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Dawn (DayZ)

What do you do when you just spawned?

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I usually hit up Elektro, i sprint trough the Supermarket looting alice bags, map compass perhaps a winnie some beans and some soda, then i sprint over to the apartments and crouch run trough all the rooms, then over to the hospital and fill my bag with medical supplies then run over to either the orange brick house or offices if i havent gotten a wep yet, if i still havent found a wep yet i check out the church then south firestation then i run to the north firestation before i run up to the barn just north of the north firestation, and then i continue my journey from there on towards either zelenogorsk or stary sobor, if i want to i'll just sprint trough NW Airfield while running zig-zag and running 360 circles randomly so that the snipers have a hard time hitting me.

Being silent is Overrated, only time you actually should stealth is when you are about to encounter a firefight with a player.

What do you do when you spawn?

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I sprint to the nearest place to find some weapon and then i hit the supermarket to find a bag, tools, food and something to drink and after that i hit up the hostpital to get some medical supplies... after this im ready for some action.

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First, I crouch.

Then, I arm myself with the flashlight of Doom.

After that it kind of depends where I am. A lot of the time I find myself dying while I scream horribly.

But mostly the first two.

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Depends where I spawn. Balota airfield is where I go sometimes. Other times I hit both fire stations in Elektro, then the apartment, then supermarket, then hospital and head north with my friend.

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I spawn in cherno, find a lee enfield ASAP, then kill as many people as I can. Usually get a lot of gear doing this too, but I don't need it because I stay in cherno till I die.

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I either find a hatchet and chop down noobs, or find a hatchet and chop down sniper noobs camping the forest of Cherno or the mountain at Elektro

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I keep respawning until I'm near Cherno or Elektro. I don't know why people complain how hard it is to gear up, when in reality it takes me 10 minutes to be ready to go North when I spawn near Cherno or Elektro.

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I usually get eaten by a huge pack of zombies that waited for me to spawn.

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this are my priorities:

  1. hatchet
  2. morphine
  3. bandages
  4. painkiller
  5. food/drink
  6. weapons
  7. get the fuck out of the city
  8. do random stuff

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Balota airfield is always good for guns, then I head in to town and stock up on medical supplies.

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Then if I'm somewhere I don't know by sight, look it up on the online map.

If close enough to got cherno or elektro, if not then head for the closest buildings and start gathering until I get someplace with a supermarket.

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run - find a coke - *gets shot ****!


run - find bandages - find a weapon - get shot ****!


run - find beans - find a hatchet - find a backpack - *gets shot ****!


run - find a weapon - find pasta - find a backpack - find blood pack - find a grenade! *SUCCESS!!!!- gets shot in the back ****!

and repeat...

Edited by LastPatriot

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1. Crouch.

2. Scan surroundings.

3. Find nearby deer stands and barns on the map away from the coast. Kamenka is a great spawn point.

4. Go to them.

I don't understand why so many people head straight into cities. If you just want to goof off, ok, but if you want to play DayZ and try to survive...

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Find a hatchet

Find a gun

Grab some beans & a coke

Be a scumbag and shoot everything with a pulse

Also like to check out the mountain opposite Cap Golova and come in behind Sniper Mountain north of Elektro. Almost always find something of interest along the way.

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1. Crouch.

2. Scan surroundings.

3. Find nearby deer stands and barns on the map away from the coast. Kamenka is a great spawn point.

4. Go to them.

I don't understand why so many people head straight into cities. If you just want to goof off, ok, but if you want to play DayZ and try to survive...

You can get alot of common supplies in cherno/electro. You dont have anything to lose when you first spawn so run in there, grab a pistol, a bigger backpack, a rifle of some kind, and some medical supplies then book it north. You can fully deck out your guy in common weapons and medical supplies in less than 10 min.

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I usually head into one of the 2 cities and die trying to gear up .. getting frustrating to be honest as i want to just play the survival game for a while - just cause - but i tried that without morphine once and then your legs end up broke and you have to crawl 10km to the nearest medical facility .. so not trying that again.

from now on im gona head into Elektro or Cherno to get Morphine and get out - everything else i can get up north somewhere.


from now on im gona head into Elektro or Cherno with no intention of surviving .. and just pvp for the fun of it.

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Find a side arm.

Kill sniper in tree lines near Cherno and go North.

If I spawn Elektro, find sidearm and kill whoever - loot firestations then go North.

If I'm bored of the North I just get a Lee Enfield and go kill anything that moves in Cherno/Elektro.

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