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Does Day/Night not read correctly on servers?

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first off, i use DayZCommander.

second off, when i sort by "time of day" for servers, whenever i search for day or night time, they always seem to be incorrect. sometimes a server will say 1pm and its bright and sunny, sometimes it will say 1pm and be pitch black.

is this a glitch? is there some equation i am not aware of (i.e. the time correlates with the timezone the server is physically in, so i have to add/subtract hours from THAT time according to MY timezone to get the accurate "game" time)?

any help or answers would be appreciated, as at the moment, it seems completely useless and pointless.

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Server Admins tend to keep changing the time of day on their servers to make it daylight.

Don't trust the timezone in the description.

Edited by krtshv

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If the server is not restarted regularly the game time can go out of sync as well.

I have even seen people mention that one person sees it as daytime and others have it as night-time whilst playing together on the same server.

Edited by thisisbleep

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I have also noticed that when playing, I guess the admins can decide the time they want it ?

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I have also noticed that when playing, I guess the admins can decide the time they want it ?

Some server hosts come with a built-in option to change the time of day anytime you like. So yes.

I play on US195 a lot and it annoys me that they always switch from night to day.

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year have same problem yesterday, we played on server and it get night, so we goes into a town (cause we have nightvision) and than we in the town the admin says "1min server restart, changing time" ... this was just perfect if u standing in a town and on login a lods of zed see you .. -.-

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Yeah, there seems something buggy about the time. I'll look at my watch and it'll say a certain time and my friend I play with will say it's two hours ahead of what it is for me with his watch. It's really confusing.

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