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map shows enemy locations?

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Something odd happened. The other day I had a map and when I pressed M to bring it up, it was just a map and didn't it didn't give my location or anything. However, today when I got on, not only did it show me where I was on the map, but it showed nearby enemies on my map as well. Is the map supposed to do that? I defiantly didn't have a gps.

Edited by jmido8

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Happens on regular servers as well.

I like being able to see myself on the map, however, I'm not a big fan of seeing other players or them seeing me.

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Yes, some servers show the map markers.

Also, if you put notes, everyone can see them (each 'side' in the original game can see notes, but we are all on the same 'side' in this mod).

Zombies show up as orange I think and say 'Man'.

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