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To all New Players... I Can Help

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So this post is just to say hi new players i have playing dayz since version 1.6 and i belive i have a fair knowlage of the game. So here is my offer for you, the other day me and 2 of my friends decided to make a camp on our one of our home servers we have enough gear to share and help a few people(AKM, M16A ,2 lee enfields and 2 winchesters some handguns and we are working on stocking up more tools Ie: matches hunting, knifes ,ect.) I am willing to help you out bring you to our camp(if i feel like i start to trust you) and teach you the basics of survival and how to just live aside from when you encounther other players they are always unpredictable. PM me here if you are intreseted or add me on skype(Daniel Slidders its the picture of that cat cause i have had moar then 1 skype) we are all on US/CA east coast. If you want to play with us today/night and give it a try your more then welcome to join us we are on a quest of any car bike bus ect, so we can pick each other up and loots towns with ease. Looking forward to hearin from some of you. Who knows mbby we will be a clan 1 day =]

GL and keep on surviving

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Hey my friend iam also looking for a group i am an honest and active player i dont shoot people on sight iam not an asshole i have some expierence in the game even though I still feel there is stuff i need to learn about I would be very happy if I could join your group

Skype _ tomekshlomek

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I'm completely new, and would love a helping hand!

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I might want to take advantage of this as well. I'm also on the East Coast US. I've never used Skype, but I'm sure I can figure it out.

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I would also like to get in on it, I should be finishing the installation not too long from now.

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I would need some help too but you remind me of the guys from this video:

LMAO watched that last night its so jokes i wish that was my first day in DayZ but sadly no party bus here not even a bike

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First rule of DayZ is : Trust no one.

Because i so want your flashlight and painkillers as im walking around with a CZ550 and a 1911 and have over 5 or 6 different military weps at our camp

Also on that note how do i know once i help one of u find a good gun u wont kill me for my sniper or if show u my camp u and some friends wont take all of our shit. Its all about trust bro i dont treat this game as a slow TDM as most do. The point of the game is to survive for as long as possible and with more people you last longer i know this from playing for so long but yea ill kill u if u shoot first but u wont catch me firing the first bullet ever. Sorry want to create a positive community of people who are like minded like me? Not everyone shoots first and asks questions later and im sick of that attitude in this game and tbh you are promoting it by telling new players to not trust anyone.

Edited by Inqnctrl

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I might want to take advantage of this as well. I'm also on the East Coast US. I've never used Skype, but I'm sure I can figure it out.

It's ok if you do not have skype there are a lot of other programs or even a VoIP in game so im not to worried =](also i have hands so i believe i can type.... well i think i can at least)((tru story))

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Also if i sound silly. Mah bad just had an 8 hour DayZ sesh a little bit out of it found 3 more tents today = D

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i wouldn't mind joining up with you guys. what difficulty does your server have. i don't like the ones with the hover over name tag. ever since i got killed in the middle of a town in the ded of night. its to easy to locate players with that on you just run your cross hares over a city till you c green.

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I just come here at the first time, so i truely need help !

and i am glad to meet such a thread in the section!!


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If you guys need a teamspeak instead of a skype, here is my gaming communities teamspeak. You guys can talk on there and can have your own channel for your group. We will also eventually be getting our own game server.

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Thank you very much!

I have learned a lot!!


Edited by edda0199

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Can I join you guys, if you give me your server address I can probally fix a bus for you

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