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Worst Way You Ever Died

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At Devils castle with 2 friends, we just finished mauling 2 other Bandits and gained some nice loot (M14 AIM) which is my favorite Sniper rifle, anyways some random noob appeared out of nowhere on top of the main ruin, my friend began unloading Makarov shots into him, I told him to stop as the random was saying friendly. In which he proceeded to turn my way and unload an Enfield round into my face, after I just saved his life. needless to say I don't trust any random on DayZ anymore.

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climbing down the ladder from the very top of the elektro apartment complex, when i reached the bottom my dude just kept climbing down into the floor and i kinda died.

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This happened while I was fresh. I was searching for a drink in Cherno when i decided to avoid a roaming walker by crawling through a small garage type building. I noted a pile of scrap metal on the floor but I thought nothing of it and proceeded to crawl over it. This resulted in my instant death.

Fortunately I re-spawned near nough for me to run back to where I died and collect my gear. It weren't much but I had nothing anyway so i sprinted off into Cherno gathering quite an impressive hoarde of the undead I figured I'd find some hilarious use for. I turned the corner to find some random with a makarov killing some other random over the inventory of my deceased former self. After doing a couple of laps around him laughing as he spun around shooting things i darted off and around a couple of fences and hid and listened to the sound of poor marksmanship fade into the distance followed by most of the hoarde... As i returned to my corpse to gather my belonings i was set upon by another random dressed as a bush who said in an amusing hillbilly accent "Dem boys done brought me some beans!" as he killed me with a crowbar or a hatchet... I didn't really see...

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Well, once I found a working bus, everything was green, I got in (not even starting it) and it promptly caught on fire and blew up.

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Well my most idiotic death happened as follows:

I was in one of the office/school buildings, happily marching around with my Mak in hand for any Zeds I come across. I get up to the roof, and instead of running through I decide to run around and see the scenery as I did so. Probably a silly mistake as my character wanted a very close view of the ground scenery and hurled himself off the roof.

I had resigned to my fate by half way down, broken legs if not dead, unconscious and surely bleeding. Amazingly I only got knocked out and was bleeding slightly, I was so happy to be alive. Managed to regain conciousness and bandage myself, at about 8900ish blood. Pretty buzzed at surviving that, I start to get up and... Damn Zed hits me in the back of the head and I get knocked out, AGAIN, just enough time to see more and more zombies flood to my soon to be corpse and eat away. I don't know if I regained consciousness before I died, after the Zed knocked me down I just got up and went to get a drink. I was not happy.

My worst death is another story, and inevitably involves another player. I shall save it for a rainy day. Wait I live in England... I'll save it for a rainier day.

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At the NWA firestation where i retreaded after attracting lots of zombies, decided to stop wasting my AK ammo on them, and tossed a grenade in the stairs to the floor below. Somehow the explosion went through and instantly killed me. Guess that i certainly looked hilarious from the outside of the building while blowing myself up.

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I ran inside a building, and while I was in the doorway, my teammate accidentally slammed the door into my face, causing me to bleed out and die. I shot him the next time we met XD

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In the early days me and my buddie were walking across a field valley with a dirt road running down the middle. Valley was probably 800 meters aross so we had no cover.

I say to my friend,

"OMG Dean its a motorcycle!!! You know what this means man a two seated joy ride boo yaaa"

Hops on bike...

Takes bullet in head.....


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was in Berezino when a group of zombies spawned right around a wall at the train tracks. I walked around literally feet from them so they all bum rushed me. I backed up around the wall hoping to bait them through. instead they ran past that opening to instead go threw a gate that swung open and crushed me against the wall breaking my leg. I then proceeded to get eaten to death.

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mainly hackers so far, but i guess that really does count as a stupid death!

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I tried to crawl out of a building while at full blood. Upon getting half way through the door, I broke my legs, and died a second later. I had some good stuff on me too. :/

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hit respawn instead of options ( wanted to turn down my game volume ) while driving a ural by myself out in the open ... ridiculous.

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One morning my brother and I got up early. We spent about 3 hours scavenging towns up north. This was the first time we both made it up north, so we were pretty excited. We were looking down at Gorka when my best friend had signed on. He was in Stary and we told him we would meet up there. About halfway to Stary my friend starts screaming in the mic, there was a chopper circling above the tents in Stary. As I got closer I saw the chopper and they had been dropping off their team mates. My brother and I quickly raced to the area where the enemies were and we saw a sniper up on the hill looking in the direction of where my friend was. My brother had a winchester, so he started firing on the sniper. As soon as he started shooting the sniper immediatly got up, ran to the nearest bush, and Alt-F4'd. We kept our eyes on the bush, the chopper nowhere to be seen.

The sniper got back on, only to be taking bullets from my brother. Sniper Alt-F4'd again. This time my friend and I ran to a small area of trees and layed down. After aabout 5 minutes of waiting, the chopper is back. We watch it, and boom, it crashes into the hill near us. All three of us got up and ran for that chopper. Bang, bang, bang. We were all down. Little did we know that the chopper had been dropping in people around us, and those people hid on the hills around us. I'm sure these guys were spawning items, because they all had Ghillies and sniper rifles. That was a fun day.

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forgot to walk down the barn stairs. Broke my leg down to 3k blood bandage no morphine,cant respawn, zombies coming in so i shoot bring about another 20 zombies i kill some of them than go unconscious and get eaten. What makes it even worse is my buddy was coming to meet up with me and all he found was my dead body and a lee enfield.

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Worst way i died was i had ghile suit, nvg, m9 silenced, m14aim, and all the tools except hunting knife and hatchet, i also had food and drinks, i was making my way up to the north western airfield to loot the barraks hoping for a sniper rifle or a better gun and for some reason i went in to a barn to loot, so im in the barn going up the stairs to have a look and found nothing so im going down the stairs and by accident i fall of the stairs and get a 5min unconscious timer and what really sucks is 3 zombies saw me and thought "Oh look free dinner, lets go eat this tasty guy" and while in lying there on the ground getting eaten by zombies i think why the hell did i go into the barn, and then it comes to me, my sister was yelling at me to go look inside that barn so i wanted to be nice and do as she said. it was her damn fault

Thanks sis for killing me

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The worst time I had when I was in Cherno as a fresh noob. I was a survivor aof 5 days though! I had an axe, and a G17 piustol with 2 clips, just aqcuired from the military tents in Cherno, plus all kinds of equip...I had some Zeds chasing me (noob that I was) and fired my G17 empty...then luckily at 8000 blood, I found an AKM! Great. Suddenlay a voice behind me...Friendly...we run through town, gather stuff, he has an Enfield...bad thing to fire, that. So he fires it, during the most heavy lag ever experienced in all dayz (that famous day of the d-dos that lasted hours and hours...) and we have to run to the piers, shoot more than 50 Zeds. But I get hit a lot, at about 2500 blood we decide to go back to ther medical tents. There we give each other blood packs. We log out, to meet again, including TS-server, the next day. I log out in a military tent in Cherno...when I log back in, I am lying prone on a street in Cherno, with 2500 blood, no ammo...and cursing. I drag myself to the hospital in thze outskirts. Suddenly a random stranger comes by and shoots me with his revolver...dayz at its best...


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Fell off a building, passed out, fixed myself up, less than 300 blood, the VERY first cornor I walk by just happens to have zeds.

R.I.P little Crowii.

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I tried to be friendly and help a guy with a hatchet. He broke my legs, I unloaded 5-6 rounds into him and we both died.

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worst dead ever? me and some mate were playing for some time. our current chars were at day 4 or so. ghillie/nvg/svd camo/l85, the nice shit. some other friends of mine decided to start playing and so we planed to meet up somewhere north of pusta in the north. after 3 hours (we were 7 guys, 2 playing for some time, 5 playing first time, no map, no compass, nothing :D)we finally meet. so we decided to make a fireplace, cook some meat and celebrate a little "yay we found our selfs" party. suddenly. helicopter noises. and RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA. 4 of us got killed in the first salve (yeah, wasnt really clever to sit around some campfire with 7 man in the middle of the night). the 3 survivors of us (down to 5-7k blood) heard the heli landing and shortly after we got sniped :/

Edited by Zelarn

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First time I bumped into another player. Didn't know what to do. I just froze on the spot, staring at the guy. But I don't mean like a momentary freeze. Oh no, this was a stand there while he shuffles around a little, changes his weapon and takes very careful aim of my face before firing! Still don't know what I thought I was going to achieve by not moving. Clearly got zombie survival mixed up with Jurassic Park...

Lulz! Did the exact same thing at NW airfield. It was the middle of the night and I had been sneaking around finding some good stuff and all of a sudden I spot this guy running torwards me with a makarov.

I just freeze and the guy stares at me for a few seconds and then promptly blows my head off. Execution style... I had been alive for 17 days...

Another time (this was my very first survival attempt) I had just looted the military camp outside Balota but my shenanigans caught the attention of a few of the zombies.

They scared me so much that I just started to spam the shift key! (I play with running toggled off) And all of a sudden I was on my desktop with a box that prompted me to turn on Stickykeys!!

Needless to say I was very much dead when I finally got back in to the game :P

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New spawn in Balota.

I employ a "nothing to lose" attitude and storm the military outpost.

Find a dead guy with an M14 and a GPS in one of the hunting stands.

Move to exit the camp, thoroughly aroused.

Open one of the front gates.

The gate opens onto my side and pins me against the wall.

This breaks my legs and inexplicably throws me a couple hundred feet into the air, unconcious.

I regain conciousness as I land in the water.

The water provides no help and kills me on impact.

I respawn in Balota and head to my body only to see another survivor was taking the stuff, and had noticed me.

Then I died again.

Edited by Hydra

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i just spawned found a military camp went to open the gate the gate knocked me down had to wait like 20 minutes to get up then had a broken leg while bleeding to death....but was still able to climb ladders lol? eventaully gave up and crawled towards a pack of zombies to unleash my own fate!!

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I've got three unusual deaths to tell.

The first death being when I was hiding in a barn defending my friends dead body after he was shot and killed by a passing through survivor (which i ended up killing) and then I randomly exploded and leveled the whole building which obviously killed me instantaneously. The explosion scared the living hell out of me though haha.

The second death being when I was at the southern barracks in the NW Airfield and I volted over the chair blocking the hallway and ended up breaking my legs, falling unconscious and going into shock all within half a second and I immediately died after. All right in front of my friend lol.

And finally the third death being when I was at the NE Airfield on top of the air traffic control tower when I decided to kill a few zombies. A was fully geared up with cayote backpack and decent military weapons. A zombie walked through the door on top of the tower and i was backed up to the ladder where there was no railing, I shot the zombie as the zombie was about to attack me so he glitched foward as he died and pushed me right off the tower. I fell 10-15 metres to my inevitable death. I ended up running all the way from Balota (where I re-spawned) back to my body at the NE Airfield.

So many other wierd deaths happened to me aswell but i don't want to type an encyclopedia length reply.

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