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Experienced Player Seeking Comrade(s)!

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August / 9 / 2012: "Still searching for people, feel free to add me!"

STEAM: Clerkius

Skype: Clerkius

This thread was created because 'Finding Nemo' is often overlooked, or used to contact players they met on servers that ended up getting killed, or lost.


Many players that I team up with are great, but only for the first day or two. The problem is that after establishing a lengthy partnership, and supplies to go with it in the game as well, they either never appear 'ONLINE' anymore on Steam / Skype, or they just stop talking / responding / playing with you for whatever reason.

As an experienced player, I know my way around Chernarus, where to acquire armaments, provisions, and other miscellaneous supplies. I can be quite assertive when leading or guiding fellow comrades on battle / survival tactics; I'm quite the tactician I assure you. If we do well, we'll even establish a base camp and get settled. I communicate on a regular basis, and speak with elaborate detail.

Here's what I am looking for in a partner, and if you feel you meet these standards, don't hesitate to add me!

- MUST have a Microphone! :beans:

- Steam / Skype (Prefer Skype) :beans:

- Knows how to navigate through the world of Chernarus, and understand how to use a map. :beans:

- An able-bodied combatant that can fight other players / zombies efficiently. :beans:

- Social, and communicative. :beans:

- Consistent, and loyal player. :beans:

I don't care what nationality, race, gender, sexuality you are, and scheduled availability is as long as you meet these requirements. :thumbsup:

P.S. - I'm not interested in joining your GROUP!

Edited by Clerkius

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Hey man! I saw your post on my post, mind if i call you on skype to talk?

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STEAM: Clerkius

Skype: Clerkius

This thread was created because 'Finding Nemo' is often overlooked, or used to contact players they met on servers that ended up getting killed, or lost.


Many players that I team up with are great, but only for the first day or two. The problem is that after establishing a lengthy partnership, and supplies to go with it in the game as well, they either never appear 'ONLINE' anymore on Steam / Skype, or they just stop talking / responding / playing with you for whatever reason.

As an experienced player, I know my way around Chernarus, where to acquire armaments, provisions, and other miscellaneous supplies. I can be quite assertive when leading or guiding fellow comrades on battle / survival tactics; I'm quite the tactician I assure you. If we do well, we'll even establish a base camp and get settled. I communicate on a regular basis, and speak with elaborate detail.

Here's what I am looking for in a partner, and if you feel you meet these standards, don't hesitate to add me!

- MUST have a Microphone! :beans:

- Steam / Skype (Prefer Skype) :beans:

- Knows how to navigate through the world of Chernarus, and understand how to use a map. :beans:

- An able-bodied combatant that can fight other players / zombies efficiently. :beans:

- Social, and communicative. :beans:

- Consistent, and loyal player. :beans:

I don't care what nationality, race, gender, sexuality you are, and scheduled availability is as long as you meet these requirements. :thumbsup:

P.S. - I'm not interested in joining your GROUP!

I'm really keen, but where are you from/timezone? I'm just getting my second wind on the game and am going to start trying to play daily, even just for a bit (usually hard due to full time job). However, probably unlikely our timezones work together, as I'm in Aus (+10). Hit me back and if it's likely to work I'll skype ya.

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Bumping this thread.

My timezone is Pacific Standard Time / West Coast in California.

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Added you on Steam - gresk0r

Will look into Skype this evening. I usually play around 11:00 p.m. - 1:30 a.m. [GMT -6] (9:00 - 11:30 PST).

I do have a server I prefer playing on though. It's [GMT +1], and I get a higher ping, but it hasn't been an issue at all.

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Thanks. (Everyone Can Contact Me, Need Comrades!)

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Awesome, and I am still looking for other good people! ;)

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