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In town we have zombies, bandits and other players to worry about but while exploring the more scenic parts of the island there is little to worry about. There should be a reason to keep on your toes in the wilderness other than the very rare encounter with another player or the occasional zombie infested house. I want bears. Or at least aggressive animals that would pose a threat to those enjoying the mountain air durring their hike. Seeing bears wander into the larger cities in search for blood would be sweet too.

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That'd really take you out of the game imo. Animals should only pose at most, a food sickness, and not a violent shoot to kill one. Like if some have infected meat. But you don't now until you gut it. Then you need to through the knife away. Or risk eating it and having similar effects as the cough. There could also be a similar, less penalty side effect for eating raw meat too.

The Anti-Bandits Steam Group:


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Wild animals sounds nice for me but didn't rocket says it already?

Wolves and Bears and something like this?

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I think it would be a good idea to have other threats besides zombies but I'm not fussed. As long as you can't just live in the trees indefinitely with zero threats to your survival.

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Yeah, bears, wolves, something :) Would be awesome. Could also add it more into a sort of ecosystem with deers, elks and moose roaming the forests too :).

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It's freaking Mother Russia (Sorta.)! The fact that we're not already going toe to toe with some bears is a crime. I should be able to down a bottle of vodka before doing so, too.

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I just want the wilderness to be there. I don't need more hostile animals, just animals in general. If you run out into the forest you will see like one rabbit and that's it. Although we would have to tweak the health system so you wouldn't have infinite cooked meat (which I am all for) The world would seem so much more alive.

Edited by drseptapus

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Bears would be great, It would definitely spice up the more boring parts of DayZ (hiking). And there are bear traps now, so why no bears!? Adding to Frikasee's comment, why is there no getting drunk mechanic, like in Stalker!? I want FULL whiskey bottles!

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