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Devils Castle - Is it Safe?

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Me and my friend decided to go to devils castle and when we arrived we saw a quite a lot of zeds but managed to sneak in the castle anyway so now we're using devils castle as our base of operations and although we have taken down some people who we have seen sneaking around devils castle we were just wondering when ether it was a safe place to stay until we die.

If you reply please tell me what is the most dangerous part if it the zeds we will stay there.

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First rule of DayZ? Nowhere is safe.

If you've found more than one or two people sneaking around then its definitely not safe and you answered your own question. Besides, i've been hearing its a somewhat hot pvp spot despite the subpar loot.

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It's safer then setting up camp in the middle of Cherno.

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I'm pretty sure the first rule of DayZ is don't get attached to your gear, followed by watch out for douches, every second person and the one before that are douches. Followed by nowhere is safe.

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I've had buddies passing through Devil's Castle get shot at. Depending on the server, it can be popular with bandits.

Any notable landmark on the map, especially something as known as Devil's Castle, is a risk.

Edited by Abruzzi

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"Oh, don't worry. I'm not going into that cavity. That nerve's already dying. A live, freshly-cut nerve is infinitely more sensitive. So I'll just drill into a healthy tooth until I reach the pulp. That is unless, of course, you can tell me that it's safe."

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Nowhere is truly safe in this game and a places known as "Devils Castle" just screams not a jolly place to be.

Your best bet on really surviving this game is stick and move, dont get attached and take it day by day, if you've killed a few their gonna come back with more so stick and move and just keep going.

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