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Had a good run tonight! How was yours?

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Hey everyone, pretty good run tonight. I was a little mad a couple of days ago, because my character got killed in Krasnostav airstrip, had nice gear, nothing too fancy, but got killed by someone laying down inside a tower. Bad luck, I guess.

Restarted today and spawned in Komarovo. It was a little ways to Cherno, but decided to start making my way to it. Found a stranded survivor, guessing he was a newbie, flashlight on in the middle of the plains, running like crazy and stopping every once in a while. Tried direct communication, no response. He decided to follow me and kept pointing the flashlight at me. We hit a couple of warehouses full of nothing, then we headed to Balota deerstands. I tried to signal him to turn off his flashlight, but I guess he didn't get the message. Started crouching behind me, with his light on, while I was trying to get over the fence. Zombies start hitting me, and I get out fast. Tried to go the other way around, no luck he kept pointing the damn thing at me. Finally got into two of the stands, no real luck, just some ammo. Heard flies buzzing nearby and decided it was time to ditch him, just in case someone was around and saw his light. Kinda dick move, but gotta survive.

Kinda bummed out didn't even get a hatchet before I got to Cherno, in case I needed to perform some self-defense, but headed straigh to the market. Nothing in the front, other than empty cans and some ammo. Headed into the back and got an ALICE pack! Sweet not bad! Headed into the church and house nearby and got a Makarov with some mags, not too shabby. Decided to head to the residential part and hit some houses. Suddenly see a tag for someone in the distance, CRAP! Thought he saw me too. Heard some shots fired and thought THEY GOT ME! But not really... Decided to lay down low for a while, and finally started hearing flies... Decided to take a peek and saw two dead guys... Slowly approached them and started going through their loot...

BAM hit the motherlode! Matches, Binoculars, Map, Hatchet, Water Bottle, Hunting Knife, Revolver and Lee Enfield, Morphine, Bloodbags, looted quickly and made my way to the forests. Ah so nice to be back on track, decided to get myself a good meal, killed a couple of hogs and made some nice dinner! Yum yum!... So, how was your night? Where are you headed next?

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Rode my boat around scouring the coast for parts for my van. Just need a couple more tires and it'll be on the road and back to camp.

Oh, until my ArmA multiplayer broke.

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Well, I just found myself a V3S Civilian Truck and it was absolutely chocker full of different weapons & gear (around 100 items all up). :D

But I was already equipped with a Bizon, a M4A1 CCO SD, a PDW Uzi and all the gear I needed to survive, so there wasn't actually anything in this truck that I needed. So I decided that it was a good time for me to live up to my name and proceeded to drive up and down the coast looking for newly spawned players, driving up to them honking my horn and calling out "friendly", "Help yourself to some of the gear in the back of my truck". Half of them ran away from me in terror, but the other half got themselves some nice kit to start themselves off with, and I even gave some of them a ride to the nearby towns. I must have helped out around thirty players all up until I finally ran out of fuel and ditched the truck...... it was a ton of fun! ^_^

Edited by Friendly Zombie
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Poor. Wandered around for hours looking for a camping tent, found a crashed heli but the AS50 I finally acquired was eaten by the ground when I tried swapping my M4A1 CCO SD for it. Murdered a man because I thought he was incredibly dangerous to my overly geared character with his revolver, before I learned that the revolver is currently bugged to trash. My group eventually decided to hit the airfield, whereupon all of our legs were broken by a door in the barracks. After fixing up our legs, another door broke one of my buddy's legs again, and we had no more morphine. Queue a 2 hour hunt for morphine all along the north, eventually giving up and agreeing to continue the hunt on the morrow, assuming he's not killed as he lays there in that barracks with a M4A3 CCO constantly aimed at the only entrance.

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Well, I just found myself a V3S Civilian Truck and it was absolutely chocker full of different weapons & gear (around 100 items all up). :D

But I was already equipped with a Bizon, a M4A1 CCO SD, a PDW Uzi and all the gear I needed to survive, so there wasn't actually anything in this truck that I needed. So I decided that it was a good time for me to live up to my name and proceeded to drive up and down the coast looking for newly spawned players, driving up to them honking my horn and calling out "friendly", "Help yourself to some of the gear in the back of my truck". Half of them ran away from me in terror, but the other half got themselves some nice kit to start themselves off with, and I even gave some of them a ride to the nearby towns. I must have helped out around thirty players all up until I finally ran out of fuel and ditched the truck...... it was a ton of fun! ^_^

Sounds fun! I never even seen a vehicle... Other than half a dozen ATV that seemed to be real close to each other and were laying on their side... Probably hackers. I would have probably ran away from a truck if I saw one too :)

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Yea sometimes you get lucky and find packed up corpses. Wonder what has happened there. Did some sniper took these 2 survivors?

Or did they kill each other? Damn, I would love to know.

Anyway nice you had chance to relieve their dead bodies of valuable survival tools, they no longer needed them anyway.

My last night was kinda mixed. Spawned nearby our tent in woods, then some surv totally by accident found our tent and shot me.

Turned out it was one of people I have in Steam friend list lol, so he did not steal anything and put my stuff back to the tent.

So I've spawned west of Elektro. Had a chase with zeds,bled a bit. Was lucky and found Lee Enfield, some food and coke, so I went up north. As I was strolling through forests I stumbled on nearby gas station. Thats nothing special except that 2 guys on dirt bike have just arrived. I had quick inner fight with morality and then shot 1 of them with my trusty Lee Enfield (that rifle is simply beast!!). He stumbled into coma and D/C'ed. His partner ran around a bit and then D/C'ed too so I have took their dirt bike and rode happily up north to our tent.

Its true that in DayZ,you make your own story and sometimes its really a good one! :-D

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Started out okay, then went pretty bad. So I had a character who'd made it to Day 3, which is the longest I've ever made it xD Part way through the night I finally replace my m16 with an m14 and managed to dodge some snipers. Then as I was searching the barracks I got shot in the back and my longest life was over

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Im still alive so today was a good day (:

Found a bike to so it was fune ripping around the country side again (:

Edited by kozzy

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A few days ago my squad was leaving Cherno after a hunt for medical supplies when I heard from a friend new to DayZ that she was down to 3,000 blood in Komarovo. My squad set up camp north of Cherno and I set off to rescue my friend. I arrived at the edge of town and she told me what buildings she was near. I couldn't see her anywhere. Suddenly I heard a motor. A motorbike zoomed down the highway drawing a trail of zombies. He circled around, so I fired some shots to chase him off. Then I saw his friend on a bicycle. They rode off to the west. Whew.

Then her brother arrived from Cherno. He found me before I found him. Glad he wasn't a bad guy. We looked for his sister, but finally we discovered that she was on 232 instead of 323. Oops. After getting some beta patches switched around, we all got on the same server, and I was able to give her a transfusion. Then I led them north, away from the nasty coast. We hit a few deer stands on the way to town. We were quite tired when we arrived, but it felt good to have executed a successful rescue mission.

The next day I decided to "make the rounds" to the nearby barns and deer stands from my squad's tent. I've done it before. No big deal. I climbed up into the deer stand, and went prone to hide while I looked in my gear. But my character thought he could fly: rather than going prone, he decided to leap from the deer stand and then go prone. "Crack!" No morphine left. A very long crawl back to the tent followed.

I decided to check a barn that was on the way. I tossed a chemlight inside so I could see to kill the zombie I heard inside. Then another one came out of nowhere. I rapidly pulled the trigger on my AK-74 over and over again, and nothing happened. Then I realized that my character was throwing chemlight after chemlight, while I was losing pints of blood to hit after hit from the zombie. Finally I got him to shoot the rifle again and took down the zombie. Now I had broken legs and about 50% blood. So I crawled back toward the tent again.

Thankfully a buddy was on his way to the tent from Cherno, and he had morphine. He met me at the tent, and our last auto-injector was used to restore my legs to full capacity. Another buddy arrived later and gave me a transfusion.

Later I met another buddy who's new to DayZ in the barn nearby. We made a little milk run to the nearby supermarket, which is never as easy as it sounds--it's so hard to get to it without drawing attention from zombies. But we did find another tent, which was good, since the last one we had disappeared due to an inventory bug. We made it back safely after a successful mission.

We put our new tent on a new server, since our other tent was on a server that was out-of-date. I transferred all of our gear successfully. I was careful to count how many rifles I put in the tent.

Then I made a "water run" to a nearby town to fill up some water bottles. I found another tent! It disappeared from my gear while I was trying to retrieve some ammo from my backpack. Sigh. I returned to our tent. The AS50 I had transferred to our new tent had disappeared. Sigh.

DayZ is like a rollercoaster. :)

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Pretty good actually it started off real bad then got a whole lot better, The last server I was on got hacked and it broke my legs so I died with alot of stuff on me. :( Then I see servers aren't working so I searched around on the forums for a fix and managed to get on a server.

In that server I found an Enfield rifle and decided to go to the hospital for some supplies, on the third floor I thought I heard something, I looked towards where the sound was coming from it sounded like someone was on the same floor as I was in at the end of the hallway I stopped and held my rifle up, my heart was pounding. I stayed in that spot for a few seconds before I heard someone eating and drinking then crying in pain so I eventually decided to go and get him, he sounded like he was on low health so I though this will be easy I walked down the stairs to the 2nd floor just as I was about to take a step on the stairs to the 1st floor he came around the corner, So I pulled up my Enfield and shot him, I learned the rule 'Double tap' from Zombieland so I waited a few seconds before searching his body, he regained consciousness and I shot him in the head.

Not to long after that I walked out the Hospital into a large house, I think it's the pub? So I got in and immediately heard a noise, someone stepping on a floorboard so I walked upstairs cringing at the creaks in the stairs I made as I walked up, I thought he was waiting at the top so I stopped at the top aiming at the 2 doorways I could see waiting for a noise that would signal to me where he was, I heard a creak in the floorboard and new he was in the left door so I walked through slowly looking over the edge and spotted him picking up some loot. No need to aim this time I shot him straight in the head just as he turned to me. All the time my heart was beating like crazy.

Edited by Deadend197

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Found a DMR, went on top of the hospital in Berezino to help my friends with overwatch sense we suspected someone in the fields, I try to walk over to the ladder down, realized that I was running when it was to late, I fell off the hospital and died, luckily one of my buddies picked up my gun and found a yacht. Got my gun back, in the forest with a bandage, painkiller, 4 DMR mags, and a cooked meat, gonna look for Alice pack tomorrow.

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I was logging into my character that i knew would bleed out soon and when i realized i was logged in i had only 250 blood and i was at Balota Airstrip, there was a guy asking me to heal him with a blood pack he had in his back pack. His voice hinted desperation but it was nothing compared to my own. I was fully equipped and only missing blood for my veins. I replied with sorry as i blew his face off and began rummaging through his belongings only to pass out with the blood in hand. I died shortly after...

On the plus side i respawned 200 meters away and looted both my and the other guys bodies for a full inventory of phat loot. Now just trekking towards electro.

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Logged in for 20mins or so. My buddy and I drove our truck to Berenzino looking for another vehicle at the military tents. I ran over a dead body and my tire broke >_>! I repaired it but my truck still wouldn't move, apparently my front tire was bad but wasn't "broken" and I couldn't move my truck. We came under fire and I couldn't drive off. I got out and got hit, broken bone/shock 1k blood left. Started bandaging myself and got hit again by someone else, My buddy also got out and killed one of the guys, then killed the 2nd guy who shot me. The 3rd guy who attacked us, could of easily hide and probalby picked my friend off (Who was now using the truck for cover and trying to find the 3rd guy) but instead the guy ran out into the opening and my buddy shot him.

I respawned and was in Solinichny or w/e, and ran north. By the time I got back I looted my body and was about to run north to where my friend was hiding with the truck and he had roughly 2k blood left. Server restarted and it rolled back, I logged back in and had nothing, truck was randomly moved and my friend and I had to find it. Luckily we had weapons in the truck so I got one out but lost my full toolkit + alice pack.

He did loot a coyote backpack off of someone and he still had it. So overall, I lost an empty Alice pack and a Lee enfield, but I think the coyote paid for that cost and the rollback that happened put the truck back before it broke the tires.

I'd say it was overall not a very productive night, but a small gain was achieved :D

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Found a fishing boat, so I hit my stash for some Jerry cans and filled her up. I decided I wanted to take a trip south to Skalisty Island, as I'd never been there. I made a pit stop in Berezino to fill up my fuel cans, then returned to the boat and kept motoring south. This was a nighttime cruise, so the stars were out, it was quite nice.

One problem with boating far off the coast is that you get cold, and soon my body temp dropped below 30. Somewhere south of Solnichniy I docked again so I could use a heat pack. I really wish the inventory was accessible while driving a boat. Anyways, kept going south and finally reached the island.

I disembarked and waded to shore. I made the rounds of the few buildings on the island, dodging infected when I could and capping them when they got too close. I climbed the radio tower to check out the view and spotted a cow, so I climbed back down and ran over to it. It was time for some beef steak barbecue! Once I had the meat cooked, I pitched a tent and stashed the meat and the loot, which included a spare hatchet and matches. Now I had a decently stocked tent on the island just in case I died and spawned on the southern coast. Saved the tent, then returned to the shore by the boat to log out.

All in all, was a good night's work.

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Started off by logging in to stary with a friend who yells on skype that he found 4 tents, make my way over there and its only crap (aks,food,bandages and stuff) we then spot another tent away from the other ones and my friend goes to check it out. next thing i hear is him blasting away with hes FAL whilst yelling: god damn ghillie sniper laying next to the tent! the guy takes a hit or so but logs out (alt+f4 tard) we discuss our next course of action and figure that hes prolly gonna log on to another server, run to the tree line with the 3 deer stands and snipe us from there(or get some friends) so we take a long way around to that tree line. as we are x-running and checking all around us we spot a ghillie sniper(surprise surprise, its the same guy) going into some trees separated from anything else so we just stand behind some rocks aiming at the trees. takes around 2 minutes then we see the asshole coming out of the trees and both blast him. instadead sniper and we wait a while scanning around then go loot. friend picks up an AS50 to go along with hes FAL since i have a M107 allready, and i pick up a pair of nightvision googles and a GPS. Great night :) felt so good to kill that alt+f4ing piece of crap. this was on a NL server incase the asshole reads this :P

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My run was good, ran to my local park and jogged around it. Then I sat down and cooled off in the shade, afterwards, I resumed my jog and made my way home. DayZ is a different matter, recently died, so just messing around until I get semi decent gear then hitch hiking my way up to NWAF :)

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I logged on to US 1223. I heard gunfire in Drozhino from two different weapons. I moved to the edge of the trees so I could see the eastern edge of the town. I heard some more shots. I figured it was people shooting zombies, because a survivor battle would have ended already.

Then I saw out of the corner of my eye a survivor on the high southern hill overlooking both towns, the hill that the road comes straight down to the north. I looked with my binocs and saw he was unarmed. He started running down the road, and then he saw some zombies dead ahead, so he veered to his right, to the east, basically toward me. Then a zombie saw him. He was about 350 meters from me. I moved slightly out of the trees, and when I had clear shots, I tried to hit the zombie with my Winchester. But since it acts as a shotgun in the game, it was not very accurate, and I missed. I yelled at him over direct comms to hit the dirt so I could shoot. He saw me and ran toward me and started yelling. Finally he could hear me, so I yelled at him again to hit the dirt so I could shoot. He did, and I shot the zombie. Then he came over to me and thanked me. He said his name was Kubz.

He said he was going to meet some friends in Drozhino; I figured that should explain the gunfire I heard. He didn't have anything on him at all, so I told him about the barns and the deer stand. We went over to the barns and I shot the aggro, and he got an Enfield rifle. He covered the doors while I checked the rest of the barn. He was thirsty, so I gave him a Pepsi I had. Then we headed over to the deer stand. I had him shoot some of the zombies. There was a G17 and two mags, so he got those.

Then we decided to head toward Drozhino, because he said his friend was on his way there. We moved due west from the deer stand, up onto the hill overlooking the southeast edge of the town. We could see zombies all around the town. I figured there must be a player in town. He offered to go in as bait, because he said he needed food and drink. I said that we should wait five minutes and see what happens, and how far away his friend was. After about a minute, he said he wanted to go on in to town and he offered to go as bait again. I suggested that we run to the barn in Drozhino and shoot any aggro. So we ran over.

As we entered the barn, I heard the sound of a survivor shrieking in fright. I didn't think it was my character, because I was at full health, and I could tell it wasn't my new friend. I thought it might be a survivor just outside the barn, through the wall. I called out in direct comms to hold his fire, that we were friendly, and that we wouldn't shoot him if he didn't shoot us. Kubz checked the north side of the barn for loot, and he covered me while I checked the top level of the south side.

Then he said he'd cover me while I checked the floor of my side. So I moved to the stairs, and saw him pointing toward me with his Enfield, toward the ground--he wasn't pointing right at me, just looking toward the stairs. So I started moving down the stairs, with Kubz to my left on the second level, and suddenly I was shot. I turned to my right and saw a player behind the boxes pointing right at me. I tried to fire, but my character was in shock and not really responding to movement on the stairs. I yelled, "There's the player! There he is! Shoot him! Shoot him!" Then I WAS DEAD.

I had added Kubz on Steam, so I asked him what happened. He said that he was low on rifle ammo and that he ran out and escaped and disconnected. I guess I shouldn't have had him shoot those zombies--I thought he had more ammo than he did. I had 45 slugs for my Winchester "shotgun" when I started this adventure, and I had only fired 7-10.

I wasn't sure if he had set me up. He did want to go to the barn in Drozhino, and he did tell me he'd cover me while I checked the ground level. He could have been talking with his friend on Steam--he had said he was--and telling him that we were coming in, and that he'd tell me to go down the stairs. It seemed to me that he was pointing right at the spot where the enemy survivor appeared to shoot me. It seems like he should have been able to shoot him easily.

In the end, I can't say for sure, but I don't think he set me up. He seemed friendly and genuine in the direct comms and in Steam chat. He said that he runs a gaming company and that they have been wanting to set up a DayZ camp. He asked about my friends, and suggested that they might like to join with his DayZ buddies. Later, after I respawned and made it back to the area, he even offered to give me his Enfield rifle.

In hindsight, we shouldn't have gone into Drozhino at all. I could see zombies all over town, so I knew there must have been a survivor there, and I had heard gunfire there 10-15 minutes earlier. After we got into the barn, I shouldn't have dismissed the shrieking I heard. I should have cleared the barn on all levels. I think that survivor was shrieking because he was low on health, so one shot probably would have finished him off. I think he had a double-barreled shotgun, so I guess it did a lot of damage to me. Of course, even if it wasn't a setup, the enemy survivor could hear us talking and that I was about to go down the stairs. He had been hiding from us, but if he knew I was going to find him, he picked the perfect moment to shoot. I wish I could "play that scenario" again. Kubz even said, before we ran to the barn, that if we found any survivors, that we should shoot them on sight. I said, "I don't know, man. If I'd taken that policy with you, you'd be dead right now."

Lesson learned, I guess. At least I did a good deed and made a new friend in the game. And I had a little adventure.

Edited by Junos
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My night was outstanding. After respawning from some stupidity on my part (out of ammo for my ak so i attacked a pair of bandits with a hatchet lmao) I ran up north, no one was at starry so i got some military stuffs n went back down south!

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Crawled all my way into Berezino, to find mprphine at the hospital, so i just went out of the city again, seeing as i found a few other people well equiped. I could have taken atleast one of them down with 1 shot (Got the cz550) but didn't want to fend of zombies and anyone else who would have heard the shot. Went back into the woods, found a pig who gladly took a bullet, and i then logged off when i reached the industrial area southeast of Polana.

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Started new character, decided to screw the coast idea and ran north into the forest. I found a barn with a sniper rifle. sweet! Hugged the coastal treeline headed for balota airstrip, found 2 corpses with more beans and cola than i could carry and a .45 pistol. Hugged the treeline again still heading east until i see a guy with the same rifle as me trying to point blank a zombie. I figure i dont have much ammo for my rifle and i would like his (dick move i know but hey its day z, plus im not taking the risk of allowing a sniper to spot me first) pop his head off and BOOM motherload, 4 tins of food, 3 cans of coke, the CZ ammo i wanted and a makarov with 2 spare clips to replace my empty .45. Head north again after that, and logged out. I think im near Zeleno. Good day

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