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Looking To Trade [Nearly any wep You Want]

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I am trying to acquire at least 1 of every weapon in game. I have most High end, but am missing med / low end stuff. Below is the list of weapons I'm currently looking for.

Currently looking for:

M136 + ammo

M16 acog -- Have one now (thx hybrid86) still willing to trade for another

M4A1 -- no attachments

M4A3 -- no attachments

Have just about anything you might want. M107, AS50, Mk48, M249, M4 sd, m9sd, M14, ghillies, NVG's, Rangefinders, etc, etc, etc.

Please post here what you have and what you would like in return. I have done 10* trades so far with no shots fired but from now on would like to set things up publicly so i have a record of trades for people to see.


Edited by Kydoimos

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Still available. Someone must have a M24 and want to trade up to a .50? B)

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Still available. Someone must have a M24 and want to trade up to a .50? B)

Just had a M24 + 10 mags and was looking to trade for M107/AS50 about 5 hours ago. Sorry I didn't see your post. Good luck with trading!

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No worries man. I know a clan who has a spare, but they have EVERYTHING and dont need another .50... Decided I'd give someone else a try. I'll get one either way ;)

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I would be interested in the SVD Camo if you have ammo for it. I have ghillie suits and might also be able to get a M24 from a tent I looted earlier (I can't confirm if it's still there, though). It might take me some time before I'm able to trade, but feel free to PM me your contact info if you're interested.

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I am looking to pick up an m4a1 camo sd, my best tradeable asset is an M14 AIM. Anyone out there willing and able to make this trade?

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I could see this trade as being a steal. Join a server and bring a friend or two that are next to your location then kill the guy you're trading with. lol

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ok, I want to trade that for a cow that follow u wherever u go

Edited by Guest

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Have a couple trades set-up but have not completed them due to reverse play times. Still looking for a M24 & ghillie, hit me up B)

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I got an m24 with 2 clips if you are willing to trade the AS50 with ammo.

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well..... i dont REALLY wanna trade an AS50 for just a M24 lol... ill think about it :unsure:

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Hey, I really want a SVD camo. I don't have the M24. But I can trade you Ghillie + AS50 with the 5 rnd mags. Let me know if you're interrested. Or another weapon. I have a lot of different weapons in my tents.

- Or maybe a LS85 AWS thermel sight?, M4A1 CCO SD ?'

Also have M107? I got rounds for all of it!

Edited by SurvivorJauss

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I've got an M24 with tons of ammo (10+ clips). Friend has a ghillie suit too but I think he tossed his civi clothes and can't trade it anymore, dunno. Lemme know if you want the M24.

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List of items Im looking for has been updated. Hit me up here!


SurvivorJauss Let me know if you have any of the things i listed, would trade a SVD.

Edited by Kydoimos

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I have an M4 CCO SD & SVD Camo if it interests you, I need some sort of LMG though.

EDIT: Also have a Ghillie.

Edited by *Regulator*Outypoo

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Damn hit Quote instead of Edit...

Edited by *Regulator*Outypoo

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I have an M4 CCO SD & SVD Camo if it interests you, I need some sort of LMG though.

EDIT: Also have a Ghillie.

I have all of those :P

M4a3 cco here looking for nvg

M4 for NVG is a bit steep... Find me something else to add to the pot and you have a deal

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I've got an M136. But I want NVG for it. Or a ghilli

Do you have the ammo for it or just the tube?? If you have ammo, ill trade for NVG np.

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Do you have the ammo for it or just the tube?? If you have ammo, ill trade for NVG np.

I have ammo. One round. (Anti tank or something)

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kk, ill trade for NVG then. Give me about 45mins? Add me to steam to discuss location "Kydoimos" same steam as forum name

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Hey I have a M4A1 Holo w/ M203, DMR,if that interests you PM me and we can do business!

I'm looking for either a MK 48 mod 0 or a SVD camo,

Edited by A Good Samaritan

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