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Chernarus or Black Russia or whatever you call it is nice and dandy but what about other maps like Takistan? Nice desert map, small settlements all you need is a cowboy hat to recreate "Book of Eli" or a car to reenact "Mad Max...zombie edition"

Is it coming in the future?

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Zargabad would be epic

Too small....................... Fallujah or go with my previous suggestion of Lingor but with the guy with the lowest humanity getting to play as the Predator.

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I'd love to see Takistan with zombies all over. Unsure how well it would do though, probably would need an insane amount of fog...

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Please god no.


i can't tell if you're trying to be funny...

I am not trying to be funny. I don't have to I am funny!!

But the idea is serious thou.

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Takistan would be different. Hot days cold nights. Alot more opportunities to snipe people at 800 meters.

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Not only the above, but doesn't the Takistan map have more enterable buildings? Would be nice to have more places to go in and thus decrease the odds of being camped.

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Eh, I would down for Takistan if it was more of a Mad Max thing. No zombies, maybe mutants with clubs and stuff and guns were really really really scarce.

All Takistan buildings are enterable btw.

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Eh' date=' I would down for Takistan if it was more of a Mad Max thing. No zombies, maybe mutants with clubs and stuff and guns were really really really scarce.

All Takistan buildings are enterable btw.


Yeah, roaming the land looking for food and fuel

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I'd say Lingor, Takistan would be awesome, but yeah, water would be a total pain in the ass to find, there is water EVERYWHERE in Lingor, and a high concentration of cities. then their is the jungle which would be a hiding spot, I imagine the bridge by the airport would be like Cherno and the airport would be like the NW Airport and the bottom city would be like Electro. LINGOR ISLAND FOR THE NEW DAYZ!

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Panthera :3

(I know it has it's bugs.. but it's a huge fucking map with alot of randoms houses. Like the ones on top of the mountain o.o)

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Not sure it would be that good.

No real heavy cover, tons of big big open spaces just begging to be shot by anyone with a scope. The towns themselves are pretty small and tend to just have one road going straight down the middle so killing Zed's would be far too easy.

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I'd say Lingor' date=' Takistan would be awesome, but yeah, water would be a total pain in the ass to find, there is water EVERYWHERE in Lingor, and a high concentration of cities. then their is the jungle which would be a hiding spot, I imagine the bridge by the airport would be like Cherno and the airport would be like the NW Airport and the bottom city would be like Electro. LINGOR ISLAND FOR THE NEW DAYZ!


User made maps although great have too many issues.

Takistan would be great and the lack of water would not be an issue... you dont need wells or ponds to find coke or pepsi, would be in the loot same as Chernarus...

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More options = good IMO

Lack of water = create more pvp hot-spots, people would claim the wells(if there are any?) and such.

Desert = mad max feel, good in my book

more enter-able buildings = good

overall i think it would be good to have takistan later on perhaps at the end of beta once the game is mod is more stable/balanced/feature-able.

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Takistan would be dark. Justa sayin. It gets dark at like 5, and doesn't get bright till 5.

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I don't think Takistan would fit quite so well into the mod, it doesn't have the same variation in environments that Chernarus does.

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I like the veriety of the Chenerus map, Takistan is just bland.

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No, just no. The main reason to not use Takistan is because there is almost 0 variation on the terrain. Climb this barren hill and I can see a flat empty plain and 2 more flat empty hills. There are trees and there are areas with cover but they are so few and far between that you will be spending the majority of the time sprinting in the open.

Also sniping at 2K isn't impossible and with enough players with scoped weapons set up entire areas of the map would be death traps.

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