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Possible admin abuse - US88

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Time: 7:30 PST

Server: US88

What happened:

I found a camp a bit north of Vybor, 7 tents on top of a hill in the trees. I loot the tents and find 8 M107 rifles and 13 M107 clips in the tents. There was some other less noticeable stuff in there as well. I immediately think of how I am on the NWO server, and of how they are well known for duping everything. Right after I take the ammo to use with my as50, someone else starts talking in side chat about how they found a "hacker tent" full of the rarest items in the game. Maybe 30 seconds after that, BAM the server goes down.

Me and my buddies often loot tents on US88 because they are EVERYWHERE and are full of things like the above mentioned M107s. After we stole their Ural and raided + ran over 30+ tents on US88, if anyone talks in side or global chat about finding a camp when an NWO member is on the server goes down. The NWO is also very well known for duping, a member of my team was talking to them on their teamspeak server and he was told that the server admin let them dupe after a server restart that wiped a bunch of tents.

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I'm sorry, but this is bullshit. I used to be in NwO, but I left because being in a survivor clan full of bandits is redundant. That is another story.

I also found this camp with 8 M107's on US88; however, I also found other camps with AS50's, SAW's, Mk48's. Not only did I say where these camps were, but I marked them on the map for a few people who deleted them off shortly after. Want to know something funny? The server didn't restart until lag become an issue, which I respect. So don't go saying "if anyone talks in side or global chat about find a camp when an NWO member is on the server goes down." You are just full of shit and butthurt. /endrant

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The camp north of vybor is not even ours. And we only restart when lag gets too extreme which happens allot due to side chat voip.

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