!

P.S. We never lost a man. Even when bandits ambushed us with half our group on a bio break.

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its a toss up for who i like to kill more

bandits usually have better gear

but survivors are fun to kill for the fact that you can turn them into another bandit

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its a toss up for who i like to kill more

bandits usually have better gear

but survivors are fun to kill for the fact that you can turn them into another bandit

True story - this happened to me.

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Survivors are just lambs to the slaughter against my CZ.

I hope for you that you never cross my scope, good sir.

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Bandits think they're smarter than survivors. Its not rare for people with social problems to think they're better than everyone else.

Bandits have social problems.

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It's not the gun that makes the man, but the man that makes the fun. I've killed more people with a Makarovs than I can count. One head shot puts down any man, and the Makarov does just fine up close...

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Because it is easier and more convenient to live as a bandid, most of them are not smart or not skilled enough, but never understimate based on this, your tactical thinking is shared by some bandits who know how to analyze their situations and surroundings.

They will hunt you just for the thrill.

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People generalize survivors and bandits way too much, it's 90% gray with 5% sociopaths and 5% adorable altruists on opposite sides of the spectrum.

I'm a bandit, because I've been fucked with before by other survivors. It's out of experience that I've become a bandit, not out of malice.

If you're in my way or not making your intentions 100% clear... you're getting shot no questions asked with no remorse felt... This is survival and I don't want to die.

If you're just in transit, make your intentions 100% clear, or haven't even detected my presence, you may go along with no harm done. I'm not out to ruin the game for you, but I'm sure as shit not going to let you ruin my good time without some serious down-range love from my Mk 48.

Survivors and Bandits don't have varying intelligence levels that makes one more apt than another, they're just different playstyles. Survivors and bandits alike, stop thinking your brand of scotch is better than everyone else's and just be cool with the way you are. Don't try and justify it by being all "Oh, I'm teaching these people a lesson to never trust again".

People don't NEED you to overtly teach them that lesson, they'll learn through individual experience if it plays out that way for them. You just be cool with what you do and don't apply arbitrary justifications to make yourself feel better or mask what you're doing with some ill-conceived sense of honor.

There are many reasons for being a survivor or bandit. Loot, survival, strength, control over land, control over resources, etc. All can be achieved through different methods in being a bandit or survivor.

Some become bandits for sport. Some for blood lust. Some for survival, some for loot, and some for safety.

Some become survivors for safety, survival, and teamwork... but some survivors are solitary.

Point being, there's certainly no black and white with survivors and bandits. Furthermore, there ARE carebears... and there are people who just kill because they're assholes, so stop trying to justify that with "it's freeform gameplay". Sure, it is, but you're still a pussy/prick to me. Not saying you're not entitled to do that, just be cool with what you are.

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TL DR, at any case. we are biologically superior.

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I'm a survivor by choice.

I will walk up to a fella and do the Q+E and we will hop along together happily long after.

Now I've seen that bandits seem to think that they are somehow smarter than survivors' date=' just short of throwing racial slurs to describe them (bean-ers, anyone?).

However, it seems that these same good bandits fail to trick, kill or even disrupt me and my brothers when I play.

Today I've slain myself about 4 bandits. My group has took out more but 4 by my own hand. Now don't think that it was simply because we were a huge group killing off bandits.

P.S. We never lost a man, even when ambushed by bandits with half our group on a bio break.

The first kill was in the SE airstrip. I was in the control tower and got clipped through the glass and quickly got down. I suffered injuries, fractures and what not and the bandit was on his way up the ladder to collect his fresh loot. All he collected was an Enfield round to his pretty face, earning me some goodies.

The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us, we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.

Now this bandit was just as bright as the first bandit. He decided to stalk a group of survivors with several ex-soldiers including myself tactically conveying our surrounds every second. He lost a firefight with his KZ against Makarovs and pumpguns. It was beautiful to see him leg it down an open field though. Shooting him in the back was probably even more satisfying for my buddy who ended his adventure on my command.

Long story short. A small (later large) group of survivors went from being malnourished, nearly unarmed and cold to having more than enough beans for everybody..All due to nearly systematical slaying of bandits (you guys seem to hang around the same places a lot.. So prone to ambushes).

Thanks for the beans, guys!


P.S. We never lost a man. Even when bandits ambushed us with half our group on a bio break.

This Story is Awesome LMFAO HAHAHAHA lol

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Bandits aren't better than survivors because of their play style, they're simply more dangerous because of their lack of qualms. A survivor might stop before shooting another player, a bandit won't. The lack of restraint is a powerful thing when it's every man for himself.

This same outlook is also the bandits biggest weakness, the arrogance that they're somehow "better" than the other players or that they don't "need" anyone else will always be their downfall. I discovered very early on that whenever I got cocky or every time I started thinking I was untouchable that I would be dead within the hour, this game shouldn't punish selfish murdering bandits but it should punish arrogance, something it already does.

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I'm mostly a survivor, but if I call a session success, then it usually means that a bandit was nearby and didn't even know it.

Also having better gear doesn't mean they are better, especially if they lose their moment of surprise and get killed by a player who has worse equipment or even worst case scenario, if the bandit HAD his moment of surprise and still died in the end.

Something bandits would probably find a good idea too:

Reading through bjarnidk's story i just thought about starting some kind of trophy collection of my killed bandits.

Would be awesome if we could wear their ears or scalps, but since that isn't in the game i think a screenshot gallery would be okay too :)

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I'm a survivor and I'm getting into bandit hunting. There are a lot a new players that are very inexperienced so its easy for other more seasoned players to take advantage of that. The real stupidity and recklessness that I see is in the bandits. They are usually easy to hunt and your average bandit plays like helen keller with parkinsons but there are a elite few of bandits that can make the tides of a situation turn quickly. It those handful of bandits that you need to worry about because if you encounter a bandit that knows what hes doing, you will have quite a fight on your hands.

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The OP is a dumbass, the bandit system is being removed.

Bandits account for about 1/6 of all players, and therefore account for about 1/6 of my total kills.

PS it sounds like this is made-up anyway.. angry guy lost his beans wants to troll the bandits

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The OP is a dumbass' date=' the bandit system is being removed.

Bandits account for about 1/6 of all players, and therefore account for about 1/6 of my total kills.

PS it sounds like this is made-up anyway.. angry guy lost his beans wants to troll the bandits


The bandit system is not being removed. Just the skin. There will still be bandits, my friend.

This story is not made up. Here is a screen of our group (I don't know why it doesn't show bandits killed):


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>kills 4 bandits out of 8200

>thinks he knows the attitude and knowledge of every bandit in the game

Yeah, this thread makes sense...

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The second bandit was a player minding his tent in the woods. We asked him to leave with his life unscathed and told him that if he should choose to stalk us' date=' we would kill him before he could fire a single shot. He obeyed and we looted his tent.[/quote']

How are you any better than us if you rob people minding their own business?

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Being a lone wolf, I killed when threatened, my intentions/direction becomes apparent to the hostile (I don't need someone going all Bear Grylls and trying to track me), or when someone fails to respond to a friend or foe call.

I have no issue interacting with survivors if they make their intentions clear before approaching!

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I will survive any way I have to. If I kill you for your stuff it's nothing personal. What gets my back up is this whole thing about how guys hunt bandits out of honourable reasons. You hunt guys with different game style to "protect the noobs". Do you really think all bandits head out to the coast and gank fresh spawners? They have nothing we need at that point. If you venture into the hinterland you are entering the war zone. You shoot people for gear the same as us. You rob people etc, the same as us. You just limit your pool. I have yet to see evidence of survivors acting differently to bandits when they need something. You really want Zs to be your only enemy? That would be a bit of a dull game in my opinion. However you may justify your actions, however you care to stroke your ego, however talented you proclaim yourself if I find you I intend to dance in your skin.

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Honestly, the only bandits that I've seen that act better than everyone else are the one's who just randomly kill, even if they don't need any loot. Now those guys are the idiots, not just bandits in general.

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I personally enjoy it all. Whether being hunted or hunting. It's a huge reason why DayZ Mod gives such an open world and thrilling experience.

However people just seem to have such a weird sense of what the unofficial rules are/should be.

If I kill you, it doesn't matter my reasoning. I'm alive, you're dead. Whether it was because I wanted your gear, you saw me, you shot at me, or because I was just in a bad mood and you entered my fire lane -- it really makes no difference.

Right or wrong, there are very few "lines" that can be drawn in Day Z. People who try to white knight add flavor to the same overall recipe. Same for the bandits who murder to murder. It's six and half a dozen of another.

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One time I got bored and lit up Kamenka (i think it was kamenka) with 29 flares around the town and surrounding area. I carried the last one into the center of town, got a horde following me and ran into the two storey house. Thirty headshots later a bandit showed up, he stood at the back of a long line of zombies and started taking shots at me. Eventually he scored enough hits on me and I got knocked down, the zombies got to me and I was killed.

Bandit: another one bites the dust

Bandit: protip: dont use so many flares lol

Bandit was killed.

Can this just be a dumb bandit/survivor thread?

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