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I like this approach, personally it sounds a lot like EvE onlines ideas behind being engaged, or engaging and then logging off. I like it

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logout timer has to be atleast 60+ seconds. u can alt+f4 but ur character would still remain standing where u alt+f4'ed.

u may think 60+ seconds are too much ? think again! firefights occur between 0 - 1200m or even more. imagine engaging someone with an assault rifle at 300m, but he just crawls behind a tree/corner/whatever and logs out. now test it and go in game and see how long u need to run a distance of 300m. and now test it with even higher distances.

now comes the interesting part :

a logout timer lower than 60+ seconds will just encourage sniping from far distances A LOT ! everyone will try to stay away at least 600m away from his opponents, in case things go wrong u can just hide and log out, ur opponents will never catch up to your position in time. dayz will evolve to a sniper simulator... well maybe it wont be THAT harsh, but u can see what i want to say.

dont get me wrong i will be happy about even a 10 second timer to prevent someone alt+f4'ing i just knocked out and what would be a sure kill then, but we have to look at the whole combat system involving long distance fights.

Edited by brizz
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MMO means Monthly Money Okay!

i shudder anytime someone mentions those...

I've paid for the last 4 years of Eve Online with in-game money. I play it for free. I play Dayz for free. Most of my Steam games were gifts. I play all those for free. Out of about 110 games, I've bought about 8 of them. ARMA II: CO included. I played Rift for free with codes given by Raptr promotions. I played that for free. So for most people MMO would come with bills. Mine don't. Not if you're doing it right anyway.

Edited by ninjaholic

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Are we talking about Alt+F4 only or aborting (esc, then abort, then disconnect) as well?

I'm suggesting a timer for all disconnections. I know the game is harsh as it is, and this will help hackers, griefers and script kiddies design a script that teleports people who are in limbo waiting for their character to disappear so they can just shoot them, but it stops people who are running from a gunfight. I hate the cowards more than the hackers to be honest.

Edited by ninjaholic
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Numbers updated. Adding other suggestions in a minute. Thanks for taking part guys. Keep the suggestions & votes rolling in.

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it needs to be 30 seconds, me and my buddy stalked 2 players from Mogilevka for about 10 minutes until they entered a large empty field where me and my buddy shot them a few times, they proned behind a bush quite far away and Alt+F4 their worries away.

about 20 minutes later in Stary we ambushed a guy in the army barracks and he also Alt+F4.

It really does ruin the fun.

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The wider Arma community have had this for a while, DayZ just needs to go and ask.


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Fix the hacking issues before punishing players for leaving.

I've only alt+f4'd once, and that was when a tank spawned behind me and was moving his main gun towards where I was laying down. If I had been killed by the tank because of some 30 second timer when I bailed, I would have been pissed. Even a 5 second timer would have killed me.

If hacking isn't fixed before a timer is put in place, then you're going to see more hackers pop up. Because why bother getting your gear, just so you can be killed by some dick because of a timer. Timers work in other games because hacking isn't as big of an issue in them.

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I disagree that you're punishing players by including a timeout. Most games have it to force players to either log off safely or take the risk of being a lucky bag.

Edited by ninjaholic

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i would also like to see something implimented to where if you kill someone and they DC, their body stays for a certian amount of time instead of disapearing .. I think if you kill a guy no matter what, the body should stay for a while unless its hidden by another player

inventory duplication exploit possibility :(

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If a logout timer is too punishing for some people, make shock a little easier to obtain. Get the shock status immediately after taking damage or having a shot land near you. The next time the alt+f4 er logs in they have to sit through an agonizingly long timer.

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The only problem with trying to stop hackers is that, in most cases, the hackers win. Once a patch goes up to stop current hacks, new hacks will be released a few days later. The only problem with removing ALT+F4 is the amount of threads that will be posted due to not being able to escape a hacker. For example, guy with amazing loot gets teleported to a field by a hacker, tried to ALT+F4 to escape, nothing happens. If this guy uses the forums a lot, he will instantly come here and rage about not having a way to protect his stuff against hackers. Any way you look at this, the community will just end up divided as usual :/

Maybe you could add some way to instantly DC someone if they travel a massive distant within a certain time (as in teleporting) and add a delay on which they can rejoin the server just to protect them from being killed.

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The only problem with trying to stop hackers is that, in most cases, the hackers win. Once a patch goes up to stop current hacks, new hacks will be released a few days later. The only problem with removing ALT+F4 is the amount of threads that will be posted due to not being able to escape a hacker. For example, guy with amazing loot gets teleported to a field by a hacker, tried to ALT+F4 to escape, nothing happens. If this guy uses the forums a lot, he will instantly come here and rage about not having a way to protect his stuff against hackers. Any way you look at this, the community will just end up divided as usual :/

Maybe you could add some way to instantly DC someone if they travel a massive distant within a certain time (as in teleporting) and add a delay on which they can rejoin the server just to protect them from being killed.

Trust me, as someone who plays Source-based games competitively I know all too well how resourceful hackers are and how widespread the hacking community is, it's a sad state of affairs and I'm the first person to stop gaming and take every step to ensure someone gets reported, and I take an enormous amount of my time to do this even though they'll just create another account or buy another copy of the game for a new key and the process starts again.

However this is an awkward step for the hacker and it generates more income for the company so I'll do it every time, even if I'm not gaming. And that's just as sad, but one of us has to quit sometime and it ain't gonna be me.

That said I can see that this system would directly affect the hacker's griefing frequency or temptation to grief or start hacking but the main issue I want to cover here is not the relationship between ALT F4ggotry and hackers, but primarily to add risk to an ALF F4 event.

These issues need to be tackled simultaneously to be effective.

There are plugins that have been designed by community members for other games that run server-side that detect hack events, not the hack themselves and prevent them from being effective. These are excellent since they cannot be worked around if the server is legit, but the admins can choose to just not use the plugin. We would simply then avoid servers that don't have the plugin installed, and immediately the effect of hacking is reduced. If only we could create such server-side plugins and distribute them? I would but I'm unable to code one, but I'll look in to it.

Edited by ninjaholic

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Shit happens, deal with it.

Words out of my mouth.

I have heard from some people that there is like a 5 minute KO if you disconnect or reconnect too much. Not too sure if that's true, I don't do it.

The only problem with trying to stop hackers is that, in most cases, the hackers win. Once a patch goes up to stop current hacks, new hacks will be released a few days later.

The best deterrent I've seen to help stop script kitties is by making them pay for it. 30$ for a new cd key hurts after a while for only a couple days of "having fun?"

But, yes, there are the real hackers who create or see a challenge in designing cheats or ways to exploit the system solely for themselves. I think as time goes on and Battle eye adapts to these new methods and improves detection of commands on a server, it will hopefully calm down.

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ALT+F4 is no problem at all ... yeah i've seen people doing that ... and i admit i did it in certain situations myself ... e.g. when i broke my fucking leg while walking up the ladder @ devils castle and had no morphine on me ... i was so proud to be so far north at that time (noob) and i couldnt accept the fact that walking up a ladder breaks your leg in this game ... there must be a way to encouter the bugs in this game ... there is no "oh you gotta except that its an alphaaaa go die bye" ... i tried to abort when a stone swallowed my character but i died ... i feel like i have a right to abort when something like this happens ... AND YES i've aborted when i was alt+tabbed in windows to look at a map , tabbed back in and saw a group of 4 people towards me ... i felt like a coward but it saved my life ... but i guess i wouldnt do that know ... part of the learning process ...

back to my point

im 99% sure that the collected data will show that ALT+F4ing is a minor problem or doesn't even "exist" aka is abused by the majority of players ...

Edited by NoRegrets
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Yeah I'm sick of a good ol shoot off ending abruptly (usually they are bleeding and in shock so that was kinda dumb)

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There are also hacking 'addicts'. People who WILL pay time and time again for new hacks and new CD keys. I know a few online. They're not friends of mine, but I've talked to them about it out of interest and they will admit to being hackers and will never stop hacking. Thankfully, they're in the minority.

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I usually play with multiple people. When we get into trouble i always hear people scream "should we abort?!?!". I hate logging out to get out of trouble it is part of the game to die and if you do get into trouble you should be able to think fast too. It all adds to the game to be sharp and be as carefull as possible. Its part of the experience for me, so for me its my personal rule to never alt+F4 or abort for whatever reason. First few days of playing i did now i never will cause it just makes the game to darn easy and boring.

About having a timer on alt + F4 i think that will be sensible. Even played some games where there is a timer on logout even if its just 10 seconds. When you do get hit by a player or NPC the timer extends back to a maximum of 1 minute. Im all good for these things.

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When I hear people ask that I tell them to grow some balls. I still think that the frequency of ALT F4 events is much worse than the hacking that's going on.

Edited by ninjaholic

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Hacking and Aborting ... Come on ... Aborting is far far away from being hacking

im PRO a 5 sec delay or even more ... it will probably only help to calm down these sniping bitches who constantly complain about the poor players they see aborting through their scope ...

but this alpha mod is far from being a complete product and those zig zaging zombies that walk through doors and all these deadly bugs that kill randomly ... will be tougher to encounter ...

PLUS ...

the majority of people who complain about ALT+F4ing are the ones who dont lose shit when they die because they have a clan or a group with tents and stuff ... so they ran back to their group and get their gear back ...

when i lone wolfed DayZ i was so feared about the fact that i will lose my gear ... now that i got my tent or some people i play with i dont even care anymore ...

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Basically the only people who don't want a logout delay (as per every mmo that exists) are people that abuse alt + F4.

I made a thread about this and people made the most absurd and ridiculous excuses as to why it was bad to have a timer to logout.

Bad internet, hurricanes (seriously), friends trapped on the interstate highway that they needed to go and rescue and didn't have time to logout (not even 30 seconds) etc.

Now it's 'hacking', which frankly is a problem.

Except alt + F4 is a bigger problem.

Most of the time when hackers kill me its the whole server getting nuked anyway, so alt + f4 wouldnt even save me.

Bring on the 1-5 minute logout timer I say.

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Anyone mention aliens? I wanted to ALT F4 but I was busy being probed like someone stuffing stolen bank notes up a chimney.

@ #47 I gave my beans so fast it could be considered assault. Completely agreed with every single word. Even the spaces between.

Edited by ninjaholic

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There should be a 1 minute delay of the character leaving the server - and - if it could be implemented someway, a non-legit close (esc, abort, disconnect) would result in a random spawn. This would also eliminate ghosting.

For a legit close, just gray out the abort button for 15 seconds.

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Numbers updated.

Edited by ninjaholic

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