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Don't worry he will be sitting in the open field and he can't shoot for shit :lol:

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Yey, I've also found my way here now!

Alot has happened today. :D

Well met!

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lol i shot both choppers down, was great fun

shot Melonsarecool out the door gun of one, didnt get the pilot as he fell out as chopper was falling out the sky, no idea if he logged out in time.

the one that can be fixed i shot when it was only about 5-10feet off the ground, 2x players then ran off into the woods

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Hmm 2 choppers....aint there supposed to be 1 per server?

Nah, 2-3 pr server.

Who killed me ;D?

Edited by Evilrip

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lol yea sorry dude, i knew someone would be near the chopper when server came up

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lol yea sorry dude, i knew someone would be near the chopper when server came up

Haha np it's all part of the game. That was a scary shot. Didn't even hear the sound before i was dead :D Enjoy the loot.

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will do thanks :P just what a was looking for

Edited by arch3r

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Will do Evilrip, we have a 50man mumble server if you guys want your own room in it we can set yous up, should make for some good laughs

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I popped on last night but it was dead, got more people in our Mumble :P

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lol yea thats coz we havent even started using it yet, we still on our old mumble atm.

i will get the troops to start using it tonight

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Big Thanks to darp for the chopper :D

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Hey Arch3r, this is Dakkes PoV and our mumble from the other night when we killed you, see the retards I have to work with, can't even read a god damn map :P

Edited by Frenzy
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Hey Arch3r, this is Dakkes PoV and our mumble from the other night when we killed you, see the retards I have to work with, can't even read a god damn map :P

when you came for me.cas had move to get you lol.it was a fun night.and who was on that hill with the mk48 opened fire at me first. then cas came in thank god lol.

Edited by arch3r

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when you came for me.cas had move to get you lol.it was a fun night.and who was on that hill with the mk48 opened fire at me first. then cas came in thank god lol.

Ahh there was a dude on the hill that I killed about 5 mins before but he had a L85, I did wonder what the fuck he was firing at. I only had a M1911 but I fucked him up good and nicked his shit :D

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To the player that killed me yesterday without hesitation in that NW barn...you've created a monster! Im now an official sniping head hunter and the executioner of your crew ;)

P.S we now know who you are after the takedowns at the NE airstrip!

Edited by TheWeedMan

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I cried myself to sleep last night lol....1 month old character.....and a pair of boxers full of shit when the gun went off ;)

Edited by TheWeedMan

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Anyone that got shot proning over the NW airfield the other day? A guy with camo clothing and a machinegun, with a friend that had a ghuillie.

Could just see them for a little while. Had to take a shot, I hit the camo guy so he fell unconscious, and according to the footage I hit twice (m24, 300m~).

Had to move away since zombies where heading for me. But when I tried to look again he was gone. Either logged or managed to wake up and get away bleeding. :(

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So is anyone else noticed how easily our hidden vehicles are being discovered?

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Well, the big camps ye.

Though I have had a car hidden that noone has touched for atleast 4 days now.

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