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For those 30+ days in

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What do you do in the game? Go out in the middle of nowhere and sit at a campfire and wait for your food/drink icons to turn red? What do you do, to make the dayz go by?

Me personally, I hardly live for more than a day, but I pvp.

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What do you do in the game? Go out in the middle of nowhere and sit at a campfire and wait for your food/drink icons to turn red? What do you do, to make the dayz go by?

Me personally, I hardly live for more than a day, but I pvp.

Right now its try to get the coolest shit you can and the NW airfield is basically like a giant game of king of the hill.

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I applaud those who know the real definition of survival,

Men brave enough to sit beside a tent right next to a lake eating and drinking every half hour

Resisting the urge to do something fun for the sake of living the life.

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Repair vehicles, try out different weapons, build a larger group (now got around 10 friends playing), make a camp, explore the entire map, try out new patches, some alpha bug finding/confirmation and some occasional pvp and looting the hot spots. Never been to central Cherno though.

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Go out in the middle of nowhere and FIND the people who build campfires and bla bla bla. Then steal all their cars/top of the line gear and have some real fun.

Have you ever found all the best gear in the game sitting next to 5 cars while you were playing coastal DM? I doubt it.

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On the south, you'll have a time trying to get past a week survival, Up north though you'll get a lot more time alive, and better gear and better gear for that matter.

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Have you ever found all the best gear in the game sitting next to 5 cars while you were playing coastal DM? I doubt it.

No, but I have axed a few people where they got their best gear in the game from a nice few times to get my new life started again.

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Personally, I've done pretty much everything that you can do and it started to get kind of boring. I'm taking a break until Arma 3 before I start playing again.

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Up north though you'll get a lot more time alive, and better gear and better gear for that matter.

But what do you do up north? Just run around through towns, searching for food/meds/gear then what do you do? Keep searching towns til you die?

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How do you tell how long you've been alive for?

Whenever you join a server, look below where it shows your current location on the map. It says "Day X" (x being the number).

On topic: Every day I always scavenge more and more supplies, "progressing" through the game. I also usually have some mini adventure while doing so.

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But what do you do up north? Just run around through towns, searching for food/meds/gear then what do you do? Keep searching towns til you die?

Some of us simply.... don't pvp.

Take away the PVP and what do you do on the coast? Run around looting until you die?

This game relies on you to find stuff to do, if you have to be told what to do, perhaps you've reached your limits in DayZ. Luckily there is more to come.

Edited by bad_mojo

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Deerstand to Deerstand, Helicopter crash to helicopter crash. Eat, skip, be merry.

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I just team up with my friend and set some objectives, like find new vehicle, or raid some place (we never touched NW A :}) . Usually we rescue some dude, friend of a friend that have a friend.... ....

When I play alone, I travel from city to city, get resourcing (I eat at every fucking opportunity, because I always have to much ham ^^)

And I like to find every deer stand on my location, to get ammo,a better weapon, or just try a new weapon :}

Occasionally a player appears in my sight, so I start a dialog, that usually finish with he/she with broken leg and braving that I'm dead and blabla

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I ride around on a pushbike farming downed helicopters. When I get something juicy I make the best use of it I can in aggressive PvP.

Even the lower tier stuff like the FN-FAL is (perhaps not so) surprisingly lethal when you just gun people down on burst mode.

Edited by Bacon Surfboard

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Right now its try to get the coolest shit you can and the NW airfield is basically like a giant game of king of the hill.

you know that the NW airfeild mostly give you shit for loot, i dont get why everyone give such a big deal about it.

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I tend to bounce around the place looking for something to get my heart goin. pretty much strictly PVP. Sometimes I'll go look for crash sites and vehicles but for the most part the PvE portion of the game and survival itself is a complete joke. Once you know how to play the game properly it's pretty trivial to do anything but survive against the REAL threat.

you know that the NW airfeild mostly give you shit for loot, i dont get why everyone give such a big deal about it.

Because it's the only place on the entire map that has military mess halls, which have the highest chance of dropping high tier items.

Edited by Cdrive

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Deerstand to Deerstand, Helicopter crash to helicopter crash. Eat, skip, be merry.

Just going to bounce in and say holy crap.

Best. Quote. Ever.

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I tend to bounce around the place looking for something to get my heart goin. pretty much strictly PVP. Sometimes I'll go look for crash sites and vehicles but for the most part the PvE portion of the game and survival itself is a complete joke. Once you know how to play the game properly it's pretty trivial to do anything but survive against the REAL threat.

Because it's the only place on the entire map that has military mess halls, which have the highest chance of dropping high tier items.

that may be so but i have gone to the NW airfeild so many times hoping for something good and me and my group that i play with have never found anythign better then AKMs or shotguns.

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Personally I've never lived that long, I hope to soon.

I would like to go do some camp raiding though, definitely have to get around to that.

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Have you ever found all the best gear in the game sitting next to 5 cars while you were playing coastal DM? I doubt it.

Yes, actually, I'm currently sporting a Coyote, AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, G17, GPS, Rangefinders, NVG, Ghillie suit, Antibiotics, and every 'gadget' except the Radio. I found all of this in a pair of tents less than 400 meters outside of Elektro that I stumbled across while hunting for a guy with my trusty hatchet. :P

But really, every other time I've had comparable equipment I've had to go out and earn it the hard way, so I agree with your sentiment!

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Go in a heavily populated night server, and hunt people down near any of the airfields or major towns.

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i've made it to 47 days. pretty much just running from town to town looting. spent a lot of time in the woods, visited devils castle a few times and found no one there. nw airfield danger zone? pfft. only ever encountered one other person there.

get off the coast and you'll have a long and fulfilled life. that is until the hackers tele you.

oh also low player count servers help.

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