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Just killed somebody(atleast i think)

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Hi , im on day 22 and still murdering an shi* but one question , like 5min ago i killed a guy(i think) with a AS50 m107 rounds on 817m so , i see him going down , he was bleeding before cause he got hit by a zombie probably , so he went down after i shot him , i see the shot blast but i didnt get my kill , so i shot him another time , while he was down and that shot hit him too , but still no murder :S i see him like ''dead'' bleeding on the ground not moving. so i think he's dead but i just didnt recieve my kill.

and dont ask me to go next to him to check , cause i will not do that.

I just wanted to ask that is it common for not to show murders lately ?:D

Concerned bandit !

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Some servers disable kill messages.

You'd haft to watch your murder count to make sure. If it is up by one, you killed him, if it didn't, you didn't.

and if you forgot, your fault.

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well it's not :D and the body has been lying there for like +7mins :D double shot him....

and i didnt check the kill message , so i have no idea....

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Maybe the zombie finished him? Not sure as of yet if you would or wouldn't get the murder if you hit a player first and then a zombie then attacks the player to finish them off.

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Wait, so you kill people and don't even go down to the bodies to check for loot?

Edited by Tripp

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