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All Hackers Banned [7/25/2012]

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more than likely the only people banned were those that were using a public hack...


change ip = unban problem solved

No.... it GUID so you have to buy a new game.....

Edited by i76

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Ban on the battle eye level ? If that so - it's great!

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Ah, the days I will miss being nuked, turning into animals, being teleported, losing my leg, having all my guns go away, ect,ect. Those were the days...

Not that I have much room to talk with 12 post under my belt.

Edited by eP Reject

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There is no way that "all hackers" have been banned. Possibly all the retards using a specific program, but that hardly counts as all of them. It's great news nevertheless even if only some have been banned, don't get me wrong, but the reality is most hackers (or at least the ones with > 3 brain cells) spoof their GUID which makes a ban redundant anyway.

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There is no way that "all hackers" have been banned. Possibly all the retards using a specific program, but that hardly counts as all of them. It's great news nevertheless even if only some have been banned, don't get me wrong, but the reality is most hackers (or at least the ones with > 3 brain cells) spoof their GUID which makes a ban redundant anyway.

Unfortunately you are correct, battle eye is very easy to bypass, and about 90% of hacks wont even be recorded.

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To everyone claiming that only a few hackers were affected by this, I must say you are wrong sir. I can guarantee you that every hacker was banned as of 5:00pm yesterday. This affected public (didn't know there were any) and private hacks. Honestly the way everyone is bitching about this thread, I can really only assume you enjoy little 12 year olds massteleporting/kiling.

So to all of you whining about this thread being false, please show some proof bitch? please post a picture of someone hacking. I already posted my proof and enough people saw it to know this thread is legit. I'm sorry that you weren't able to see it, but doesn't mean you have to cry.

The only point of this thread was to inform people that the dev team does care about its players, I saw many people who were considering quitting dayz. Although yes the hackers may return when they're able to bypass the cheat system, this ban costed them a lot of money and will make them more cautious about how obvious they are with their hacks.

If you're going to make a flame, just leave and go play on private server with your hacker buddies.

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Ok, i'll try to control cheating possibility on our servers.

Edited by w1n2k

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It would be great if it is, but it isn´t. I´m a server owner, and all server owners can see if there is a new ban or not. I don´t want to break the rules so i don´t tell any more details about it, sorry.

There where no new global bans since a few days. I don´t know what about the local bans.

I hope this information is enough and ok from dev´s side? Please delet/edit my post when not.


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I'm getting lots of global bans showing up on my server and a few regular players have contacted me to complain about being global banned. I think its safe to say that a lot of assholes were hit by this wave!

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I'm getting lots of global bans showing up on my server and a few regular players have contacted me to complain about being global banned. I think its safe to say that a lot of assholes were hit by this wave!

I noticed that too :) But the ban-db is still a few days old. So the bans must come directly from battleye i think o.O

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I noticed that too :) But the ban-db is still a few days old. So the bans must come directly from battleye i think o.O

Yes, it appears this ban wave was directly instituted by battleye. I haven't seen any hackers since pre-banwave so it looks like it was effective. Please tell me if you have seen any hackers because this means they have a new bypass.

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I'm gonna make an educated guess and say that these private hack companies make a shit-tonne of money from these bypasses. Taking this as given I would say that they have many backups and alternative methods ready for when they get detected. The only deterrent is that the people paying for hacks don't want to buy another copy of Operation Arrowhead.

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I'm gonna make an educated guess and say that these private hack companies make a shit-tonne of money from these bypasses. Taking this as given I would say that they have many backups and alternative methods ready for when they get detected. The only deterrent is that the people paying for hacks don't want to buy another copy of Operation Arrowhead.

I believe most hack sites charge a sub free for like 'premium member' which is a reoccurring fee. I think its about on average $15 a month? But you get all the latest (by latest that means still useable) hacks, and even the special fun ones (aimbot, superjump, ect). There are still 'public hacks' that have a reduced amount of hacks, but its like a tease to get people to buy.

Its a pretty silly community. Most the public people are retarded dumbfuck kids, and the more prestigious members are the more intelligent stuck-up assholes.

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I believe most hack sites charge a sub free for like 'premium member' which is a reoccurring fee. I think its about on average $15 a month? But you get all the latest (by latest that means still useable) hacks, and even the special fun ones (aimbot, superjump, ect). There are still 'public hacks' that have a reduced amount of hacks, but its like a tease to get people to buy.

Its a pretty silly community. Most the public people are retarded dumbfuck kids, and the more prestigious members are the more intelligent stuck-up assholes.

$15 a month would add up real fast, especially now that they all have been banned I doubt a lot of them will be willing to pork out another $20 for AO + $15/month for hack thats apparently not undetectable. Also, I have seen literally ZERO hackers so it looks like they might not be able to bypass this patch =D

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$15 a month would add up real fast, especially now that they all have been banned I doubt a lot of them will be willing to pork out another $20 for AO + $15/month for hack thats apparently not undetectable. Also, I have seen literally ZERO hackers so it looks like they might not be able to bypass this patch =D

please dont ever tell hackers they cant bypass things it just makes them work harder to prove a point

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please dont ever tell hackers they cant bypass things it just makes them work harder to prove a point

You are correct, point taken.

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Show me a unhackable game >_>

I've never seen one, I've seen games that are hard to hack, but it's still possible. No matter how much BE is updated, bypasses will still be done.

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please dont ever tell hackers they cant bypass things it just makes them work harder to prove a point

I'm sure the cash alone is enough incentive for them to bypass things.

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