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Winchester or AKM --- Preferred weapon

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What's considered the 'better' weapon? A Winchester or an AKM?

I've done just fine with my Winchester. I like its single shot, one hit kill. Never used an AKM...so I'm reluctant to ditch my old faithful boomstick for one....But I dont want to just leave it on the floor if its an upgrade. HELP :D

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Winchester. Quiet & Deadly. If you need to go full auto... yes, you're doing it wrong.

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Like it's said above, the AKM is aruably better for PvP combat and it's ammo is slightly more scarce than the winchesters. If you are in a city or small town, chances are you will find more ammunition for the winchester. However, the AKM is more versatile but the ammunition is harder to find.

Any gun will get the job done if used correctly so it eventually comes down to your playstyle at least in my opinion.

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wincheter can be quite useful,

-will kill people at decent range

-is really quiet

-can drop a zed in one hit from far off

tbh i find it more fun and versatile than the AKM, often you will just run around with an AKM never firing the damn thing in fear of aggroing every zed, so whats the point? it can be way more fun to snipe some zeds with the winnie and move in

although at range vs a player with an assault rifle.. u gonna lose

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Apples and oranges... AKM all the way, big round, abundant ammo, and bigger mags for less reloading and more ammo carrying capacity.

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I'm not really playing this game for the 'pvp' side... Otherwise I'd be playing BF4 or CoD. Winny it is!

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I'm not really playing this game for the 'pvp' side... Otherwise I'd be playing BF4 or CoD. Winny it is!

You may not be playing this game for the PVP, but others do.. and it's those situations you need to remember about, when you're happily raiding a town, shooting your shotty at z's and a passing band of bandits hear the oh-to-clear signals.. they won't care that you don't want to PVP. Always plan for the worst situation.

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I would personally go for the AKM. There are twice as many shots per inventory slot (for ammo) and they're common, especially in places like Stary Sobor with the military tents. It also drops zombies in one shot like the Winchester but has a much better range and zeroing. It may be louder but I'd say the positives outweigh the negatives in this case. You may not be interested in PvP but that doesn't mean other people aren't, I think you'd be more safe going with an AKM if you were to stumble upon bandits and get yourself into trouble too.

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For some reason i've ususally picked up the AKM, but whenever i do, i never use it.

I did once, ended up pulling ALL the zeds from a village about a hundred or two meters away.

So, like everyone says, go for AKM if you expect to run into players, but otherwise i'd stick with the Winchester.

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I dont know how many times ive killed players with AKs or M4s with my trusty winchester in a firefight. Its one shot one kill basically. While an automatic can take 5 shots to take a guy down.

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I dont know how many times ive killed players with AKs or M4s with my trusty winchester in a firefight. Its one shot one kill basically. While an automatic can take 5 shots to take a guy down.

Other assault rifles yes, the AKM, no. AkM does basically as much damage as the winchester. Go for the AKM, you would be crazy not too.

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AKM fires a 7.62 match round.

Whereas things like the M16/Ak74 fire rounds approximately 5.56.

Essentially AKMs hit 50% harder than most other automatic weapons and it brutalises players and zombies alike (And you can zero it). Only negative over the winnie (Which i do like btw) is the noise it makes.

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I can understand your attachment to ole trusty Winnie. If you have slaughtered dozens of zombies with it, how could you let it go easily?

It's like letting your old friend go for a new,more trendy one. It does not feel right!

If you are not much into PvP I think you can do ok with Winnie anyway. Professional bandits will not give you much of a chance to shoot back anyway and AKM will attract them from bigger range anyway.

On the other hand its more safe to shoot Zeds with a pistol so you might do ok with AKM (for pvp selfdefence) + pistol (for zombie slaying).

All in all it really boils down to what you prefer, if you RP and things like that.

p.s. regarding weapon dilema, I could not decide between FN FAL (wihtout nv) and M14+aimpoint. In the end I took FN FAL, had like 6 mags for it, iron sights seems nice (a bit like Lee Enfield) and it has also burst fire for close encounters.

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AKM, love this cannon. Full auto won't do jack for you in a firefight. It'll just spread your rounds all over the place. Cool as hell to go full auto, but very ineffective.

The major plus of AKM is zeroing. Once you know what you are doing, its deadly at very long ranges, LeeEnfield territory. Sights are not as good for long distance shots, but I like them much better than M16's.


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AKM ...

I find more AKM magazines then Winchester rounds...

Both are one hit kills to Zed...

AKM is quite loud, especially compared to the Winchester...

AKM has larger ammo capacity..

AKM has full auto capability...

AKM can zero...

So I would say AKM...

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<3 Winchester, I love it, best weapon for killing zombies but not so good for taking out bandits/survivors, but its possible if you have the wits about you. The AKM is more for PVP so you can spray the target in full auto but I would go with winchester.

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The AKM doesn't need more than three shots to the body I don't think. Full auto is less useful than semi :]

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<3 Winchester, I love it, best weapon for killing zombies but not so good for taking out bandits/survivors, but its possible if you have the wits about you. The AKM is more for PVP so you can spray the target in full auto but I would go with winchester.

I have never once been in a PvP scenario in this game where spraying in full auto would do you any good, if you are within range to be sprayed down then you are doing it wrong, sensible bandits won't even give you a chance to spray your fully auto gun anywhere near them.

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People seem to celebrate the commoness of AKM rounds are the larger number of bullets per magazine. It has more bullets per magazine because its expected to miss more than a Winchester so arguably they are on an even playing field.

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