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Prologue to Dayz

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This is not really a dayz-story, so I had to open a new topic for it.

Time just went really slowly. There were sweatdrops running down jung Major Vasilevichs forehead. He did not like were he was, and he did not envy what was to come in the next minutes, he didn't even know why he was commanded here, but it was his duty to obey. The lamps in the bunker flickered, it was hard to get elektricity working since the infestation began and the emergency generator was on it's limits, but there was only this bunker left of the government. It took only a few days to cause mayhem in the capital city, and all but the military communication broke down weeks ago. The lack of seatings in the concrete hallway forced the Major to stand next to the door.

"Major! Come in!" he heard from inside, so he carefully opened the door. The room was full of objects. There was a map of the whole country, and everwhere there were little red flags pinned to it. Medical supplies were stacked in one conor, ABC-suits and medicaments and much more. The Major doubted that this could help anyone. All around the room were the last newspapers pinned to the wall. But there really were only 3 pices of furniture. A really old-looking desk, with parts of a handguns spreaded over it. The General was busy cleanning and oiling it.

"Sit down already, I got orders for you." he grunted at the Major.

"You are responsible for the Chernarus district, right?"

"Yes, Sir."

"You lost the control there," he raised his voice, "That should not have happened. Chernarus is of major importance!"

"Perdon me, I can't quite follow." the Suprised Mayor replied.

"You know that there is a important wood mill in Berezino, you know how serious that is for the whole human race? No Woodmill means no toilet paper, and what are we going to wipe our asses with if we survive the apocalypse? EVER THOUGHT OF THAT?"


"And the tincan factorys. What are people to do without canned beans? Cenarus also has the highest concentration of sports huntsmen tourism in the whole world. We can't loose that! And the 3 little airbases! Not to mention the historical worth of the courtyside with it's 4 castle ruins!"

"...so, what's your point?" the Mayor carefully asked.

"MY POINT?" The General seemed to explode, "I want it taken back! Immidiatly! Bring all the men you can there!"

"But Sir, we don't have enough soldiers!"

"Then send the Police! Arm them with the best guns you can find! I want a sniper on every hill in this whole country!"

"But Sir, we only have very few trained snipers. Those guns are also very expensive and manufactured in low numbers."

"I DON'T CARE! Arm the regular soldiers with the best guns if that's needed to take back the district! And call for the british."

"The what?"

"THE FUCKING BRITISH! Tell them that they are to send helicopters with elite troops! Make sure they are equipped with the best gear!"

"But Sir, a untrained man can shoot a infected with the simplest guns."


And that's the most accurate backround possible for dayz. My point: 0.5cal sniper guns in a remote area? I think not. Remove the top weapons, make the best sniper gun the Cz and the best assault rifle the AK-SU. Everything above restricts my gameplay experience for the game atmosphere.


Edited by Atanar
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Laughed, and I'm in english at school. Very true though. Not remove all top guns though, there is a military base in the country, bound to be guns, but not such an abundance.

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I would agree with you completely had this been a survival sim, however it is not, you can't really get immersed in the world since it's very simplistic in it's functionality. What this is however (and this is why the elite military equipment is necesary) is a very very very different kind of deathmatch which is much better then the usual online shooters you find these days (imho).

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Laughed, and I'm in english at school.

I am not a native speaker myself, so I hope my writing style and grammar is not too bad.

I would agree with you completely had this been a survival sim, however it is not, [...]

It is supposed to be one (rocket said so many times), only the player made it to a diffrent kind of game. I'd also rather have it more a sim, but that's just personal opinion.

Edited by Atanar

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It is supposed to be one (rocket said so many times), only the player made it to a diffrent kind of game. I'd also rather have it more a sim, but that's just personal opinion.

I would absolutely not mind it if it were more sim, i can have fun either way, but the way it is now, that is not really possible. You get matches, axe, hunting knife, cantine and you can live forever on the peak of a mountain hunting goats and boars that don't even run away. Also zombies are not even a nuisance, i`m more worried about breaking my legs on rocks then meeting ANY number of zombies. It's so bad that sometimes i even use zombies to create confusion while i loot-run cherno and elektro for the basics. Just in case players are around i just "surround" myself with zombies and bring them everywhere with me, they can soak some bullets AND if the other player is total crap i can even use them(zombies) as a weapon.

In any case, in the current state there is no support for anything more then an awesome deathmatch type game. Maybe in the future. As i said, i`m not against any of those types of gameplay.

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Well 3 airbases are bound to have shit loads of weapons, night visions, snipers etc.

I don't think so. Even if it are military bases, in that secenario I would rather expect a lot of standard guns than this spec ops stuff.

My beans for OP.

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Well 3 airbases are bound to have shit loads of weapons, night visions, snipers etc.

They are wrongly called bases. 2 have just hangars and a control tower, and one got 2 small barracs. Together with the fact that even in the US-Army there are only 6-8 snipers in a whole batallion, bedding places for about 20 soldiers and no armoury make your argument ridiciulous.

Let's face it, the high tier guns are only in the mod because it was easy to implement them because they were already there. This would not have happened in a standalone game.

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