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xTLRxPrototype (DayZ)

Have this spawn only at night.

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Whoa! How about aliens? Glowing aliens? That would be SO COOOOOL at night!

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That looks like something out of the SCP Foundation. Keter class I would think.

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You people really shouldn't be responding to this, it will get more attention.

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If I saw that in Dayz I would just shit bricks.

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Naah dude, make Crysis 2 Aliens too!! Like , and then the nano suits soldiers come and then we kill em and then we steal their suits and then we leave em naked and then we be invisible and shit and then...

No... Just no ... Lol

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Naah dude, make Crysis 2 Aliens too!! Like , and then the nano suits soldiers come and then we kill em and then we steal their suits and then we leave em naked and then we be invisible and shit and then...

No... Just no ... Lol

You know, I really liked that idea.

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