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Disconnect and reconnect, look at the bottom right of your screen, save everyone the trouble of reading your post.

Edited by icomrade
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If its got a stupid ball on a stick rising above everything then yeah probably stary.

Need to head west though mate. Not seen any Pandas in that area.

Edited by Mike_France

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Definitely Stary.

Millitary tents indicate stary, Thats all i needed to red. ^^^ +1

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100% Stary Sobor. Incredibly dangerous area due to its central location and abundance of supplies, particularly the military encampment. It'll give you lots of good stuff should you successfully loot it, but there is a very high chance of being killed by bandits there.

Our good pal Dslyecxi has uploaded a map with both the Russian and English texts for locations, allowing you to navigate by roadsigns found in game.


Also, you succeeded in going almost straight north as you desired. Good job!

Edited by Askar

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I dont suggest hanging around Stary long, it is a popular spot for people to go including Bandits. Go to the Mil camp near the factory if you brave.

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Yeah, I just hit that up (although I was scared as hell because there was a tent pitched right in the middle of the camp - thought that I was going to get a sniper rifle round in my head at any second) and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I traded the extremely rare FN FAL ANPV S4 for an M16A4.

I just don't usually play at night, and that scope was killing me...

Don't worry about the trade. I currently have 3 FN FAL ANPVs. And few other high end military weapons. I found 3 Heli crash sites in the last 2 days... with a grand total of 4 FN FAL ANPVs between them. And 3 M14 AIMs.

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You are in Stary Sobor. :o Watch out! everything that moves is shot there. :o

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you're going from Stary Sobor to the NW Airfield?

Good luck man, you're in the hot zone and you'll be pretty lucky to get out alive.

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Dunno whats so scary about that place just charge in grab what you need and get out. The people that i always kill are the ones trying to be sneaky crawling and proning everywhere sooooooo easy to see and soooo much easier to kill then some guy charging headlong through the trees lol.

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Definitely Stary Sobor. Use this map http://dayzdb.com/map#3.023.085 to find where you are. It took me like 10 seconds to find what you described just using that map.

I'm glad that you posted the exact same reply and link as the previous poster. I'm quite sure the OP would find your information far more valuable than those heathens!

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stary is fun...saw a red car their and 3 people in it trying to drive it away with a busted tire....m249.

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