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i just got hacked by a cunt

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i shot this guy down by elecktro in the power station was night time, when i went over to his body, all of a sudden my leg breaks , i hav a concusion n i die, but before i die i see the guy waking up from the dead and he was alone, he wasnt revived, fucking bullocks man

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Are you sure you even killed him? Or did you break his leg and then he shot you?

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We will require more evidence of this supposed hacking to make a verdict here.

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Most people would take away a valuable lesson: don't assume because a guy falls down that he's dead. Put another bullet in his face when you run up.

You are not most people.

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Most people would take away a valuable lesson: don't assume because a guy falls down that he's dead. Put another bullet in his face when you run up.

You are not most people.


Many times have I died because I have assumed that the person was dead. But live and learn.

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bra i told i shot the fucker guy 3 times n it was nighttime he cudnt see shit, thats how i got in position to shot him down, so it took me 5 secs to get to his body, he wasnt awake, then my legs break out of nowhere n i die, the second i die i see him getting up, having sum cool beans fucking cunt

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bra i told i shot the fucker guy 3 times n it was nighttime he cudnt see shit, thats how i got in position to shot him down, so it took me 5 secs to get to his body, he wasnt awake, then my legs break out of nowhere n i die, the second i die i see him getting up, having sum cool beans fucking cunt

Well that explains it all.

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