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Cheating question

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I'll have logs in my script.log

_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_A

25.07.2012 15:51:12: GeeGuN (92.127.***.84:2304) 88ff134a65de46c6e5fc902a5******* - #55 ffects_AirDestructionStage2",_int, _t];




25.07.2012 15:51:12: GeeGuN (92.127.***.84:2304) 88ff134a65de46c6e5fc902a5******* - #147 velocity _v select 2;

if (_velz>1) then (_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0

25.07.2012 15:51:19: GeeGuN (92.127.***.84:2304) 88ff134a65de46c6e5fc902a5******* - #36 locity [0,0,-0.1];

if (local _v) then


_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BI

25.07.2012 15:51:19: GeeGuN (92.127.***.84:2304) 88ff134a65de46c6e5fc902a5******* - #55 true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn",_int, _t];


[_v,_int,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Seco

25.07.2012 15:51:19: GeeGuN (92.127.***.84:2304) 88ff134a65de46c6e5fc902a5******* - #147 elocity _v select 2;

if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}

else {_v setvelocity [_

25.07.2012 15:51:25: geraldgreen (46.0.***.45:2304) 5588ba824389d4b7cda9cbad20****** - #36 locity [0,0,-0.1];

if (local _v) then


_v setVehicleInit format ["[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BI

25.07.2012 15:51:25: geraldgreen (46.0.***.45:2304) 5588ba824389d4b7cda9cbad20****** - #55 true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn",_int, _t];


[_v,_int,false] spawn BIS_Effects_Seco

25.07.2012 15:51:25: geraldgreen (46.0.***.45:2304) 5588ba824389d4b7cda9cbad20****** - #147 elocity _v select 2;

if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}

else {_v setvelocity [_

25.07.2012 15:51:25: geraldgreen (46.0.***.45:2304) 5588ba824389d4b7cda9cbad20****** - #36 1];

sleep 0.05;

I see that players spawn BIS_Effects_Burn and AirDestructionStage.

How could i complain who spawning this effects to players ? Lot's of such logs.

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But players wrote, that in that period of time many people eventually killed.

Another log is this:

25.07.2012 16:41:37: [DZS]kA1 (188.123.248.***:62455) 50e78dbc8dde6a8716d5188287b1361a - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:10: [TALIBAN] Mahmud (89.112.3.***:2304) 1078f1873d91191774c341dd80****** - #140 dummy"]; _dummy = [_this,"players"] execVM "\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf";

25.07.2012 16:42:36: [TALIBAN] Musa (188.134.43.***:2304) cb3cfb6aefce2c7ceebb49e622****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: xSizE (77.244.72.***:2346) a0bc5abb28cec50f8a2644b524****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: Impact (95.52.62.***:2346) a5b2f7e129389fab1a2c536ba5****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: jani (82.181.29.***:2346) 435f8243f64a606df6d2182754****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: no_sprite (94.242.164.***:2346) 46f177f8113a6a0be56b37355e****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: РўРёР·РѕРЅ (128.69.203.***:2304) 397a64a88388cb924c31acaed8****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: Guplo (82.141.116.***:2346) 2f02d6f9a012b33de8776f3b95****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

player setVariable['medForceUpdate

25.07.2012 16:42:36: Petr (62.192.230.***:62412) 62701f1d8e210b8010b6abd636****** - #32 player setHit ['legs',1];

player setVariable ['hit_legs',2,true];

All players have a boken leg, is there is some way to admit who sending this scripts ?

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Well, there kind of is a way, but you'd have to online when this happens. Make a list of all the players online and filter out those who got their leg broken. The guy that is left is the cheater.

Edited by Rolle

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Well, there kind of is a way, but you'd have to online when this happens. Make a list of all the players online and filter out those who got their leg broken. The guy that is left is the cheater.

This is the way how i banned this cheater, but i'm not always online.

Also, suspicious cheater bandwidth, too huge for playing about 5-10 minutes after login.

But this way of ban - it's not a good way. It's too long, to decide and kick/ban player.

It's a big problem, that ARMA doesn't have some Admin stuff like AMXMoD on HL servers.

Life could be easier.

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