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Would NVG removal be a good thing?

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Well, imo they do night time less interesting.

Be good manner and give me your thoughts :)


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I have only finally got a pair after two months of play, they are too rare. Just keep em.

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coz i started a thread doesnt mean they should be removed, just want to hear thoughts

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Never, it is already enough hard to see in the dark. Less interesting? Well, you dont have to wear them. Its like 2.5% of all players who has NVG anyways.

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Thanks for all the replies :)

Well, maybe it’s only me who thinks the game become too easy when you get em.

I would like to see night pvp with distracting flares and using the darkness as a protection instead of playing like you do on the day, cuddle up at the forest lines.

Really nobody, even willing to give it a thought?

Thanks anyway

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if everyone could get nvg's then that would diminish night time, however, once the devs can stop the hacking (or at least make it REALLY minimal), then their rarity means maybe 1 person on a server has them at any given time. everyone else is stuck using flares, chemlights (which i use a lot), or their flash light as needed.

even though i've never had NVG's, i like traveling distances at night cause zombies almost never aggro and lose aggro very quickly, and other players can't see either.

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Unless we want night engagements to start taking place under 100m or so, no. And if we do, the ARMA engine is not the one we should be using.

The engine that DayZ is built on is made for long range fighting, in the hundreds of meters. When the best, readily available light source we have only illuminates 30m, but is visible from 1km away, I think it's a horrible misuse of assets.

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Removal, no. Anything that takes from the game should be avoided...

You could make it so they require batteries to work... And not just any kind of battery. There it would actually make it so you have to choose when to use it, instead of just going around with them on all the time.

Edited by Deathcall
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i have a FAL w/ NV scope ;)

"I use night vision so there is no way you could possibly remove it!"

Anyway, the only problem with night vision in this game is that it means that NOT having them means death at night and any player with them is 10x more powerful than you. i like night vision, its just unbalanced to the point of stupid unfairness. just make them more common so that people that havent been alive for 8 months can actually last more than an hour at night..

Edited by GexAlmighty
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There is no doubt that on a dark server any player equipped with NVG is virtually in GODMODE when compared with other, non-NVG/thermal equipped players. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. They can literally walk within axe distance of almost anybody. Totally unbalancing. Now that would be ok, if NVG were so rare that you could almost discount them on an particular server.

But as we know, loot farming, duping and hacks have probably accounted for most of the proliferation of NVG in the game. While the loot farming is a valid tactic, it does require a significant amount of teamwork to successfully camp the NWAF for a period long enough to account for the extremely low NVG's spawn rate. This effectively means that the strong get stronger while the weak stay weak, or dead.

The only practical chance a solo player has of obtaining NVG is to either luck across them during a quick hit and run of the NWAF, luck across them at a chopper wreck, luck across them in a tent (almost certainly dupped), or off the body of a well equipped player.

With night servers sometimes so dark they're effectively black (even with Gamma tweaking that will soon be beta'd out), I suspect that very few non-NVG equipped players would purposefully choose to stay on them. I ran for a very long time on night-time servers without NVG, but I admit to gamma boosting because my video card rendered things so darkly. It's a minor tweak that everyone has the opportunity to do, so in my books it's not cheating at all. It's like adjusting your key assignments or boosting your audio.

This has been discussed before. While I'd support a full gear wipe for all players once Rocket has managed to once and for all resolve the duping/hacking issues, until that time it would just make the cheaters even more powerful. I'd recommend keeping NVG until Rocket fixes dupping/hacking, decides to test out new spawn logic or comes up with another reason that satisfies him. Let's all go along for the ride and give him whatever feedback we can.

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batteries or a cool down timer for the NVG's would be an interesting idea. you have to use them sparingly.. you wouldn't be able to just run around all night long with them on.

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I think it'd be pretty cool to not have NVGs, NV scopes, or thermal either. It'd make night time alot of fun/a big anal rape orgy of blind people.

It would give flares and chemlights more value, as well as you'd have to manage your light sources if you're fighting.

Edited by CarloNord

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yes it would be a good idea. once you get it you dont need to worry about the dark anymore. its not scary.

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They're so rare, that it's balanced. How easy would it to be to find a pair of night vision goggles in a small island in the Czech republic during a zombie apocalypse? Just about how easy it is now.

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actually i wouldn't mind this. i never see anyone throw flares or chemlights anymore. i'm all for it, especially if it makes the game more chaotic.

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