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Kicked/Banned from us 401- Abusive Admin "EXILE Gaming'

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Hi guys, Pretty much made this account to report these idiots....

I've been playing for close to a month now with some mates, and because us401 had a day/night cycle that matched our playing times - and it has decent ping to all of us - we chose it to plant/save our tents and start building vehicles. US401 also had pretty active admins from the EXILE multi-gaming clan that play there, so hackers were often stopped before they could cause any major havok (a plus when you have decent gear).

Anyway, after a weeks work establishing our tent city we were moving north from Cherno back to our tents to deposit items and we decided to stop at Zub castle and see if we could pick up any extra food/items.

When we got to the castle, every single hole in the castle wall had been sandbagged and barb wired - but the main entrance driveway was open so we walked in. Inside the castle walls was about 20 full tents, a bicycle, motorcycle, two atv's and a GAZ...pretty much a jackpot for fledgling noobs. We figured it must be only clan on the server "EXILE", and where they keep their gear.We left two people guarding the entrance while the other two started looting tents and loading the GAZ.

While we were holding the entrance 2-3 clan members came back so we shot them. Us 401 has never restarted (except for patches) while we've been playing on it, but once we shot that first clan member it restarted twice in about 10 minutes (dodgey?) . When we opened fire on one of the guys in the entrance - he aborted(which makes this ban even more ironic). We managed to log back in safely, the GAZ was jittering in a wall so we decided not to risk it and just take what we could carry.The guys i was with ran the new guns to the tent city, i logged out at the top of Zub castle because i had to go. Considering what we could've done to the base, i think what we did was pretty tame.

The next day i logged back in, the main entrance was sandbagged, most tents were flattened and the vehicles were gone, they were in the process of moving their base. While i was looking around i saw one of the EXILE clan members at one of the tents and shot him. I left the castle, and halfway to our base i was banned/kicked for "Server Hopping".

1 How could you be stupid enough to put 100% of your tents and vehicles in Zub.

2 Why would you ban people for playing the game (even if it is exposing and profiting from your stupidity). If you want to build a cute sandbag base that isn't going to be potentially raided, make your server private (or just hide your shit properly like everyone else)

3 Maybe use a better pretext than server hopping for banning players like myself.

Now you've lost probably the most active players on your server, as well as your super secret base. And while we're on the topic of super secrecy....

One of my mates who wasnt banned decided he'd try find wherever they moved their base too. These guys didn't seem to be interested in hiding their gear, and liked places that could be holed up instead of hidden - so someone suggested taking a look at Devil's castle. Yep. Sandbagged/wired off base with tents full of sandbags, wire, engine parts and a few big guns. Looks like they are migrating there from Zub. Its there at the moment if you guys are feeling picky, or maybe wait a day for them to populate it with guns and vehicles. There's also still plenty of guns and items in the tents at Zub castle. Consider this retribution against admin abusing duds.

US 401 - Devils Castle. Have fun



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Simply put they are childish admins.

I can't tell you how many times I have been kicked/banned from a server shortly after I killed the admin that was all decked out, ambushed their clan w/ their vehicle, or stole their vehicle.

Really wish there was a thread to grade server admins or just grading servers in general. If someone can mention an awesome US server where this doesn't go on I would love to know.

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Pretty hilarious seeing as I'm one of the admins of the US 401 server and this never happened.

Zub was actually a forward operating base. I designed it for the purposes of engaging hostiles in the area. And in the time we were using it, we only had three legitimate hostile contacts at the base.

The first one, a bandit came up the West side of the hill and actually killed our clan leader before I turned around and dropped the bandit. Clan leader respawned and made the run back to join us.

Second "quasi" legitimate contact was a server hopper that popped in at the top of the tower, we gave him a minute to see what he'd do, he shot me...I shot him in the head and he died, I survived.

Third was a contact at the front gate, they were alone, they threw a grenade at the people they saw inside and they were dropped instantly afterwards, we had no casualties.

The next couple days we dealt with a lot of hackers and people that were teleporting to any populated location on the server, at no time did you and your friends ever enter Zub castle via the forward gate. I can attest to this personally as I was in command of the FOB at Zub for most of the time we were operating out of it.

We have video of you and your "friends" either server hopping past our defenses or teleporting directly into Zub. One of your friends had a hacked AS50 TSW in their inventory, again, on video.

A second, in the tower, killed six people after absorbing at least three clips of STANAG ammunition from several of the people they killed.

Also, to add, US 401 was restarted regularly, we usually restart in the mornings and leave it up all day, last weekend there was quite a bit of restarting because we were dealing with a lot of hacking, not just you and your "friends"...as you like to put it, but, others as well.

Zub isn't abandoned, its just been put out of active use for the time, and if you think Devil's Castle is a "super secret" base, you're not thinking very clearly. The only place to "hide" in DayZ is in plain sight.

Simple facts are, sorry you got banned there Kwark, but the account your giving doesn't jibe up with the video we have. I mean AS50 TSW aside, server hopping past defenses aside....once you guys started raining A-10's and Helicopters on the castle (We've got video of that too) it was pretty much a done deal. Far as we were concerned.

Edited by semipr0

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Enjoy the video.

And I'd like to ask why you waited three days to post about this? We haven't been using Zub actively since Monday morning. I called the pull on that FOB and we've got another set up elsewhere now.

Monday night we operated directly in Cherno, holding the Firestation on the southwest side of town against all comers, the server wasn't restarted once for that op no matter who we lost.

Tuesday we were holding the Northwest Airfield and actually took extensive casualties and barely got our transport out of there in one piece after a tense firefight against multiple hostiles.

Wednesday night we moved operations to Balota and took several casualties against server hoppers that popped in there, we didn't get any friendly contacts during that operation unfortunately.

None of these operations were run out of Zub. Nor Devil's Castle for that matter.

Whats more you say you were banned for "Server Hopping"....where did you get that information? Certainly not from me or any of our admins, and its not like we whisper people before we ban them.

Even if you weren't part of the crew teleporting all over our server and spawning planes on our FOB, your story has too many holes in it.

Edited by semipr0
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When you get banned, the reason for being banned is shown to you in the 'You have been banned' message.

However, I have to admit, the admin's story sounds a lot more legit. I haven't been able to check the video yet, but his story actually checks out.

It doesn't make sense that you would log out right on top of Zub, knowing it is an established camp, with the knowledge that you might spawn in right next to a player when you get back. Hell, it doesn't make sense to log out on top of Zub at all.

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Heres the latest bans from our bans.txt

9dcb4b54d052158b560952a8597b95e6 -1 Hack scripts (broke all legs on server)

ba627379a1e7692442799d2bd076630a -1 logging in combat, server hopping

69263c41bb48949c96c40dd3c0e34501 -1 Pings in excess of 2000

a882d740f8c4c8511a195f10a53d9b9d -1 god mode hack

3ffbb93aca078bea7947c9a00150a3c2 -1 god mode hack

8db146b58d0d008cd79653478d1c427b -1 Hack scripts (broke all legs on server)

3a9a9d17dfc50eca9af2d4d227a39a03 -1 log off in combat

cef9e155fad37d839c81af65919c2c81 -1 high ping hackers

47bd3becda4a1698e7979c63f5387153 -1 high ping hackers

a5f42caf09ead01c9f1db9756453895c -1 high ping hackers

41f789ed5430e7fdc2ceece942f0dfd8 -1 There is no airforce in DayZ

e77487fd8e8ce157830d4f9e574b02a6 -1 Learn to play hacker.

7e12896e238c8bcb2b90d667f131f800 -1 Learn to play hacker.

e15b3cbbb6210be4f1beffdbfeb4307b -1 Learn to play hacker.

If thats Kwark, its apparently because he alt+F4'd in combat after server hopping to the server. I didn't place that ban but I will get in contact with the other two admins and see who did.

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Waited 3 days because it took me a while to log back in (to find i was banned).

1 The guy you fragged isnt one of us. We have no one named that, nor do any of us hack or server hop. Im sure if i hacked i wouldnt go to this much trouble, i'd just go hack in another server. You'll also see that there are no tents inside the castle walls, so your video was recorded well before or well after we were there. Whoopsee! ....Also server hopping at zub for items is just fkn retarded...as much as we all desperately need macarov's... Nice try though. Maybe record something relevant.

2 If we had a hacked weapon, its from your tents. Just like the rest of our weapons.

3 Whenever i try to join the server it says "Banned: Server Hopping". I wasn't warned, just banned.

4 What holes are there in my story? We're Australian, when we logged on it was like 3-4am US (Cali) time. I doubt you were watching the gate all day and all night, and i can testify no one was watching it when we waltzed in and stole half your shit. Ask rayce and daedalus (the guys we shot as they ran in the entrance) + one exile guy i dont remember the name of. If you google "EXILE Multigaming Clan" you'll even get an up to date teamspeak preview, and see what users are active on teamspeak. You had about 5 people in there at the time we were looting your base, 2-3 of whom were using the same user names in dayZ.

5 For clarity i gave an extensive rundown/play by play of things, and yet my story has too many holes? I even gave the names of the people we fragged

If we could hack and spawn things, we wouldn't bother raiding your tents would we.

Your clan tag is appropriate, because soon no one will want to play on your server. Even if this is some mistake and you think i'm some hacker - you're way too liberal with your bans.

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As for hopping to get past defences. We walked in the main gate? :S lol Why would you sandbag your own vehicles inside.

Edit: All that video proves is that when things get gnarly for you guys, you make the deliberate decision to bring the server down. Exactly what happened when we were stealing your stuff and you found out.

Edited by kwark

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I only administer bans in relation to information I pull out of scripts.txt. If this actually occurred I was not online at the time that it did.

That video was recorded and uploaded July 22nd, you, yourself, have confirmed that you waited 3 days because it took you awhile to log in and find out you were banned. There were tents and vehicles on the western side of the tower on the 22nd of July.

We don't have any hacked weapons, everything we have is legitimate in DayZ, that AS50 TSW was the first TSW I've seen in DayZ, G36C's are more common hacked load outs.

And let me ask you a question....why do you think we set up that base? Do you really think thats our base? We set that base up for the express purpose of fighting people. If you were banned without cause it was because you were operating in the middle of a bunch of other hack related bullshit that we were dealing with at the exact same time.

We put that base there with the express purpose to fight for it. We would not take down the server simply to save the crap we had there, cause, as I said, that wasn't even our main base. It was a forward operating position which we were using for quick access for coastal spawns when we DIED.

You're acting like we shut down the server and banned you cause you "found our stuff", dude you found a bunch of stuff we didn't give a shit about, we didn't even empty the tents when we flattened them. And the only reason we abandoned that FOB was because it had been teleported to, marked on the map by people using ESP and just been a general hacker magnet for the entire weekend, as the video shows.

We've lost plenty of people on our own server and everyone knows the rules. The server only goes down for major bugs, daily restart, or major hack attacks.

If the server was shut down after you killed Rayce and Daedalus, neither of which have RCon or admin access, its because they communicated that they were dealing with hackers to someone who does. And if thats the case I will definitely look into that.

But seriously, think about it, why would any clan set up an obviously fortified base without the intent to fight for it? Hey if you got some cool guns while we happened to be sleeping (rare, but it does occasionally happen) good for you man, hell even if you got out with our vechs, thats the rules of DayZ.

I think if your situation is as you state it, you ended up on the raw end of a ban stick after our three admins spent a whole weekend dealing with the crap you see from the July 22nd video.

As stated, I didn't place that ban. I will find out who did and investigate the situation on our end. But simple facts are, no one assaulted the FOB's front gate the entire time I was running that FOB, you must have done this during a short period where I was actually asleep at 3am - 4am PST, which is rare indeed cause I usually play in the way early AM.

And if I didn't want visitors from the front gate, why do you think I left it open? We built that base to fight people from. Sounds to me like if your story is accurate, you just ended up dealing with one of our admins after we'd had a pretty rough couple days in regards to hackers...but it definitely wasn't me.

Edited by semipr0

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As for hopping to get past defences. We walked in the main gate? :S lol Why would you sandbag your own vehicles inside.

Edit: All that video proves is that when things get gnarly for you guys, you make the deliberate decision to bring the server down. Exactly what happened when we were stealing your stuff and you found out.

We did not place the sandbags at the gate, those were added by a script hack by one of the hackers we dealt with over the weekend, they spammed that gate with about 10 meters of cat wire and sandbags. We had to pull it up every morning after our daily restart to even operate because that stuff comes back every time the server is restarted.

Things get gnarly? Someone was dropping A-10 warthogs on the camp.....you're damn right I brought the server down. Thats my voice you hear at the end of it saying I'm bringing down the server. That wasn't gnarly, that was our server being hacked....what am I supposed to leave that up?

You also say we ban people way too liberally. The 14 bans I list there are the only 14 bans we have in our bans.txt above the default entries in the bans.txt file.

If we were banning people liberally for every time someone died, we'd have a much larger list. Seriously.

Edited by semipr0

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Servers like that dont go unnoticed, trust me.

what is this supposed to mean? our admin is right, and along with probably tens of others; servers all over were being hacked like crazy, been playing 2 months and never seen it as bad as it was last weekend. Admins that are active should be in damage control mode, sorry if we kicked/banned you unjustly, but if you were legit you were definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. If our server is being hacked, we will restart and/or shutdown until the hacker goes away, we did this monday night for almost an hour. completely shut server down. We want players on our server to enjoy the game. again, sorry if you were kicked unjustly, but if you admin'd your own server i'm sure you'd understand.

We actually don't have a server restart schedule at the moment because we have 3 active rotating admins, if a server restart "schedule" is REQUIRED, then we will gladly oblige, but i don't recall ever seeing a requirement for that, nor even that the server HAS to be up. But anyone is sorely wrong if they think we will just let our server get hacked and let hackers live on US 401, i'll get blacklisted before i let that happen.

Also, we have a clan website you could have attempted to contact us through and sort this out. But instead you chose to publicly post this, just saying for future reference, as the guild leader, you might consider approaching the cause of your issue (in this case the admin, i have my email listed in the MOTD). We are reasonable people and i'd take your situation seriously if you did the same. But looks like you are just trying to defame our server by assuming that we restarted/banned/kicked you when you were obviously uninformed of the amount of serious hacking going on over the weekend.

All the best,

Crow Bennett

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I'd call it more of a charity bin than a forward base, but roleplay how you will.

I really hate how admins like yourself use the 'hackers' buzzword and think that its a valid excuse, it seems to be happening all over the forums. Its a valid excuse for banning hackers, not players. I wasn't warned or asked what had happened, just banned.

1 You posted a video that shows OTHER people hacking in your sever, that i don't feature in at all (but somehow it justifies you banning me). You just provided a random video of you banning what you call my "friends" - none of the people that i play with are banned. Just me. Which makes your story even more dubious.

2 Then you posted a carebear itinerary of what you did during the week. Irrelevant, but thanks - i've always wondered what semipro and exile do during the week. (But dont worry, Zoop thinks it sounds legit)

3. Your story is anecdotal at best, but did like how you confirmed daedelus and rayce are in your clan - they were definitely in your teamspeak. The restarts were too coincidental to be pure accident.

4 idk about any as50, but it was probably one of the people that you call 'my friends' (ie someone that roughly fits the mould of the blatant lie you're using to justify the ban). We were all using silenced m4's and svd's.

5 Now you're saying that it wasnt you that banned me, it mustve been another person. Its another dodgy excuse thats used alot "another admin did it". Why are you posting? Im sure you didn't do it, but can you not see how sketchy your reasoning is? Perhaps get the real admin to explain what happened.

The restarts are too much of a coincidence, especially minutes after a kill - early in the morning (your time). It all seems dodgy and smells of abuse.

I invested time in your server along with my friends (something a hopper/hoppers wouldn't do), and i was annoyed enough to make an account here and post (something a hopper/hacker wouldn't do).

But whatever man, its your power and its up to you how you abuse it. I know i'm in the right, even if people don't believe me.

In summary (and this goes for other admins too)

- Its hard to admin hackers or hoppers out of the server, but wait until they hack or hop to ban them.

- Either take responsibility for, fix or provide evidence for the issue. Dont use the vague blame-shifting 'it mustve been another admin' excuse.

Case closed.

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(But dont worry, Zoop thinks it sounds legit)

Hey, you posted the topic, insulting all the admins and members of their clan. Then Semipro came in and, in the face of all your accusations, responded in a civil and mature way. Guess who I'm going with.

Besides, there's still one patchy piece of your whole story. Logging out on top of Zub. Aside from a very inexperienced player, who would log out on top of Zub, where a clan established their base, and where when you log back in you might log in right next to a clan member keeping watch from the top of the tower? And that when you can spend 30 seconds extra to run down the hill and log out in a safe area?

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ffs @ clan servers is all i can say. I'm not gonna defend myself against all of your sped clan, i just want to enjoy the game. At least Glimmer and Curgon have a lick of common sense. But while im here:

Where else to bring up dayZ server issues than on THE dayZ forum Crow buddy? I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say you lay bricks for a living?....such eloquence is wasted on the building site...or should i call it the forward base of brick operations? You're an odd one, not even Semipro can deny that.

Btw If you Google (you might know it as "The google" at the forward base of brick operations) exile gaming, you'll find about 10 equally scrubby guilds all named the same. So yeah I'd prefer to deal with it publicly, rather than email me and have the exact same words over email. Build a bridge (i dont mean at zub, internally and emotionally), get over it.

1. i know who banned you

Pretty hilarious seeing as I'm one of the admins of the US 401 server and this never happened.

See the disparity here? No? Its about as glaringly obvious as Crow's hi-vis vest , or every base Exile ever made.

Zoop ,maturity doesn't equate to shifting blame to hackers or other admins. As for logging on/off @ zub, why not? The top of the tower is safe, and there was a treasure trove of guns and shit at the bottom + its close to the coast so no big deal. Its not like i logged in and out like a hopper. Logged out one day, next day logged back in.Exile run missions at Balota, i cant say i was quaking in my boots when i logged back in. The only thing patchy here is your deductive reasoning, which is more symptomatic of general retardation and not really your fault i guess. Maybe apply for Exile?

How is what i'm doing 'accusing' when it actually happened? I'm accusing them of banning me? No, it happened for a fact - its why i'm posting. When i raised the issue i got accused of not only hopping (like the ban said) but hacking as well, I was the accused. How can semi pro respond when he didnt know what happened or who did it? Its pure speculation. Wowzers.

And as for fucking off Crow, i have... With your guns and a few nice additions to the murder board. Rayce and Daedalus have about as many holes in them as Semi's anecdotes, thank them for me too. Thanks for being the first real wankers I've met in dayZ as well, i'm glad you were my first.

Next time i lay a brick of my own i'll think of Exile and their shit server. Maybe crow.

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I'm going to go out on a limb here and just leave one thing for you to think about sir.

You got banned, your friends did not get banned. Perhaps if we had a problem with all of you, you would all be banned?

See thats the thing, you come here on the DayZ forum and call out our entire server and clan, for a singular ban that applies to you only. Period. But you attempt to inflate the issue and make it seem like we do this to everyone, which is hardly the case. My wife was murdered three times today by bandits on our server, I didn't shut down the server, nor did I ban the people that killed her.

Every member of Exile has died in one way or another on our server, and people very rarely get banned in conjunction with it.

As to how I could respond when I didn't know who did it. I responded because I was present at Zub for three straight days, the incident you are retelling in your own favor apparently occurred during a small period of time where I was not there, but I had been there long enough to know we'd levied a few bans in regards to illegitimate activities in regards to it from other players.

The disparity here Kwark is you act like you are speaking for the majority of players that play on the Exile server. You act as if because you were banned, the server is shit. Seems a little self important to me really. Your friends weren't banned, only you. If we're such crappy admins, why would we only ban one of you? The logic you espouse here dictates that we'd have banned you all to "save our stuff". Since that didn't occur, perhaps there is a part of your story that you're not being entirely honest about.

I'll just leave it at that and not descend into name calling or take the bait from the rest of your troll/flame attempts.

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And your response is ad hominem attacks? Yes, that makes your argument so much more convincing.

As for logging out on top of Zub, my point is that I can't think of any solid reason to justify logging out on top of not only a banditry hotspot, but doing so knowing it is in the middle of an unfriendly clan's base. It makes no sense at all.

Either way, I'm disregarding your whole report and accusation of admin abuse towards the server admins. If you can't bring an argument across without resorting to childish name-calling and insults, then I don't think you really have a solid argument in the first place.

Edited by Zoop

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Servers like that dont go unnoticed, trust me.

What exactly does that mean, that you take every Bozo that accuses a Admin of being unfair seriously?

Edited by Dekker001

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