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Everything went better than expected!

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met up with a friend of mine in NW airfield, looted both barracks, ran down to stary sobor, looted all camps,

surprisingly, no bandit snipers!

I expected a firefight in which I'd end up dead or unconcious while the bandits loot us, but I actually ended up with an AKM and a M9SD!

Everything went better than expected! :)

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I've been 3 times on the Balota airstrip and haven't encountered one survivor!

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I've been 3 times on the Balota airstrip and haven't encountered one survivor!

WOW 3 times.

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met up with a friend of mine in NW airfield, looted both barracks, ran down to stary sobor, looted all camps,

surprisingly, no bandit snipers!

I expected a firefight in which I'd end up dead or unconcious while the bandits loot us, but I actually ended up with an AKM and a M9SD!

Everything went better than expected! :)

Nice indeed.

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I would be tad unhappy to loot whole NWA and Sobor only to find common AKM and a M9SD that you can loot from deerstands or firestations quite often.

But yea, nice to go there and not get shot for once :P

Btw lately I find most fun for me is to respawn and mess around Elektro / Cherno getting shot at, running from Zeds and gathering basic suplies. Once I play for few days and have ok equipment (FN Fal / M14CCO that kind of stuff) I get a bit bored eventually.

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Well me and my friend are heading up to the NW airstrip in a couple of hours, I have a feeling it can only end badly...........

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