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O...M....G... and I thought bandits were smart.

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So I got killed by these 2 bandits at the national airfield with the m16/grenade launcher and the other one had a DMR.... i raged pretty hard, but was w/e about it because I spawned Fairly far up on the north-eastern coast. I made my rounds, wound up at the OTHER northern airfield and as I was making my way down via that town just south of devil's castle i see 2 figures running into the supermarket. At this point, im hungry, and only have 1 clip left for my AK i got at the airfield. I creep up to the market and peek through the window and it's the SAME guys that killed me (A bit of time passed between my respawn and seeing them again) and they're both facing the main entrance to the market waiting for god knows what. So i creep around back, and as I start popping off a few rounds at the bandit with the DMR his buddy runs across the doorway and is now trapped ( the door leading from the back to the front, so he ran into the corner behind the counter) and I wait about 20 seconds hoping to make him think I had left. Still no movement, so I crouch-run through the doorway and immediately aim to the right and fire the rest of my clip into this guy. Bam. Both dead before either could get a single shot off. And now I have an m16A2 203 and a DMR on top of a tent, a bunch of food, and a map,compass, m1911 or w/e it's called. This experience made me learn one thing - Bandits are not nearly AS scary when its you who has the element of surprise, and not the other way around. And to those two douchemuffins who I had my revenge on, come at me, I'll be in cherno all day tomorrow picking off anybody i see firing at other survivors =3

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Lol your probably one of the douche muffins who got killed by him

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Looks like you met the frontier of bandits, aswell. Most likely they werent even bandits at all.

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So you got killed by someone at the NW airfield? I will shoot anyone I see at the NW airfield.

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Yeah, the fact that I died wasn't really the issue, these 2 guys I know had killed some other people up there, but as i tried to make my escape is when they tagged me. What I was amazed at is they had let their guard down, even though it was close to another airfield, which correct me if I'm wrong, are frequented by almost everyone? And they didn't even guard the other doors, just the front. I had a good chuckle out it honestly

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