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Looking for players to join our Community

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Hello all, we are a strong community looking to expand our community with mature players to be able to play at all times, we do daily weapon runs at the usual hot spots, help new players, prepare for fights sometimes.

We offer:



Quality players

Soon to have a private server for ppl to setup camps.

If you like to work together to make the team stronger and dominate cities this is probably the community for you, we dont have whiners or ragers but we do have map awareness and focus.

If your interested in joining us add me through steam name is, Kriticalfury.

(Please dont ask me to add you, half the time people dont have room and I tend to have my hands full in game.)

Edited by Kriticalfury

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We have about 12 or so players on at a time split in groups of 4 usually, as far as servers go we usually play on us servers during the day or night depending on how many ppl have NV.

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Well, Aether Services is always looking to play with more folks. We currently have a 20 man TeamSpeak server, a website (enjin based) and a 40 Man DayZ server. If you guys are ever bored and wanna play with some more players, let us know!

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I'm interested in your group, so as long as you don't shoot my face. I sent an invite.

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I'm interested in joining, I just added you on Steam, name is Nolaroc

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Finally a group that seems legit :D Sent you an invite on steam, names booya

Edited by Booya669

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Sent you a FR on steam, name is iSketchyy

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